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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. Thai immigration is always a problem, delays, or anything are said to make the problems, but with slow working officers, a lot of administfration at the desk, it will never improve. Why is in the EU or a lot of other countries never a problem  But in Suvarnabhumi always long queues ... Last time we came back on 6 October and it was the same problem.. No delays no extra flights but a crowded area at the immigration.. and it takes a time before you passed them.. In 2023 it is not updated yet although they want more tourists, but 30 minutes to enter is far too long....

  2. No wonder.. The Makro is a wholesaler too but it is impossible to buy beer or alcohol before 11.00 am or after 2 PM till 5 PM...  Besides that the quality of most wines are terrible and far too overpriced. and with less European tourist coming and staying alcohol sales will go down. 

     Reduce the tax and stop with the alcoholsales ban and things will be better. Example we went to Europe and a bottle of Porto wine was only 8 euro so say 320 THB. Here in Thailand you have to pay for the same bottle 1290 THB....4 times more... The greed of the tax  the offices.. In a restaurant we had a very good wine for 15 euro a bottle.. that is 600 THB Try to find a bottle drinkable wine here for that money... imposiible.. all Chateau Migraine quality

  3. 1 hour ago, mfd101 said:

    There's a parliamentary process to be gone through, not much different from many other parliamentary processes in Western countries - 1st, 2nd & 3rd readings, then committee work to reduce 4 drafts to one, then off to the Senate for its rounds. It's the latter that will be difficult, but of course the current Senate has a quite short life expectancy ...

    That is not the problem.. The problem is that they come with big news that no news is at all.. In 2020 was Prayuth saying that he would make a legal relationship for same sex couples as a gift after the Gay pride than. But after many hearings committees etc are we now 3 years further and again big news.. Parliament approves Same sex marriage.. 4 bills approved... and now they have to make 1 bill of it, again takes time, again delays son in totally 20 years we are not any further.. Thailand would be the first Asian country that have same sex marriage they have shouted in 2017, but in the meantime there are already 3 were it is possible and Thailand still nothing...Why make such a big headline why congratulate the LGBHTQ community with nothing?? I had expected that it was approved, in 2 weeks a second reading and possible from 1 February on. But now there will be several delays again.. I have wrote many times.. They promise but they don't really want it

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  4. deja vu.. Prayuth had promised after the Gay Pride to arrange the Gay Marriage and it was accepted in the parliament. However after many committees and readings and delays still nothing. Now again first reading and accepting 4 bils.. They have to merged to one and it will take again months, and delays that I don 't dare to hope that Gay Marriage will be possible in 2024... They should have voted yesterday to accept one law and gay to make gay marriage possible on 1st of January 2024 or.. so  but this in Thailand.. nobody dares

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  5. 1 hour ago, Pouatchee said:


    Totally! I cant believe this total disregard for the citizens of this country. It is a shameful sham.

    My wife is working and in 5 years she only got 2 jokes of a salary increase. No providence fund and no contribution to a pension plan. Were i not there there is no way she could survive.


    Disgusting way to take care of your citizens


    But ikke1959 i still dont understand your 1st post. It seems like you agree with such a pitance... or that is how it reads






    I think you misunderstand my post... I know 15k is too less, but it is much more than the 370 THB a day nowadays. There must be a start.. Monthly salaries for 6 days a week working.. Companies will cry fool as it is too expensive, but they have to do it...and with so many holidays and extra days off people on dily wages have to work or don't get paid either. with 15k a month at least they are free and have their salary paid. Ok not much but a salary of 500THB a day is better than 370 I think.. It is just a start 

    • Confused 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

    What does a schengen visa have to do with Thailand do want them to mandate travel insurance like during Covid? 

    Nothing more than a redundant waste of time and money for those of us who are already fully insured from sickness or injury regardless of global location or reason thru mandatory insurance provided by our “corporate overlords”

    just as an example.... Tourists should know they need always a travel insurance...travelling without is the stupidest thing ever...

  7. 9 hours ago, Trippy said:

    Decent? 6 days a week for 15K a month, would you work for that?

     It is a start......at least better than they have now .... No I am from Europe where the people fought for their rights and were brainwashed. maximum 6 days a week working and not more max 8 hours a day... But here they shout it is unaffordable too expensive, but how much money is in the pockets for the top? They could miss a bit I am very sure

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  8. 10 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

    doesnt even start to compete with inflation rate. 



    try to plan a retirement on that or try to raise a family.


    370bht a day 6 dathe minimum wage should be idiculous salaries.

    i wonder how much the big fish from the tripartite get paid.



    That is why minimum wage should be 15k a month..... who the hell can live of not even 9k a month with prices only going up??

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