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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Happy to know you now everything.. probably got your education here in Thailand. Your comment on everybody but you knoe nothing about the real life
  2. Leave him, as he has no clue what he is talking about. He wants to be show he knows a lot but it is a hollow barrow
  3. No my partner is Thai and told me myself. And indeed, if you understand some Thai you will hear that you ate talking aboit you, as they assume you don't understand them
  4. That is very easy. Thai is a tone language and we are grown up or used to hear the difference in these tones. That is why it is very difficult to learn. On the other hand Thai people don't like it that your Thai is very good as they like to gossip about you and will change to a kind of dialect.
  5. Do you think so? Where can apply for the best paid jobs? What language do you use if you go on holiday to India or so? Thai is only used in Thailand, English is a global language
  6. I am happy to read how well educated you are and how ill you are informed about Thai people. In my 20 years living in Thailand I never met 1 Thai that could speak vietnamese, Chinese or French. I hardly can find a good English teacher to talk with. My vice director was a Master in English, but our conversations were always in Thai although i always urged her to use English, just as the director of school asked me. And Lao and Khmer people around the borders can speak of course. I am from the Netherlands and I can speak Belgian and German too and even a bit French. But a few wirds is not fluently as you claim. And with the low education standards in Thailand i dare to say that your statement doesn't make sense. Surely not for the majority
  7. I completely agree with you. In my country you have to work en study instead here in Thailand always going to the next grade. It creates lazy people, as nobody ever learned to work to achieve something. I am currently involved in the funeral ceremonies in Thailand and several kids come with the family even M6 students. My family tell them to talk with me, but they refuse,hide,and say they are afraid to make mistakes and many more excuses. How can you evet learn? I had to learn some Thai too and i can help myself, and i make mistakes but without mistakes you never learn
  8. Pai.. not the place to be for foreigners.. now musicians, a few months back the rafting because people weren't wearing a proper outfit and now what will be next? Avoiding the place is better
  9. I don't where you come from or what you do but only a handful of people in Thailand can speak another language than Thai.
  10. The biggest problem in Thai education is the non fail policy. Kids are not pushed to learn as they will pass to the next grade. So why should they learn and do their best to learn a foreign language. Besides that there are many Thai English teachers that hardly can speak English. They are good at grammar but how can you teach to speak English and motivate students if even the teacher is unable to do it. As an example, my vice director was a master in English, but she could hardly speak with me. Thailand want things, but the first thing they need is willing to change
  11. In Europe things are very different if you ever been there...but according to your vomment no experience with it. Or ever tried to ride on a motorcycle without an helmet there?
  12. It isclear that the Thai government will not change any article of the constitution. The army, elite and the ones in charge will never accept the risk of losing power
  13. Than the police has a lot of to do as many Thais every day without being fined, but if a foreigner does it it is payment time
  14. What is fair treatment? If you behave normal nothing is the matter. But no helmet wearing, as an example, is being fined more for foreigners than Thai. No driverslicense same. That is not fair and equal. Same for vaping which is forbidden, but is even done by policeoffers too. Same law, ssme rules but same punishments is not always the same for netizens and foreigners
  15. THanks to the Equal Marriage Bill
  16. Indeed you know me very good.. Try to get drunk to go to your job and see what will happen.. Common sense forbid you to drink, but you don't understand that. I think you never been to a touristic destination where you can't buy a beer in the afternoon if you are on the beach
  17. That is true but that is the same for Big C and LOtus's
  18. THey write civil servants.. Business is something different.. Besides that is solved in this law by allowing to drink between 11 an 14
  19. Drinking during working hours is in all countries forbidden and if they do so they will be fired.. Normal behavior if you are working but in Thailand there is a lack of common sense and although they pretend to be a free country, everything is limited
  20. Even impossible at Makro that is in fact a wholesale shop for other shops... But common sense is in Thailand not available
  21. Implement what you want, but as long as police officers, Government officials, teachers, military and many more are vaping how can you ever enforce this rule.. Much easier is to control it and make it more expensive and just like alcohol a minimum age
  22. In Thailand there are many outdated laws, and this is one of them.. So called to protect kids from consuming alcohol, but what is the effect of it?? Normally students are in school but after 11.00 to 1400 they have a lunchbreak, but than alcohol is available to buy. Reason is easy... There are many parties with lunches and monks for weddings etc and than people must be able to drink, and after 17.00 the students go home and can buy if they want as there is no restriction anymore... So still my question what is the use of this stupid law, that only affects tourist and adults. And drunk driving starts often already after the party at 11.00 as they can drink. Solve it easily. Don't sell alcohol to people younger than 21 and by doubt ask for a id card... All problems solved., as those who living in Thailand and want to drink will get their alcohol anyway, but complaining that tourists stay away is normal with this kind of law.. Going to Spain ], Greece, or wherever and it 15.00 everybody can buy a beer, as here in the heat of Thailand it is not possible and not everybody is alcohol addicted
  23. again detained..... there are no other things the Thai "justice" system can do?? lock everyone up instead giving a big fine,or something?
  24. Happily they have nothing else to do as the netizens are all perfect behaving people, following the rules and laws..Why this kind of hate against foreigners?? example point 4. Overpricing and substandard offerings.......How many people, shops, restaurants, taxi drivers,and many more are doing the same to foreigners???
  25. It is just an example that Thai kids are being learned to be lazy... The non fail policy is not stimulating the student to take efforts in their study, exceptions are there too of course as there are kids who like to learn and study.. In Thai society it is often that a foreigner is not allowed to be a part of the education of the kids that are not his.. I know several cases that there were big problems between mother and stepfather because stepfather wanted to be involved in the education, but mommy did not allow it..A friend of mine as example had a very high score in Toeic 9,8, but his stepdaughter did not wanted to learn with him and her mother did not encourage her to let her husband help her, but said she should better look for a Thai tutor... just to say
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