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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. On 1/20/2024 at 6:54 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    A couple of two man can't have babies. And a couple of two woman can't have babies. It's nature.

    If any of them want to live with each other, let them do it.

    But when babies and children are concerned, then the first priority should be those babies and children. To have an optimal start they need a mother and a father. They don't get that in a same sex relationship so they will grow up handicapped. Why should the state support this?


    Maybe next a 70 year old person wants to hire a surrogate mother. Would that be good? No way! So don't do it! 

    said a man  from the stone age... Sorry that you are so badly informed

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  2. 3 days there was a party of a ordination of a monk ... There was so much noise and music in that temple more than 5 km away that we had to raise the sound of our television as it looked like they near our house to party. Phetcharat hospital was near the party scene and it is a shame that people don't have the brains that so loud music not only is giving eardamage, but how about patients in a hospital.. and nobody will do anything about it. This Saturday there is a Likae show planned in a temple and it will be the same again and than there is a temple nearby a 9 day party .... Complaining is not done and Thais complain but don't inform the officials... There should be checking by the police and they always turn on the volume more after 10 pm instead of playing softer....  

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  3. Thai education can not be fixed with money but with a totally new system. As I wrote earlier kids should be obliged to study at the nearest school at their house... with 14.500 small school it must be possible to achieve that. benefits for the kids they can sleep longer are at home earlier and have more free time. Secondly no 50 kids in a classroom anymore ..hHow can you teach some one if you don't have time to help the student. No more extra classes after school allowed and in the weekends special classes. Teachers should be able to do their job in the time of school, and not giving extra classes, where most of the time kids do their homework, or get extra points because they pay teachers for extra lessons. Than the always pass  policy must be banned. Kids should learn that if you want to achieve something in your life you have to work for it. I have seen a lot of kids who didn't do anything in classes during the primary school, but always passed to the next grade. Stop with that. and also stop with all the wasted times of practice for this and that while most of time they are be told what they have to do and what the director expects from hem but they are sitting the whole morning or afternoon in the compound ding nothing. and also stop with boyscout in schooltime. It should be on a Saturday and for those who want and not in a school. And I haven many more

  4. 4 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

    Why you are so negative? So destructive?

    Give the government a chance for change.🙏

    I am not negative I am realistic... What have previous Governments and RTP achieved? How many times a crackdown on black smoke cars? How many times prohibited burning ricefields?? and how is was the enforcement of it after 2 days??? Don't forget we have the same government with Pheu Thai as extra party and that is a party that has proven not to be trustworthy yet

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