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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Another institution that needs a reform... Thai post ... things are soo slowly, get lost, wrong deliveries... not just once but daily.....and the reason??? Nobody can explain or knows..
  2. It are not only the Russians.... Ever heard a Thai band or a karaoke singer?? Much worse is almost impossible
  3. Probably they don't have a clue....just numbers to make things looks good..indeed 7200 Thai tourists are unbelievable low, surely with the New Years break in it..Maybe they only use the arrivals by plane not the minivans and cars.. but again they don't have a clue.. guessing, estimating, expecting... They don't even know how many rooms are available... as they wrote some hotels don't have full capacity...Just read it and leave it
  4. how much do they pay to buy the trust of the public?? Normally it we have to pay them.... So no I am very sorry.... untrustworthy institute
  5. The truth ???? THose who live in Thailand know how this institution is working.....so case closed
  6. The news what people want to hear, say and believe..... Reality is something different
  7. breach the charter is only allowed for the PM and friends... not for his opponents
  8. soft power to attrack tourists... bring e cigarettes and get free rip off
  9. A mouthfulof saying but with no actions... How about Gay Marriage/Civil Union Bill?? Promised but nothing yet... How about freedom of speech and writing?? Section 112 is everywhere, How about immigrant workers who we have seen in the Covid how they were treated?? .. Elections are coming so he must try to show how good he is but he has done nothing so far
  10. It is shameful....How can you ever win the trust of the people if you act like children.. It is your job to govern and finish the term or just stop it and give new elections.. This is a bad sign for the new Government too... Suppose the new opposition will do the same.. how can you work than?
  11. This is just a normal person, who happened to have luck that she is famous in Taiwan... But not neede for a VIP treatment.... She not Royal and need therefore act according the normal rules.. Yes she can have a luxury cab, and a bottle of wine and fruit in her chambre but that is it... No police escort, that everybody has to move for her.. In no other country she can do that
  12. Thank you... so no need for tourists from other countries than....
  13. The leader of the counntry and his childish behavior... walk away when they ask something that you don't like...
  14. I don't understand.. There is no new money floating into the country, but only from one place to another..... Besides, live is getting more expensive, too many holidays, too much householddebts...The latter is even worse for the economy as we all know that many can and will not pay their debts off....Invest in proper salarysystem, educate people to handle their earnings, and stop with pushing people further in poverty
  15. I miss a few people who surely are in the top of the list
  16. So quickly ..... after a few days they know already how much they earned....Athough the auto industry now announces their figures from the past December.... But here they can do it after 3 days
  17. Result of he annoying soaps, broadcasting that violence is normal
  18. It is just child abuse.... Why are people giving these young kids 300 sit ups or more?? They have no brains even for a adult it is very much...Severe punishment for this man and of course fire him....never get a job again...It is not an single case apparently.. he gave kids severe punishments before.. Brave kid that he could do the 300... but still
  19. The biggest problem in THailand are not the laws and fines, but lack of enforcing by the RTP. If the police starts to work an do their job a lot will be improved together with a proper education for a driverslicense. As long as kids are allowed by the police on motorcycles, no helmets , parking where ever you want, even near a traffic light or on a pedestrian crossing, and just name it, you see every day on the road /, you can fine and threaten but everybody knows nothing will happen, as it is a few days and than back to "normal". Policeforce have to work on the streets 24 hrs 7 days a week and not from 9 to 5 and surely not busy with schools in the morning and afternoon. The only task is there to fine the ones who don't follow the rules.....And also I see many times that they stand aside the road for hours if the royal motorcade will pass....No need to stand at 12 o'clock as the motorcade passes at 16.00.... Work!!!!
  20. when does Thailand enter the 21st century??? So outdated to kneel for a political leader....
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