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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. An upper income of 600THB no paid holidays and a pension of 3000THB. A month? Good luck. I see it differently as many here think that wage raise will make things more expensive. I don't think so. Now there are as example 4 people working in a car wash. At 400THB a day is 1600THB for the owner to pay. But when the salary will be 600THB a day he will pay for 3 people 1800THB.he will fire one and the personnel will be working better and harder than playing on their cell phone to keep their job. Not much more expensive for the owner and the ones fired can do other jobs instead of the immigrant workers. Same for many other stores, where there are too many people employed for playing on their cell phone or talking. Changes must be made
  2. An upper income of 600THB no paid holidays and a pension of 3000THB. A month? Good luck
  3. I am not female and much older than 14 years, so I don't wear a mask
  4. It is nothing new as a resident you have to pay tax over your income in Thailand. So far no problem as I had to pay more taxi my home country. The tax in my home country is giving me the paid tax back, if I can show that I pay here. But there will be changes and I can't get my tax back anymore. I will not tax inThailand, because there is also a tactile here that you don't need to tax if it are Savings. So I keep my money on my account in my home country and transfer it a few months later... Problem solved
  5. Everything should be done to prevent MFP being part of the government. They are a threat to the sitting establishment. And the pheu Thai..... they showed their real face already and now again. They are really bad losers. But the MFP is the only party that would have helped Thailand and it's people. Not the ones now in power, they only will enrich themselves more
  6. Some years ago King Power was accused of selling fake goods in the airports. So who knows what this is in reality
  7. Everything must be done to get rid of any influence of MoveForward it seems. A lot of negative news all the time, while it is the only party that could help Thailand. All others as we see are doing the job for their own good
  8. Bravo.. The man should be decorated. He is an example for many Thais and I hope his action will be a inspiration for others Thais to do so. They can't sue the man for defamation or so Lol
  9. Maybe Thailand could start to set up a real good social security system. First let everybody register where they live and what job they are doing and let them fill in a tax form. The government can see who is earning what in which job, and how assets they have and can collect tax according. Now they have no clue at all as we have seen already in several cases last weeks. Than you can chance things but how can you change what you don't know
  10. Several years ago Thailand would de the first South East Aswan country that would introduce Gay Marriage. More than 10years are passed many committees have look into it.,and still they can't take a decision? A new forum have to come? Why just not saying we don't want it. Much easier than giving false hope.
  11. There is a witchhunt on the MFP it seems.. They can't do anything good.. All negative news.. while there is a lot to say about the new Government and senators that is much worse
  12. In fact nothing news. It was already and I wrote several times I had to pay tax in Thailand. Cheaper than in my homecountry. But now my country is going to change the taxagreement with Thailand, so that we have to pay tax in my country and not in Thailand anymore. However Thailand did not approve it yet. maybe shortly and that is more expensive for me
  13. i am wondering if it is an obligation. and what if somebody refuses ?? There is something as privacy and is this not against Human rights?? Nobody has to know my weight. but if it is only for the weight in the plane, they should enforce the maximum weight of luggage and handbags too
  14. Is Thailand a modern world?? The people are being brainwashed from birth already that Thailand is the best country, the Elite and higher ranked persons should be respected and listened too, so an arguing with your boss is not done, in meetings it is like in church. The director speaks and everybody listen and nobody dares to say something. In such a country controlled by money, the people believe, as their religion obliged, that changes can be made peacefully. But there is no information about other countries, how they fight with the Government. Even protests here in Thailand are not or almost not being broadcasted. How can you expect a big uproar as in other countries?? French revolution articles are banned in Thailand.. It is not my call, but if there are no victims, nothing will change.. I was holding my breath last year when the hungerstrikers were at the edge, and it seemed that nobody cared. If they had died, Thailand would look different already
  15. Thailand should make a charter with a few simple basic rules, like the American constitution and which can't be broken by anything, instead of after every coup a new charter. In the new constitution should be mentioned that coup/high treason is capital punishment in public..... period without clemency.
  16. Background checks??? brown envelopes?? how is it possible that he could even be nominated for this position or as MP.. It is far worse than a few mediashares
  17. In France in 1789 and in Belgium 1830 the elite and the Government did almost the same as they are doing here in Thailand. A revolution ended it and that will cost no money but human lives. It is a sacrifice that is made for big changes unfortunately. It can go but you here more and more people complaining why they voted, that nothing is changing,and things are going worse every year. It will take time but it will happen. A coup could trigger it and I think the army knows it. That is why they come with all kind of financial help, as in Thailand money is important, but it will not solve the problems
  18. It was to be expected.. Th CC has done its job again.. delay the decision and wait a long time...block decisions and action and see what happens... the one who they want get rid of is very smart and goes himself because he doesn't want to hold the country back....I am wondering how long people will accept the games of the CC Ec and Government
  19. Money has to go, who has the business for this not working program...But who cares about the education the money it is what is counting
  20. And today a story of an inmate with stomach cancer in critical condition who is urged to go to the hospital by his lawyer.. but he jailed for section 112 and probably don't have money.... All same treatments??
  21. Because ghost are the bad spirits that didn't enter the hereafter yet...or they are demons...The good ones we never hear of
  22. In Thailand loves equals the amount of money you have... Everything is about money, how much did you pay for it? how much do you earn? how much does it cost? etc etc if you talk with someone. Always rmoney is involved and as foreigners still seem to be rich ( which the Government keep to say too by double pricing as "they" have more money") the asks for money will be bigger.. I would say although I love her very much i will look further maybe there are others who don't love me for my wallet
  23. It is called schizophrenic or possession maybe or maybe drugs that they hear voices.. happens all over the world
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