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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Because ghost are the bad spirits that didn't enter the hereafter yet...or they are demons...The good ones we never hear of
  2. In Thailand loves equals the amount of money you have... Everything is about money, how much did you pay for it? how much do you earn? how much does it cost? etc etc if you talk with someone. Always rmoney is involved and as foreigners still seem to be rich ( which the Government keep to say too by double pricing as "they" have more money") the asks for money will be bigger.. I would say although I love her very much i will look further maybe there are others who don't love me for my wallet
  3. It is called schizophrenic or possession maybe or maybe drugs that they hear voices.. happens all over the world
  4. Every day the same news only the dates change, but in my province hardly any rain. we still have to water the garden, although the forecasts always predicts 40-60% rain
  5. If someone wants to be a criminal it is very hard to keep him/her from doing that.. But there are more non criminals than criminals.. and Chinese they are decades known for their maffia all over the world so keep the visa system intact for them just to control, but it is not certain that no criminals are comin. An policeforce that works should help ... but in Thailand.... with money you can buy the police to look to the other way
  6. Indeed.. They should register everybody where they live and get rid of the blue family book. Much easier we are living in the 21st century and why a registrationsystem that is so outdated?
  7. It will not work.. Better give vouchers of 500 THB that can be spend all over Thailand.. Many people who are disabled or don't have a smartphone an people living in rural areas can't use the digital wallet except for their 7 eleven shop maybe. It is again made for cities not for rural areas
  8. I always saying that everybody should register in their own city where they live and that everybody has to fill in a tax form. It is the only way to find these kind of unknown wealthy. They pay not or a bit tax and nobody knows where the money comes from. Besides that the registration of cars and bank assets should be handed over automatically to the taxoffice too. It will show that some who claims to earn 25k a month can't posses 4 villa's and 3 luxury cars unless there is something else the matter...
  9. Nothing changed... same parties ruling only new puppets on the ministerial posts, although the people voted for change...
  10. They want to do it too quickly, without proper investigation.. Spending in 4 km radius is not working, How about people who don't have smartphones, or elderly people, handicapped people who aren't mobile?? How about people with high debts which assets are confiscated?? and many more problems.. Find solutions first and than roll out. I think 20 vouchers of 500 THB printed with the id number on it which could be used all ove rThailand would work much better
  11. the inverted population pyramid will help the economy more do you think??? For me easy.. start with easy to implement measures, for a economy boost for locals.. If there is more to earn things will change, but keep on going like this will only worse things. and yes.. Gay Marriage will contribute to that.Or do you never go to weddings??
  12. What prevention efforts are made in Thailand?? I never see anything on TV such as a phonenumber for people in mental problems, no psychiatrist psychologists to be found anywhere maybe only in Bangkok. But I only see and read how important beauty is. to be perfect, to have money, to spend and show to be rich, etc etc... Something is missing
  13. The result of holding the country back from improvements.. In every country where Gay Marriage is possible it boosted the local economy.. Here in Thailand more than a decade needed before making a decision and still no hope that it would be shortly implemented.. The so called strong THB has done a lot of damage as products were more expensive.. By suddenly weaken the THB there are probably many contracts lost as other countries with te same products could be cheaper, a political instable situation is also a reason why businesses are being careful to invest , besides the outdated laws here already. And tourism is discouraged all over the world for long flight holidays for climate change, while a lot of restrictions are also not welcoming tourists, alcoholsales hours, e-cigarettes, double standards in price and police enforcements etc, combined with a strong( expensive) THB not attractive for tourists at this moment. Nothing to do with visa, as most tourist come for not more than 3/4 weeks. Another thing are the people for retirement. Thailand doesn't notice that children and grandchildren will visit their parents/grandparents, and they will go out and explore the country. But instead of welcoming them, it is being discouraged, by outdated laws and rules and requirements...There is a lot of work to do
  14. My partner and I have made a Thai will as we can't get married yet. I have also in a will in my home country.. Both will don't affect eachother said the laywer, as the Thai will is only for Thai assets and the foreighn will for my foreign assets.. But talking to a laywer is always the best solution
  15. My advice is throw everything away and start from scratch.. First every students is obliged to go to the nearest school, temple school or government school is the same.. Not more than 25/30 students in a classroom. No more mixed classes. Print new modern lesson books, teachers who work in no so well known schools, must be spread around in the province so every school has enough teachers for each class. Working hours for teacher should be normalized it means from 7.30 to 17.00 in school and no special classes anymore. If a student needs help it must be done between 15.30 and 17.00. Students have a half day off every week and no classes or activities in the weekends. Kids must play and not in school 7 days a week. Stop with all activities as Mothers Day, Wai Kru, scouting, etc etc... Scouting can be done on voluntarily base on Saturday. School start at 1 May and the semester ends on 15 October and semester 2 starts on 1 November and ends on 15 March. 6 weeks holidays for the kids is enough in summer and 2 weeks as term break. and 1 week for the Christmas/New Years holiday. Just a few things to start with....As I would do after 20 years teaching in several Thai schools
  16. PPRP.... Why do have to think all the time of the song PPAP???? same clowns in the government
  17. Should that not have been a normal procedure long ago, to check the background of officials?? Besides head of villages could be stopped. It is not of this century anymore as almost everyone has a car, motorcycle and smartphone and the government offices could take over. In fact they don't have anything of value to add to the community.... the head of villages,
  18. It is easy to explain... Many countries raised their landing and departure taxes for the climate change. In several countries flying is being discouraged for the same reasons. Oilprices are up and after the loss in the Covid period, the airlines want to make some more profit to compensate...
  19. That is very convenient, as there are many doubts about chief of the sub district... Probably no proof anymore , case closed
  20. A big fine that will learn him 500 THB..... It shoudl be 5000THB. Punishment should be felt not being tips..
  21. You can see the inside of a hospital on the picture.... Was he on 10 april 2022 also in the hospital???
  22. Hospitality, means also accept critics.. Mostly critics are meant to improve things, instead of losing faces...
  23. And that they found out after more than 10 years????
  24. What democracy?? we noticed how the Thai democracy is working with the last elections.. So just before talking about democracy get rid of all kind rules and committees and senators who are undermining everything
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