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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. indeed.. maybe it shows that most rules are outdated or not necessary as nobody needs to follow them......
  2. and allmentioned items are only the tip of the iceberg...and than wondering why tourists don't come anymore...
  3. I think here in lies the problem... There is no clear statement it is not allowed.. You are advised not to bring.....not it is not allowed..Never clear statements, which makes things easy for corruption Whilst the sale of these items seems quite open in Thai street stalls, some shops and markets, tourists may get a false sense of security about the lack of enforcement of the country’s vaping laws. It is indeed a lack of enforcement of laws, and not only about smoking/vaping but many others too.. RTP is too lazy
  4. Why are the tourists notcoming to Bangkok or Chiang Mai???????
  5. It is normal in Thailand bribing, corruption ....If all people had to fill in a taxform for 5 years it was easy to trace who is corrupt and who not.....As we all know that you can't buy a mercedes with an income of 10k a month... so where does the other money come from.. as an example
  6. First of all lawyers can say what they want but as long as the police doesn't enforce any law, nobody will take it seriously what they say. No helmets, no seating in back of cars, alcohol secretly sales, sextoys, bribing officers, illegal gambling, shops/bars/restaurants without right paper and just name it and now they start again with e cigarettes, while a lot of Thai people use them and they are freely available in the country...If you want that people take you serious, than you have to enforce on every law, 24 hours day 7 days a week.. Secondly, vaping is much better than smoking, although still unhealthy.. In almost the whole world it is allowed but Thailand want to attrack tourists, but bans every jpy they want to have.. driving motorcycles, vaping, drinking beer, and jetski/taxi/tours/ scamming....Why do they want tourists?? There are better destinations with less restrictions, as cheap as, and even beautiful as Thailand. Tourists come because you make the difference and Thailand is not Thailand of 10 years ago anymore and so tourists know that too...
  7. Yes I am sure there will be more.. after the promotion of Thailand... Ban on e cigarettes and scam by the police... Visas on arrival are questionable too, alcoholsales hours, and many more " incidents" in the news , thailand will be very attractive for the tourists
  8. A system that only works for ones who have a driverslicense... What do they do about those with no driverslicense?? Make a proper system for every body or none
  9. with all the numbers arrived in the last month... all the tourists arrived after the pandamic and still not even 50%??? Reality shows that all the previous number were made to look good...
  10. talking about loosing face...... This is whta Thailand is.. double standards, as shops with vapers can operate but foreigners are fined... a result we raid a shop somewhere and the other shops continue business as usual..But why is the Government allowing normal cigarettes, but vaping( less unhealthy) forbidden...But weed can be used in soups, food, and free available.. And no comunication as you almost nowhere read for tourists that vaping is forbidden in Thailand... Incredible country
  11. Very quickly... January is not even 24 hours behind us...
  12. Maybe go to a lawyer to find out wht the real law is... Most tis kind of people believe that Thailand is theirs and they have the rights and foreigners have other rights and they are the ones who make these laws..... Happy to hear he is the only troublesome neighbour..
  13. That are probably the expected, estimated, etc tourists, the words they always use which can be added now to make the numbers complete
  14. If in Thailand the music and soundpollution of temples , parties and concert would be halved there was still a lot of noise. Now with the coming elections the cars driving around to vote for a certain list or to give money at the temple should be banned... There is too much noise .. Tv 's in shops and music in shoppingmalls .. No wonder people get stressed and deaf....Ear damage is irreversible.... Enforce strict max DB's and this app will work when it is too late already...
  15. One day action... tomorrow on the roads many cars with black smoke.. Hugh fines as it is the a crackdown again, but In fact people should know already.
  16. I see vapers everywhere, so allow them and sell only above 18 or so....Tourists will vape too and if they don't know that is not allowed they will not come, and stop with the nonsale of alcohol during daytime nonsense..... People should buy when they want and if there is doubt ask for id card...Nothing will change as in rural little shops you always have the possibility to buy your alcohol...and they sell no matter what age, now and they will keep doing it with or without the saleshours
  17. e cigarettes should be allowed, and alcohol sales ban lifted during daytime too... Attrack tourists instead of scaring them off with fines and corruption....
  18. Yes.... if you pay enough... oney is the key that opens all doors always
  19. don't go there as with the first strong winds it can't float anymore... Too risky if you are dining there and weather changes...Venue looks great, but not stable enough
  20. Was fake news not forbidden??? Do they stop for zebracrossings in Chiang Mai, no driving through red lights and the wrong side of the roads, all wearing helmets, no pickpocking? no scam by ....?
  21. A good tax system would help to pay a good welfare system... but as almost nobody (wants)to pay taxes there is too less money
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