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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Another example of a failing policeforce.. In my country when there is a lot of noise the police wil come and give a warning. If there is no stopping the polce will show up again and confiscate the installation.... and a big fine.. It is for everyone, concerts, karaoke bars and individuals.. no exceptions... But here in Thailand, the only answer you get is that they have the right to have a party, or that the must earn a living...and the RTP can play on their mobiles futher.....
  2. Only question is when is winter in Thailand??? It still very hot and we are not living in North America and Northern Europ where it is cold rainy / freezing and snowy...
  3. As long as there is political instability, cq Government controlled by the Army, and a special democracy as we could see last week again, the USA will be friends but keeping Thailand a bit on a distance.. Never knowing what will happen tomorrow. So amore missed opportunity for Thailand
  4. Kids should eat everything or at least try to taste. They have indeed to be educated by their parents. Let them to do as they like will only make uncontrolled kids..
  5. I don't care .... I live my life, with or without Thai Anthem... that is soemthing for the Thai people
  6. Maybe it is start to get a normal life instead the brainwashing... It is no use too as several years ago people stood still, but nowadays nobody anymore... It only shows how far the country has gone done
  7. OMG nuclear power and waste in hands of Thailand... It is asking for troubles
  8. International yes..... But this is Thailand and only on paper freedom of speech and expression. Reality is totally different, but the world will know this. It is soft power to attrack tourists apparently hehehehehe
  9. Just wondering why the head of the country did not open this important meeting
  10. The police cq Thailand is showing their real face now in how to deal with free democratic demonstrations... Rubber bullits without reason.. How to make people more angry? How to loose control instead of coming with solutions. Now it is working as a snowball .. unreasonable action get reactions and so on
  11. They could have prevent demonstrations. If Mr Prayuth announced to step down after the APEC summit, if the Government approved the Gay Marriage, there would be already a lot of tension gone by the protestors, but no... thePM want to keep his job although he doesn't want it, as he said himself, delays in decisions, and so will only keep the demonstrations going on.. Or am I the one that sounds stupid?
  12. The Government did not do anything to prevent demonstration... He could have announced to step down after the summit, he could hava approved the Gay Marriage Bill, as a few examples to take the pressure off, But instead of keeping his which he doesn't want and delaying all kind of decisions, the people feel they are not being heard and that causes always problems
  13. Most countries have arranged everything already for months.. here it is still probably, as usual nothing arranged unless 1 or 2 days ahead...And still unknown
  14. How would that come?? Maybe travelling family or employees, press agents, crew of the private jets, etc of the people of the summit. Maybe they pay or are being invited too and the Government is paying for them??? Big business than
  15. But they will do everything to get their climategoals.... Maybe start here instead of Government overluxed cars
  16. Yes it will be booming all very expensive luxury electric cars who only the rich can pay.. The common people who are in 97% of the country can still pollute. It will be a big difference for the hub
  17. probabbly more cancellations will follow... as we know from the beginning of the anouncements who will attent
  18. Underaged kids should not have the possibilty to open a bankaccount except with permission of their parents... If the bank would open these accounts they are responsible too
  19. Why will he not leave now than?? If you have a job that you don't want I wold quit be he is everything to keep it.... even longer than original allowed..
  20. The truth always hurts... But the children in power can't accept critics..
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