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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. It will end as a misunderstanding. Nothing will happen, he is a police chief. We saw earlier that senators will help their friends too and so is the police
  2. Unfortunately Wise cards are not possible in Thailand, only if you have a residence address in your home country. If not, no cards possible
  3. The truth can hurt, but that is not always defamation. Outdated laws that can be used for everything should be all reviewed. Protecting people is ok, but over protecting or use a law to hide the truth is wrong. I know several laws more that be revised
  4. Strange that almost only in Thailand there are so many accidents with escalators. Maybe lack of maintenance?
  5. Thailand should be happy. In several parts of the world Chinese tourists are not so welcome, as they make a lot of noise in the hotels, at buffets the take what they can't eat all and have lots of commands and demands. Why is Thailand so keen on these people?
  6. Good looking what has it to do with a crime? Are only ugly people committing crimes? Are all criminals ugly?
  7. because now it is totally different than previous times. Only useable in a radius of 4km around your registered house. Imagine people from the Is an living in Bangkok. Where could they spend their money? Travelling back to their house every month? Just as an example
  8. Sure spend money on committees,and referenda, with laws and words that no one understands, about laws that are so unclear that the constitutional court have to decide every time That is waste of money.
  9. I thought it was already 1 am. But people can be happy easily
  10. Pita could form a government. Why are they constantly saying he failed? It were the elites and the senators that prevented that Pita was elected as PM. Besides that persons behind the screen, don't want a civil government. And Phew Thai was and is corrupt as we can see go Thaksin is treated.
  11. Wat a joke... They can't even take the black smoke cars from the roads in all these years. Start with cleaning the car park. Get rid of all cars older than 25years and stop selling petrol cars but only electric ones. O sorry this is all a misunderstanding
  12. Good. This law is outdated and abused by the Government. Praying always talked about critical thinking, but when people do, they are jailed.
  13. The night is for the bad ones. Besides the government wants to get less traffic deaths, enforcement of alcohol selling hours in day time nut at night no problems. Too tired and or drunk drivers is the result. And tourist who come to spend the night for drinking are not the quality tourists they want.
  14. You. Are only allowed to make them out of concrete or build them in rice fields or put them in a basket of money at the market. That is allowed but not for use in the bedroom
  15. All reactions show that nobody has any experience in Thai classrooms, nor that know anything about the behaviour of Thai students in a classroom. Besides that it is common practice and there are no other options for teacher to punish that are accepted. I am happy to read that the kids of foreigners seem to be angels.
  16. Doomed to fail. how is it working? People registered in the blue family book? Many are not living in these places. Spending 4km from your house? Only a 7/11available in dome areas. Old, disabled, handicapped or poor people who don't have a smart phone or are unable to go to a shop? And the list can go on.
  17. The poor innocent student and the bad grumpy teacher. Or is it a spoilt child, that thinks he can do what he wants with rich or influence parents?
  18. Is it not the duty of the police to protect the people? Why should they be rewarded an be named as heroes as they just did their job?
  19. The shooting incident will not have a big impact on the tourists. So TAT you have to do a lot more to attrack tourists again. How about stopping scams, double pricing, see wallets instead of tourists, become the land of smiles again, stop chasing tourists for vaping, get rid of the alcohol sales hours and stop blaming tourists for every thing that goes wrong, as Anutin did several times.
  20. What happens if the paid tax is Much more in the home country than in Thailand? Thailand will deduct it too?
  21. How on earth can he get a weapon? 14yrs old? He should be in school an( under supervision of his parents. RIP to the victims, but a shame for Thailand that such young kids can do this. This is not America
  22. In the real world, everybody is allowed to choose which guest are welcome and who not. The government of that country will not interfere,as it is a part of the habitats freedom. Thailand has only rights for the rich,high ranked and famous, so now they feel hurt. Thailand should enter the real world in the 21st century instead of keeping their old fashioned and outdated laws. Rights are for everyone the dame they shout, look at Thaksin,but the reality is totally opposite
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