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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Strict laws for foreigners... no laws for netizens.... excellent job RTP
  2. You are right... Nothing is good for Thailand and everybody comes to change its culture..All brainwashing...The truth is Thailand don't want to go forward, stay a conservative country, and as you said yourself already too many tourists.. That is why TAT is promoting Thailand not to come anymore...Your way of thinking is very wrong, but probably no experience in anything too.. There is more than enough work for Thai people and also for foreigners, but Thais don't want to work for a normal wage but want to be paid as a skilled foreigner, but they don't have the skills...Even the Burmese have to come in to work as Thais refuse to do that work.. Have you realized that??? Anyway you have your vision but I have mine and I only see that the country is going further down year after year, and not because a foreigner is working here
  3. what is your point?
  4. The cannabis shops are closed and all the stock went to TAT??? Always seeing pink elephants .... but never hear the truth from them...
  5. That is always... if you study economy it is normal.. rise the price and give a discount... or if you want to raise the price. promote the new price with discount so people get used to the new price.....Nothing is given away for free in business...
  6. Pai is not the place to be... They will notice soon and than they complain.... On the other hand there are much worse things the police should take care of... simple.. black smoke fuming cars, no helmets on motorcycles, kids on motorcycles, weapons and teenagers.. and so many more
  7. Chase all the working people to create jobs for the Thais who don't want to work... Never is told that a business only can hire a foreigner to work if there are 3 Thais working in the business... So small businesses like a small restaurant will never be able to get a workpermit for a foreigner...or for tour guides another job only reserved for Thais... Update the laws please... it is the 21st century not the 19th
  8. What a waste of money... They will not stimulate the economy with this money.. This group should be excluded, but I suppose kids friends and family of the inventors of this wallet scheme want that they got the money too.. But when is group who can stimulate the economy get their money?? people between 25 and 60???? Or is there no money left anymore?
  9. again somebody who want to get rid of foreigners....instead welcoming tan and be grateful that they contribute to the Thai economic and are tax paying.....in spite of many netizens
  10. Ok... please explain to me the Thai culture than..... I am curious and am willing to learn
  11. As a foreigner living 20 years in Thailand, I will never understand the Thai culture.. Even in 20 years I don't know what their culture is.. Friendships are based on money and profits, justice is far away, they can get angry for nothing... in fact the only I noticed is that in fact you have to keep Thais away from you as much as possible.. and live your own life here.. that is the best.. I thought many times I had friends, but Thai people don't know friendship.. and they let you down as soon as they don't get what they want... which can be everything. money, borrrowing something, a tiny discussion, and things that in the western society are no problems, will cost you here the friendship with them. And buying a property what is the problem with that??? Is non of your business why they want to and what they will do with them after they are gone.. That is another thing. Thais are very intrusive in your life
  12. You are too kind... there No justice system in THailand... A Dutch man claimed at the court that he had to paid much more for the same treatment in a Government hospital than a Thai for exact the same and went to court but the judge decided that foreigners have more money so it was ok this double pricing.. And wht do you think about the refusing of bails for the protestors every time... but when a former fugitive is coming back, he is the hero and for his violating section 112 he get bail and even is allowed to visit other countries and get a political job... and the Red Bull saga... and many more cases. Thailand is only based on corruption and the few persons in power who tell the judges what to decide.. Even a Jury could not change that, and the same for the ridiculous banning of MFP and always in favor of the Government parties... No there is no justice system and it is easy as most Thais are low educated and earn just enough not starve and can't even afford a lawyer... So justice system feels safe. The only thing to change things is that the public won't accept it anymore
  13. Yes the youth will surely stimulate the economy with this money 16 to 20 yrs.. Not even adults...This group could be passed to save money for the people who really need it, but of course friends and family of the Government can't be disclosed from the free money
  14. An example why tourism and long stayers are going down.. Again the greed of the Thai and the xenophobia against foreigners are being stimulated by the Thai justice and Government with Anutin at the head. It is said many times , a foreigner will never win from a Thai as that means losing face for the Thai, and foreigners are still seen as rich and coming to Thailand to destroy and change this culture.. Some weeks back it were a family that did not get their house were they had paid for. In Phuket a dispute about people sitting on steps and so on..many more other cases. Anyway the attractive land of smiles as it was is gone already for a long time and the tourists will come but the longstayers will go to other welcoming destinations, instead of Thailand... Thailand doesn't understand the impact their actions have... but that is normal.. there is no awareness here
  15. Again an example that old dinosaurs are not helping the country, don't want change and are so conservative and under influence of the army and elite.....This man is incapable of doing his job... remove him too
  16. It will be delayed as in Thailand everything is done last minute... No link or website available already and still unclear who has to fill in or not, unknown what will happen if tourists stand at the immigration and did not fill in the digital form...how long will the cues be and many more things... So Thailand will not be able to implement it at 1st of May or maybe they do and cancel it the same day
  17. THis man is the cause of all problems simce he came back from Dubai.. Why should he be dropped from the debate.. He is not even an MP so why is he acting as the PM...
  18. You nowhere safe in Thailand.... Even dining can end in a tragedy..and this is just another no needed accident, but with the no-brain-and-non-awaress community you can't expect different
  19. A relieve not a loss for the Thai society
  20. All about e cigarettes... but normal cigarettes are more dangerous for your health... Secondly Did they arrest their fellow policemen who are vaping too?? Same as Government officials, military men,?? Or do they have special privileges?? If they really did their job.... anyway it is ridiculous to do a crackdown now.. You can't allow it and than a crackdown.. How many tourists will such actions cost? There are many tourists who are vaping and they not welcome in Thailand. And TAT screaming we need tourists but they are not allowed to do anything. Having a alcoholic drink between 14.00 and 17.00 impossible or maybe out of the minibar in your hotelroom... Vaping not allowed.. Driving a motorcycle without an international driverslicense not allowed, but most foreigners have a much better driving education than the Thai people... Want tourists... welcome them or decide that you don't want them...and stop with silly crackdowns on "normal" 21st century things like e cigarettes.. Do a crackdown on normal cigarettes too or if you want that people stop smoking raise the taxes make them very expensive.. Same already is be done by imported wines and liquors and other articles
  21. That is where the problem lies... it is not possible to get a vlaid guide license as it is a privilege for Thais only...Outdated work laws to protect the Thai people who are not willing to work and study, but refuse to share work with people who are better educated and willing to work..
  22. Why blame Trump? Thailand is doing the same with all products from other countries.. as example the extreme tax on wines and imported alcohol and other products. Now even Vat on parcels by post... So Thailand is complaining about things they do themselves...
  23. They are deaf already as everyone seems to scream when talking..... A big investigation should be done by an university and the result must be published and I think people would be astonished about the outcome
  24. Thai people are always in one or another way involved.... surely if money is involved. A good registration system who owns what and does what, could solve a lot of problems and also a good working Tax Department... there is a lot of tax to get from Thai people. but the lack of a system and laziness by the officers make that things like this can happen
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