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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. All about e cigarettes... but normal cigarettes are more dangerous for your health... Secondly Did they arrest their fellow policemen who are vaping too?? Same as Government officials, military men,?? Or do they have special privileges?? If they really did their job.... anyway it is ridiculous to do a crackdown now.. You can't allow it and than a crackdown.. How many tourists will such actions cost? There are many tourists who are vaping and they not welcome in Thailand. And TAT screaming we need tourists but they are not allowed to do anything. Having a alcoholic drink between 14.00 and 17.00 impossible or maybe out of the minibar in your hotelroom... Vaping not allowed.. Driving a motorcycle without an international driverslicense not allowed, but most foreigners have a much better driving education than the Thai people... Want tourists... welcome them or decide that you don't want them...and stop with silly crackdowns on "normal" 21st century things like e cigarettes.. Do a crackdown on normal cigarettes too or if you want that people stop smoking raise the taxes make them very expensive.. Same already is be done by imported wines and liquors and other articles
  2. That is where the problem lies... it is not possible to get a vlaid guide license as it is a privilege for Thais only...Outdated work laws to protect the Thai people who are not willing to work and study, but refuse to share work with people who are better educated and willing to work..
  3. Why blame Trump? Thailand is doing the same with all products from other countries.. as example the extreme tax on wines and imported alcohol and other products. Now even Vat on parcels by post... So Thailand is complaining about things they do themselves...
  4. They are deaf already as everyone seems to scream when talking..... A big investigation should be done by an university and the result must be published and I think people would be astonished about the outcome
  5. Thai people are always in one or another way involved.... surely if money is involved. A good registration system who owns what and does what, could solve a lot of problems and also a good working Tax Department... there is a lot of tax to get from Thai people. but the lack of a system and laziness by the officers make that things like this can happen
  6. Is this a transport for a school??? It looks more a truck to brings pigs to a slaughterhouse... I think Japan did not mean to buy a vehicle like this
  7. No use... in my neighbourhood, the brother of a friend friend from my stepson, died because he was racing without an helmet, 17 yrs old. The whole family in deep grieve but a few weeks later we saw him 15 years speeding in the middle of the road with no helmet... What did he learn from the dead of his brother???And my stepson proudly told us they went to Cha Am on the motorcycle speeding 12okm ove rthe highway.. That was fun... Now I know that stupidity can't be cured
  8. Normal in Thailand.. Hdere in Phetchaburi many cars are driving around like that and every day they have to test it seems and when they use it on the parties or fairs and markets you can here them km far... but with a failing policeforce ... what can you expect?
  9. 14 year olds are not allowed to drive a motorcycle, wearing no helmets and no drivers license.... Many more to follow this week as nobody cares... teachers, parents, RTP... Sadly loss of young lives but if nobody does anything more are following...
  10. For someone who nearly died he is very active ... he should be out of politics but it is all Thaksin we read every day everywhere, and in the coming debate his doings can't be questioned... Strange .. So good block him and lock him up
  11. Thailand is the hub of controlling people.. The alcohol ban sales and buy hours and on Buffhist holidays so so outdated and have no real effect on the Thai people and is only a problem for the Tourism sector. Living in Thailand we know where to buy a beer but as a tourist you don't know. Best solution is end this stupid law and make people responsible for themselves.. Between 11 and 14.00 is only possible because the lawmakers were thinking about parties like weddings and ordination of new monks so than it must be possible to serve a alcoholic drink, but it is a joke to pretend to prevent kids from buying alcohol as schools ends at 16.00 but almost all kid are never at home before 17.00 and than alcohol can be bought again.. Fake reasons Sell alcohol to who it wnat to buy and with a age limit and if the shop doubts ask an id.. all problems solved
  12. as long as we can get rid of these crooks everything should be tried.. I know too but if nobody ever make a statement nothing will ever change... and we all know that the army and the elite will never accept something else as they still keep the power to enrich themselves and keep the country back
  13. It only shows who probably are involved too... RTP is untrustworthy
  14. So again a proof how conservative Thailand is with outdated laws and rules... Happily the court made a wise decision to enter in the 21st century. But of course let it be noted that hair must be decent, washed, and clean. And teachers that can not accept this decision must retire as keeping old ideas are influencing their teachings too
  15. It are the netizens who causes these problems, by not following the traffic rules, and when crossing the street the unawareness of being careful and be sure no traffic is coming.. But in Thailand everybody blames everybody except themselves. The Government should make crossings on speed bumps, but there already people who are against it as they have lowered their car and could cross it.. The question is why did they lower their car?? probably the only answer sportive and speed... but not for their safety.
  16. Maybe a good solution would be a working policeforce for tourists as Thai, and for Thai netizens a proper driving education instead of a few hour attendance of a video show, maintenance of roads and speed bumps and more traffic signs around the roads...But Thailand likes to talk, have seminars and than problem solved without any thing doing. Next day is business as usual
  17. Again of proof of the many lies of this Government... New elections are needed
  18. Surprise surprise..... with MFP the outcome was totally different, but with Mr Thaksin and cronies, the elite and army in power nothing can happen... Shameful democracy
  19. Wondering what a football chairman is doing with politics ...... and Thaksin should be not there too as it is not allowed to talk about him in the debate.. How crazy can things be in Thailand
  20. yes they are no Buddhists but mixed religion and pretend to be Buddhist.. Buddhism is not about gambling, gossip, killing and even drinking alcohol is nor forbidden unless you are a monk..And no other Buddhistic countries there is an alcohol ban on holy days,,,And why can you drink alcohol between 11.00 and 14.00?? Just because there a activities or parties in and around temples for weddings, making you men monks etc etc, and than they give food to the monks and after that the party starts and people will drink with their food.... in a temple or a party were monks praying and eating and that is never a problem for the Thai Buddhist...Hypocrisy
  21. Thailand and Buddhism... Thailand is not a Buddhistic country but a mix of several religions.. Netizens only use Buddhism as an excuse when it is useful for them...Real Buddhists should not kill eachother, but respect lives, have compassion.... not deport people, work on their own live to become better instead of being greedy, jealous, gambling to get more money etc and many more... See todays headlines.... how many people have been killed already.. That is not Buddhism
  22. What a joke..... Modernize the whole alcohol law... sell and buy everyday from a age of 21 with id card by doubts .. Much better than all this kind of so called solutions for stimulating tourism.. This is not working, just because Pattaya and Phuket are tourism spots with foreign tourists and Thai tourism must be boosted in May, but when you are Thai you are not allowed to buy alcohol than??
  23. ASEAN countries were already visa free for Thai travellers..and How many Thais will go to Peru, Panama, Argentina, Brazil etc... O I forgot of course the Thai massage ladies
  24. Of course the public is dissatisfied... Promised the 10K wallet scheme.... still postponed month by month... and what have they achieved or done yet?? nothing.. Even a voting can't pass because there are too less MP's to vote... and the PM is almost never at the meetings.. And everybody is busy with to bring Yingluck back to the country and a former fugitive is doing what the Government should do, but this mane is only doing business for his own pocket... Nothing changed with this Government as it was before.... Thailand is going back in economy, tourism and popularity..... Sadly but true
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