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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. So it seems time to end the mask wearing.. announce it....and who has thought that Chinese tourists would be more infected?? same as during the pandameic.. Numbers are unreliable...The only thing that I believe is that Covid cases are less
  2. and the THB rising and rising... till it is too expensive and the economy will suffer the consequences
  3. No show up, no payment would be much better nowadays.... They have a job to fullfill and if they don't do it,they don't need the payment too....
  4. How can you function if the MP deliberately boycot all meetings... Don't pay them and dissolve the house
  5. Just name the touroperator and the punishment will be done automatically by the public....
  6. Soft power to attrack more tourists... no scams in Thailand.... and as they write...."The tourist said to local Thai media that they were upset with relevant authorities that they have asked for help." again good promotion for all parties... touroperators and RTP..... Stories like this are being told when they come back from holiday to family and friends.... promotion of Thailand as wonderful country???
  7. Hmmm.. Pattaya, boat problems, Phi Phi and now Phuket.... 300 THB entrance fee per 1st of June to invest in tourism....A long way to go
  8. 20.000 THB seems a lot of money for Thai people, but Westerns often have more valuable items.. A luxury watch and bag, gold and diamond rings and necklace etc... They should raise the amount to 50.000THB or so...
  9. I admire these young hungerstrikers and I really hope that they will not die...because if so I think there will be a big problem in the country....
  10. I can imagine.. I hear sometimes singers too that I want to take away the micro or slapped them....
  11. Maybe first teach them to stop... I saw many times that cars and motorcycles at a checkpoint didn't stop at all when the police pointed them to put the car/motorcycle aside... They just drove on and the police was watching them go..... And I am wondering why tourists must be named....Just to look good??
  12. Forgot to mention the 250 MP's that were installed to protect the non democratic government...
  13. They forgot to count the people who are in jail for section 112? they forgot the impact of protests with chemical watercanons?, Democracy in corruption??? I believe fake news, to feel good for the Government
  14. difficult story... Eu has euros, Us has dollars, why split the money spent in Vietnam and not in Thailand where the tourists spend their money and why a compare with Vietnam of 2019??? just a few questions...Staying 13 days and 15 days maybe to do with time differences??
  15. They should be hapy that the lights are 240 instead of 450.... in this article the hotels are almost fully occupied 85% if there were 450 flights where would the put people in???
  16. vaping forbidden, cigarettes can be sold, freely, cannabis, no problem, other drugs 1 tablet no problem, selling vapers etc no problem, foreigners.. charge them...
  17. Freedom of speech and write??? more laws... only what the Government approves can be broadcasted?? Sponsors on TV for what... not for the quality of programmes, lower than there is already is almost impossible...so who is filling the pockets again??.. Please stop these unuseful laws.. They don't add anything....., And if the media is really concerned please investigate deeply and bring it out free and without restrictions, but they don't dare it as it can cost their license
  18. something new.... need a toilet....passed several stations already as there are many
  19. again arrivals are no tourists... My partner and I entered the country already one time this year and we will do again for sure 2 times..... So we will be counted as 6 people... but we are no tourists
  20. kids never a holiday or freetime in Thailand.... School/ special classes/homework.....No time to let the brain relax
  21. Can't compare... Salaries and wages are a bit higher too in the UK or not?
  22. billions and billions as we have to believe all the numbers....and than tomorrow tourism is not even 50% of 2019 before Covid..... Believe what you want to believe...
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