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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Waaw a crackdown again for 2 days and than business as usual... Drive around and see how many black smoke cars drive around and nobody cares... Just a simple new filter and problem solved, but if there is no enforcement no awareness and no need to change why do it?? Checking if tax is paid is more important
  2. It is all about e cigarettes that are in fact less harmful than normal ones... But for the normal ones there is no witch hunt like for the e cigarettes.. Probably the rich and elite who owns these factories are afraid of losing their profits to e cigarettes.. Solve the problem with all smoking and make it very expensive.. People will stop, and the tabacco industry will die out
  3. Where is the Chamber of Commerce for?? All businesses should be registered, without any exception, and it should be checked if they work confirm their contracts.. Illegal hotels would be impossible as all businesses needs an accountant, tax pay, and annual fee for the Chamber of Commerce, register in the place where the business is and in case of condos you only can have one appartment to live in and if you only can rent to long stayers with a contract for at least 5 months, and of course announce it to the immigration.
  4. There should be a permission given for a parking lot in front of you business, door or whatever by the Government.. and the fee is a rent of that space, maybe 20k a year... Otherwise people claim to be the owner of the spot nobody can park anywhere anymore.. Many times you see they block parking space with chairs or pilons or whatever, but the road is not theirs and it should be forbidden to block the space. The police should check if they have permission and than no problem, but agh I forgot... working and enforcement.. Not in Thailand
  5. and she showed too the latest raids by the police in Pai? the problems in Phuket and Pattaya? the scam of foreigners and the long cues at the airport?. It easy only to show what is beautiful and peaceful, but the reality is totally different in Thailand, no matter where you go.
  6. Tonglor again... maybe a proper working policeforce that checks and do their jobs would solve several problems...Or change the police offers who are working there now
  7. speeding on wet roads....Thai driving education and use of common sense.... and maybe even some alcohol involved and of course tiredness as it is early in the morning...
  8. Shocking indeed... just as teachers dress up like women in school acts or teachers who stimulate coyote dancing to their students.. or students who make copulation movements on music.. Thai education is one direction. That does not mean I approve this act, but come on there is so much sex dancing around at temples and festivals and everywhere.. Kids grow up with it
  9. Thai tourism is unbelievable.. They want tourists and when they come there is nothing good about them. Millions flock in and a few don't behave. What do you want? Do you want to be a tourist destination handle it... if not, like in Pai, close the hotels and remove the attractions and no problems... But that will cost you money and that is more important.. so complain and look what will happen.. and than complain again that people ignore you
  10. What a rubbish of the netizens... a tattoo of a Buddha image and they all are hurt in their feelings, but the coyote dancers in the temples when boys are being a monk or with parties is no problem.. Even the copulation actions of the dancers are allowed.. On the temple premises .... and than comment on a tattoo??? Temples and monks are not allowed to party and why are there so many parties at the temples... and why all these coyote dancers with almost no clothes on?? That is Thai Buddhism and allowed?
  11. There is more about the story and she is found already
  12. A new reason to keep masks on... The company will earn millions as so many people never stopped wearing a mask and now the Government start to promote again... It would be wiser to wear a helmet than a mask on a motorcycle, but that is too smart thinking of me
  13. She not much worth than 20K???
  14. Again the mai pen rai attitude is ruining Thailand. If someone buys a condo they must register it on their name and are only allowed to buy one appartment for own living. If they want to rent out the others they should go to the chamber of Commerce and register their rental company and also the conditions for the business, such as max stay, how many people and rent etc. With accounts, and taxes. But here in Thailand everybody can as they like.. so you this kind of situations, just because a lack of rules and enforcements. Corruption and maffia although it is denied on all levels.. and this is the result. And Chinese... yeah if a guest in a hotel can't behave, the hotel has the right to refuse them.. So if they don't do as the management want it, send them away, with or without police
  15. What are public spaces??? alcohol consumption in a bar.. is a bar a public space?? smoking cigarettes on the streets?? is that a public space?? and how about the netizens? They are all without sins??
  16. Israelis even can't behave in their own country...
  17. What are these youngster doing on the street so early in the morning??? Where is the parental guidance and why are they not in bed which would be normal surely for the 12 and 13 year old..
  18. And is the man who made the movie now also fined just like the man this week who filmed the 2 men ?? Besides what is the early hours in the morning? 4 or 5 am?? what are a groep of friends doing on the the beach it is dark.
  19. I have been there once same as Phuket but never again... Indeed to many creepy people and hookers and that is not what I am looking for or want to be associated with
  20. I agree with you, some people don't know how to behave, but that are a a few the most people behave normally. But it seems that all farangs are skunks and have an indecent behavior.
  21. The Thai Pride is brainwashed in schools... Thailand is proud that they were never colonized.. but that also has the effect that they are not used to handle foreigners, other cultures, and other ideas.. They are used to protect their own culture at all cost. Simple examples are that nowadays still there are Thai movies played at temples, with almost nobody there to watch.. same for the puppet plays, And they don't care they just perform even if nobody there. And how about the every day messages on the speakers? Everybody has a mobile, and TV, and what purpose has it? What purpose is it to let cars drive around screaming messages about activities ?? all outdated..And English is not important for Thai.. even Prayuth once said that Thai will be a world language.. Nobody learns anything about history nor from their own country neither from abroad... Everything is only Thailand is the best, And when foreigners come they are being seen as a threat as they are trying to destroy the Thai culture with their ideas. This narrow thinking makes Thais proud as they show they can deal and take care of their own country. But it is the 21st century and by the conservative and protected attitude they will stay behind of the rest of the world.
  22. We have seen in the past months how welcome tourists are.. First for the rafting, now for no T shirts, and other things... Indeed we say you(r money) are welcome, but better stay away
  23. Thailand and computers are not going together... Thailand the hub of failing computer programs would be better than hub of IT. No wonder they want the arrivalcard back and now in digital way.. It will be a big mess probably not ready now before the 1st of May
  24. Stupidity in Thailand is unbelieveable...Everything must be controlled in the land of freedom....as they pretend the name of the country is... Really nothing can be done for fun, ridiculous to fine this.. There are much worse cases to handle than such..
  25. Are the netizens outraged now too??? Or is it only if tourists vape?? There much more wrong with wrongdoings of Thai people than the few foreigners.. But in fact the only ones to blame is the RTP. They should start to work and check, and the people should have permissions form the Chambre of Commerce to start a business, with a businessplan, location and how and what... but there is a lack of everything that is why Thailand is becoming more and more messy.. The mai pen rai attitude makes that people can do as they want, because nobody cares about anything. This is another example.. Why did the school or teachers not file a complaint about what they were selling? Nobody checks anything
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