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Everything posted by metisdead

  1. Off topic posts and replies have been removed. Although there is a photo of scaffolding in the OP, the topic is not about scaffolding or the cost of scaffolding, the topic is about: Thailand’s daily wage hike will not necessarily put more food on the table
  2. Some troll posts, grammar police posts and the replies have been removed.
  3. A post with inflammatory comments directed to the other member has been removed. Remember to keep it civil when posting.
  4. A spelling police post has been removed.
  5. Some posts trolling about Trump have been removed.
  6. Pattaya News wrote the article, you can contact them if you would like to lodge a complaint: https://thepattayanews.com/contact-us/
  7. This topic is closed as it was opened for the purpose of race baiting and in violation of the following forum rule: 15. You will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, medical history, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, paternity, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor. //Closed//
  8. Some troll posts have been removed. Please stop using the Laughing emoji as a method to troll other members.
  9. Some troll posts and the replies have been removed. A conspiracy post has been removed.
  10. A post with unattributed content has been removed, it was out of date anyway.
  11. An offensive post has been reported and removed as well as a reply.
  12. Some posts with off topic trolling comments have been removed.
  13. A post has been removed: 17. The ASEAN NOW news team gathers and disseminates news bulletins from Thai and international sources, and republishes them in the news forums for our members' information and enjoyment. Our news team works hard to bring quality content to the news forums and should be respected for their efforts. Comments such as "slow news day" or "clickbait headline" are disrespectful and unwelcome. Such comments will be sanctioned. Original articles, especially in the Thai or foreign language press can sometimes have grammatical mistakes or misspellings. ASEAN NOW is not responsible for these nor does ASEAN NOW have the right to alter content it is reprinting from another source. Similarly, ASEAN NOW is not responsible for any opinions reflected or quoted in reprinted news stories.
  14. Posts with off topic and derogatory generalizations toward the people from the US have been removed.
  15. A post with an off topic video about Philadelphia has been removed, it was unapproved source anyway.
  16. A post with a video from an unapproved YouTube source has been removed: 18. Social media content is acceptable in most forums. However in factual areas such as but not limited to news, current affairs and health topics, social media cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or a government agency, and must include a link to the original source. In some circumstances a moderator may relax this rule and this will be determined on a case by case basis. If this rule is relaxed a moderator will post a public notice explaining the limit and scope of the relaxation.
  17. An incomprehensible troll post has been reported and removed.
  18. An off topic post regarding suicide statistic in the US has been removed. And some more callous troll posts have been removed.
  19. A post in violation of the following forum rule has been removed: 22. You will not discuss methods of bypassing or blocking advertisements on ASEAN NOW, other websites or circumventing any censorship of the internet or other communications by lawful authorities.
  20. An off topic post related to the USA has been removed as well as a reply.
  21. A post with a trolling image has been removed.
  22. Some callous and insensitive troll posts and the replies have been removed. Inflammatory posts and replies have been removed. 40. Any user who feels that any posted content is objectionable is encouraged to immediately use the report button to report the message. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and will make every effort to do so if we determine that removal is necessary. Removal is a manual process so we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. Use the report button only for posts in violation of the forum rules.
  23. A troll post and a flaming reply has been removed.
  24. A post with a trolling meme has been removed.
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