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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. The true colors of Thailand and his Government....Myanmar, Russia, China, North Korea, Israel.... The friends of this country???
  2. Start with a good registrationsystem first of who is living where instead of the outdated family blue books...
  3. If Thais would work they could do, but most are not willing, so stealing is not the problem....
  4. police doing their job will have more effect on safety and security
  5. Invest in good tourists and retirees fo example.. stop with all the paperwork for extending visas, be friendly at the borders, stop double pricing, stop with alcohol selling hours during daytime instead of improving the opening hours at night, stop chasing tourists who are vaping and many more... Make that tourists, and retirees/expats are welcome in this country. The children and grandchildren will come to visit their parents/grandparents, Quality tourism, instead of noisy, greedy chinese who don't spend much only make a mess
  6. Nothing to do with the shooting or did TAT asked the tourists who stayed away why they did not come???
  7. Mr Donut, Dunking Donut, bakeries selling donuts, donuts everywhere.....And now another brand/shop... Good luck with that ...
  8. As i wrote many times already, the Government should first start to investigate its population. Let everybody register in the place they live , with their occupation and assets... So they know who is poor, and who don't need the 10k help. But now they have no clue who si living where, what they do and earn and what they possess. How can you make a plan if the outcome is already doomed to fail. Example my foster kid is living in a different province but is still registered in our home. If he can get his 10k( which he surely needs) and he can only spend it it in a radius of 4 km around my house he has to come everytime to buy at 7/11 as no other shops are around me. That is a bit stupid I suppose
  9. they try, but sm cards and digital privileges will not attrack tourists to come to Thailand. But equal pricing, banned alcohol sales hours, permitting e cigarettes, and end of double pricing would do better. Besides if the RTP stops to chase foreigners to fine them, and a welcoming immigration would be positive. And for the visas..... yeah no more 90 days and a start of making a digital file of everybody, so that the millions of unnecessary copies ends.
  10. Maybe he better could fraud with millions as one of the senators did not long ago... Than he would be not prosecuted at all, but this man probably doesn't have high ranked friends so he has to pay what elites and highranked people don't need to do... Equality in treatment??? Not in Thailand for the common people.
  11. another promised that will not be kept, makes that this Government is very trustworthy...So all because a fugitive has to come home was the the goal apparently... Good image for Thailand
  12. It will end as a misunderstanding. Nothing will happen, he is a police chief. We saw earlier that senators will help their friends too and so is the police
  13. Unfortunately Wise cards are not possible in Thailand, only if you have a residence address in your home country. If not, no cards possible
  14. The truth can hurt, but that is not always defamation. Outdated laws that can be used for everything should be all reviewed. Protecting people is ok, but over protecting or use a law to hide the truth is wrong. I know several laws more that be revised
  15. Strange that almost only in Thailand there are so many accidents with escalators. Maybe lack of maintenance?
  16. Thailand should be happy. In several parts of the world Chinese tourists are not so welcome, as they make a lot of noise in the hotels, at buffets the take what they can't eat all and have lots of commands and demands. Why is Thailand so keen on these people?
  17. Good looking what has it to do with a crime? Are only ugly people committing crimes? Are all criminals ugly?
  18. because now it is totally different than previous times. Only useable in a radius of 4km around your registered house. Imagine people from the Is an living in Bangkok. Where could they spend their money? Travelling back to their house every month? Just as an example
  19. Sure spend money on committees,and referenda, with laws and words that no one understands, about laws that are so unclear that the constitutional court have to decide every time That is waste of money.
  20. I thought it was already 1 am. But people can be happy easily
  21. Pita could form a government. Why are they constantly saying he failed? It were the elites and the senators that prevented that Pita was elected as PM. Besides that persons behind the screen, don't want a civil government. And Phew Thai was and is corrupt as we can see go Thaksin is treated.
  22. Wat a joke... They can't even take the black smoke cars from the roads in all these years. Start with cleaning the car park. Get rid of all cars older than 25years and stop selling petrol cars but only electric ones. O sorry this is all a misunderstanding
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