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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. They don't mention it ...... The tourists will find out when they arrive, so no cancellations needed....
  2. Maybe they can attrack Chinese tourists for blood donations and a 3 day free tour as a reward... will do good for the tourist sector and health hub....
  3. Start with decent sexual education in Thailand.... Not keep everything as it is a big secret and shameful to talk about.. Kids will experiment and things like pregnancies will happen... Talk about safe sex and using condoms and for girls especially the anti conception pill and morning after pill...and teach boys that if girls say no.. it means no....and nothing else....And not to forget try to teach them that you only want to have sex the love of of your life....and not give yourself to everyone, because giving your body is the most expensive thing you can give to someone... Everybody wants to have a new cellphone and nobody wants to have old used one
  4. Stupid and probably his money is lost as nobody "knows" where she is or lives now...I am wondering did he never read anything about foreign women and internet relations??? A bit strange for a Dutchman , as normally they do some research....only surf on the internet and you find similar cases....It will be an expensive lesson for him
  5. exact.. so dissolve yourself and make a new party now....Still time to do
  6. Rip to the family of the policeofficer.. Someone who did his work and got killed by a......Yeah driver instructor... I am wondering how he became one... Stopping on the highway for fishing, no license plate at the back of his car, drinking and drugs, speeding, and switch lanes to avoid to be arrested and deliberately cutting the policeman's way off....If that is an example how to drive no wonder so many accidents happen...
  7. Why wait for the decision?? Dissolute it now .. no party, no verdict and make a new party with the same members... That is how it works in Thailand
  8. The first step to be taken is abolish the law that forbid sex toys before you can promote them...
  9. To retire we don't need international schools.... apart from that there are many place in whole Thailand where you live quietly and in a nice enviroment and cheap....Happy i never have chosen Phuket....But Thailand is focusing on Chinese now....
  10. Are Chinese the only tourists that counts?? this isthe third article about Chinese Tourism.... Westerns not welcome anymore?
  11. Cash money in Thailand..... never to be trusted... The florist did not know???
  12. I am always wondering why there is such a resistance of everything to do with sex in Thailand..while the whole country is full of it.. penissen in money baskets on the market.. fallus symbols on the roads.. coyote dancings and copulating movement when they dance... but sextoys not done, sexworkers not in Thailand, sexual education.. too shy to talk about it.....i am just wondering why why why why.....What are the problems with sextoys???
  13. Yesterday I have read an article that vaping and e cigarettes are not forbidden in Thailand https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/no-vaping-and-vapes-are-not-illegal-in-thailand-heres-why/
  14. I believe that there are more accidents.. but 10 a day with foreigners involved seems a bit much....There is no mention of other accidents without foreigners
  15. Average of 10 accidents a day???? Seems a bit high for only foreigners involved..... Now there is work to be done to protect the foreigners..... Motorcycle rent shops can't gie a bike if you can't show a valid international driverslicense, a good insurance and a good helmet..... If they don't follow the rules close the shops...
  16. Probably to make them look bad and better vote other ones.. I think they are afraid the Move Forward Party get many votes and will be the biggest party.....To prevent that write only negative things about them
  17. Another article quotes that the real tours of Chinese don't meet the expectations... so the only way is up with the new tourists and down with the expectations...
  18. As usual, no clear signs anywhere in Thailand... and if there are signs everybody ignore them.. except if a foreigner does the same there is a fine...... and of course the RTP takes advantage of it.. Maybe if there were more lawsuits in court things could change, but again we have read many times... verdicts are almost never in favor of the non Thais
  19. The truth hurts and mostly it is hidden by the ones who do things wrong, but this man has the courage to speak out and bring things out.. Wish there were more people like this....
  20. Thailand has more than enough plastic waste by their own.... no need to import more
  21. Solve these problems with banning travelling at night in minivans... drivers are often tired or sleepy as driving in the dark is more difficult...And when will they get a decent rest???
  22. In the future....... that can be a long time.....happier with the polluting diesels.....
  23. last Sunday there were a whole group of streetracers on the highway laying flat on their scooter no helmets and speeding more than 100km an hour... No police to be seen... maybe a better punishment would be confiscate the motorcycle and fold it in a crusher before giving it back...They act totally irresponsible for themselves and other users on the roads... and besides that the Government could implement that these scooters can't drive faster than 50km an hour....but ok I know this is Thailand
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