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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Good. This law is outdated and abused by the Government. Praying always talked about critical thinking, but when people do, they are jailed.
  2. The night is for the bad ones. Besides the government wants to get less traffic deaths, enforcement of alcohol selling hours in day time nut at night no problems. Too tired and or drunk drivers is the result. And tourist who come to spend the night for drinking are not the quality tourists they want.
  3. You. Are only allowed to make them out of concrete or build them in rice fields or put them in a basket of money at the market. That is allowed but not for use in the bedroom
  4. All reactions show that nobody has any experience in Thai classrooms, nor that know anything about the behaviour of Thai students in a classroom. Besides that it is common practice and there are no other options for teacher to punish that are accepted. I am happy to read that the kids of foreigners seem to be angels.
  5. Doomed to fail. how is it working? People registered in the blue family book? Many are not living in these places. Spending 4km from your house? Only a 7/11available in dome areas. Old, disabled, handicapped or poor people who don't have a smart phone or are unable to go to a shop? And the list can go on.
  6. The poor innocent student and the bad grumpy teacher. Or is it a spoilt child, that thinks he can do what he wants with rich or influence parents?
  7. Is it not the duty of the police to protect the people? Why should they be rewarded an be named as heroes as they just did their job?
  8. The shooting incident will not have a big impact on the tourists. So TAT you have to do a lot more to attrack tourists again. How about stopping scams, double pricing, see wallets instead of tourists, become the land of smiles again, stop chasing tourists for vaping, get rid of the alcohol sales hours and stop blaming tourists for every thing that goes wrong, as Anutin did several times.
  9. What happens if the paid tax is Much more in the home country than in Thailand? Thailand will deduct it too?
  10. How on earth can he get a weapon? 14yrs old? He should be in school an( under supervision of his parents. RIP to the victims, but a shame for Thailand that such young kids can do this. This is not America
  11. In the real world, everybody is allowed to choose which guest are welcome and who not. The government of that country will not interfere,as it is a part of the habitats freedom. Thailand has only rights for the rich,high ranked and famous, so now they feel hurt. Thailand should enter the real world in the 21st century instead of keeping their old fashioned and outdated laws. Rights are for everyone the dame they shout, look at Thaksin,but the reality is totally opposite
  12. An upper income of 600THB no paid holidays and a pension of 3000THB. A month? Good luck. I see it differently as many here think that wage raise will make things more expensive. I don't think so. Now there are as example 4 people working in a car wash. At 400THB a day is 1600THB for the owner to pay. But when the salary will be 600THB a day he will pay for 3 people 1800THB.he will fire one and the personnel will be working better and harder than playing on their cell phone to keep their job. Not much more expensive for the owner and the ones fired can do other jobs instead of the immigrant workers. Same for many other stores, where there are too many people employed for playing on their cell phone or talking. Changes must be made
  13. An upper income of 600THB no paid holidays and a pension of 3000THB. A month? Good luck
  14. I am not female and much older than 14 years, so I don't wear a mask
  15. It is nothing new as a resident you have to pay tax over your income in Thailand. So far no problem as I had to pay more taxi my home country. The tax in my home country is giving me the paid tax back, if I can show that I pay here. But there will be changes and I can't get my tax back anymore. I will not tax inThailand, because there is also a tactile here that you don't need to tax if it are Savings. So I keep my money on my account in my home country and transfer it a few months later... Problem solved
  16. Everything should be done to prevent MFP being part of the government. They are a threat to the sitting establishment. And the pheu Thai..... they showed their real face already and now again. They are really bad losers. But the MFP is the only party that would have helped Thailand and it's people. Not the ones now in power, they only will enrich themselves more
  17. Some years ago King Power was accused of selling fake goods in the airports. So who knows what this is in reality
  18. Everything must be done to get rid of any influence of MoveForward it seems. A lot of negative news all the time, while it is the only party that could help Thailand. All others as we see are doing the job for their own good
  19. Bravo.. The man should be decorated. He is an example for many Thais and I hope his action will be a inspiration for others Thais to do so. They can't sue the man for defamation or so Lol
  20. Maybe Thailand could start to set up a real good social security system. First let everybody register where they live and what job they are doing and let them fill in a tax form. The government can see who is earning what in which job, and how assets they have and can collect tax according. Now they have no clue at all as we have seen already in several cases last weeks. Than you can chance things but how can you change what you don't know
  21. Several years ago Thailand would de the first South East Aswan country that would introduce Gay Marriage. More than 10years are passed many committees have look into it.,and still they can't take a decision? A new forum have to come? Why just not saying we don't want it. Much easier than giving false hope.
  22. There is a witchhunt on the MFP it seems.. They can't do anything good.. All negative news.. while there is a lot to say about the new Government and senators that is much worse
  23. In fact nothing news. It was already and I wrote several times I had to pay tax in Thailand. Cheaper than in my homecountry. But now my country is going to change the taxagreement with Thailand, so that we have to pay tax in my country and not in Thailand anymore. However Thailand did not approve it yet. maybe shortly and that is more expensive for me
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