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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. who want to work for 350 THB a day at least 26 days a month and working hours of 12hrs or more a day???
  2. sure ...read the article of Joe Ferrari... and besides that 43 offences of which ??? 43 victims?? In Thailand they can find stick to hit a dog even if there is nothing .....even can be convicted for not helping someone who is in need...open your eyes please.....
  3. in 15 days 67.000 a day....2790 in a hour 24 hours a day.... Immigration will get overworked
  4. 80.000 for repairs 100.000 for administration costs and other unexpected payments
  5. Organ donations are common in the Western world.. New invention for Thailand?
  6. The punishment is more severe than killing someone... Joe Ferrari case, and others too.. I think laws should be updated. They are outdated and sometimes punishments don't fit the crime..
  7. Sure... Huh... Myanmar and Cambodia have so amy rich people that they come for medical treatment for an average of 35.000 THB???? Amazing....
  8. The whole world is suffering of slowing down economy, but Thailand is almost back to normal.. Happily the Worldbank has some common sense....
  9. May start with a lot of bins and educate the people to put their trash in a bin. But mostly you can't find a bin if you need one...
  10. Yes they can, but they don't want... If they made a fund of the 45.000 million THB of the licenseplate auction, there is plenty of money to do
  11. Fighting with the muslims in the South, but a halal food country as soft power....
  12. Maybe that is the reason why the tourist sector is struggling....
  13. A little bit far and an expensive flight for a night in a cheap hotel..Thailand has lost its glory it once had and it needs a lot of work to restore it, if it ever can be restored....
  14. Yeah sure they come for THai food with coke because alcohol is not available during daytime... and of course the massages are very popular especially the happy endings. But all the rest is not real news and only to create a feel good thing...Maybe a good real survey would help
  15. Can't agree more.. stop with the ban of alcohol sales. Ban it after 2 am.. Problem solved for nightlife too...Everybody has an id so if you want to buy show your id by doubts... and what are holidays if are not allowed to buy alcohol. Drinking is possible as everyone buys it days before.. So if you can drink, why ban the sales?? it is useless....
  16. a parliamentary democracy.... indeed the party with the most votes wins forms the Government. However in Thailand is much manipulation of votes because certain persons want to be/stay in power, that it is very difficult to choose the ones you want. Vote buying is normal, although nobody admit it and the losers can't and will not take their loss and a new coup is waiting again. That is not a democracy, as Mr Prayuth said.. Thailand has its own democracy, you can't compare it with others...To get a real democracy powers of certain people and organisations should be limited.
  17. If people can and are willing to pay so much money for a license plate, I think something is very wrong. While other people have to struggle to make ends meet every month, a daily minimum wage of not even 350 THB a day, it is just shameful to show off with so much money for a license plate... It doesn't care were the money is coming from, it is just shameful that there are such rich people that they can afford it
  18. That they are always above the law or they bend the laws with their envelopes.. And not working for the country but for themselves.. No examples??? They should learn yes, but the reality is different as I wrote.. In Thailand nobody learns
  19. With all respect, but people older than 80 CAN die , for them who don't know. And if they are no vaccinated, there is a reason for, or it is ignority, because in 2 years time there was chance enough to get vaccinated. Probably all ghe deceased had underlying health problems, but that is not mentioned.. More information should be provided, but nothing to panic about now.
  20. I think you wrote more.... and my comment is not for the red shirts on street in Bangkok but what you wrote next
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