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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. The wines in Thailand are ver overpriced by the taxes.. In Europe in a restaurant you pay 15 euro for a good bottle = about 600 THB.. For this amount here you have almost undrinkable wine...I don't talk about the expensive wines in Europe, just normal good quality..
  2. All kind of measures to prevent alcohol abuse.. no advertising, restricted hours etc but the entertainment venues must be open till 4 am.. Shut tham at 0.100 every day and let them be open til 2 am in the weekends... Or cancel all restrictions..
  3. They changed the text ...... the original text was that she became the First Lady as the wife of the PM...
  4. Overloaded pick ups, tiredness of drivers, bad or no lights on the roads, speeding and the list goes on...and so these kind of accidents
  5. First lady is only for a president.. Srettha is not a president het is a Prime Minister.. so no way she is a First Lady.. she wants a title but doesn't deserve it
  6. Probably someone who is used in Thailand to let everybody work for him/her as he/she has a higher rank job.... A dispute from 1 person and 12 others are involved... and nobody of the 12 could help the passenger??? Some people think the own the world and everybody has to do as they say.. But that is only in Thailand, not outside in the normal world
  7. Good to hear... I hope that the new constitution will have an article that everybody is the same for the law... no matter what sex, religion, skin color, position( work and social), sexual preference, poor or rich etc etc... The laws are the same for everyone who is in Thailand long or short... It would the first step to hold corruption
  8. Same Mr Prayuth?? he quitted politic too, but seems to be in the race for Minister of Defence...
  9. Maybe start with lifting the restrictions on news... freedom of press instead of controlling everything... There is too much control
  10. and don't forget that they are thinking about making Mr Prayuth minister of defence..Although he quitted politics a few weeks ago... Nothing is sure in Thailand and surely not with Pheu Thai
  11. Promises and Pheu Thai..... 2 things that never matches
  12. Maybe first look around what is happening around the world... Airtickets are very expensive due global warming measures... Flying is discouraged.. There is thread of of economic slowdown or even regression ... and Thailand has lost a lot of its glory by double pricing, bad management in the past decades, more dangerous for tourists, such as fall from balconies and murders and robberies.... and of course the alcohol sales hours the e-cigarettes and more things that you don't need to worry for in "normal" tourist countries
  13. Protests??? Democracy?? even for people in another country to support is punishable in Thailand... Thailand the land of smiles. It once was.. Nowadays it is Thailand the land to shut your mouth
  14. Many people with high bloodpressure can act normally... A lot of people don't even know they have a high pressure... But in this case money speaks. He don't need to go to prison, but because of so called health problems he can stay at home.. How different it is for many inmates with real health problems..Or have we forgot how they handled the hunger strikers? Or the handling in prisons of the Covid infections... ??This is a make up but again money speaks and is the key to opens every door.... Shameful for Thailand and justice
  15. I wonder if there a same treatment for protestors in hungerstrike... They were in a worse condition than Thaksin. I myself have a high bloodpressure too and I can do everything in fact. Seems indeed questionable.. but is was expected of course.. So called bad health don't need to go to prison. Double standards in Thailand?? that is not normal.. Look at the conditions in most prisons especially when there was Covid.. There wil more inmates with this kind of symptons and they are not taken care of
  16. cycling in Thailand .....................................very dangerous....
  17. Uncles advice, so it is clear why Pita couldn't get enough votes and who is in charge... It is still the army so Srettha will not be the chosen one too
  18. Escort and prostitution in Thailand?? Not possible.. The police checked many times and never found anything, although it is full of coyotedancers, massageshops, ladyboys, and hookers on almost every corner.... Thai people are clean it are the foreigners who ruin the country.. The foreigners have to come to Thailand and give us their money, the will be scammed as they are all rich and Thais are very poor.....expect a few... We don't understand why tourist and expats don't come to Thailand anymore..
  19. Move Forward should abstain from voting Tuesday. The problem is that Pheu Thai left them behind although hey had an agreement and they want to further with the old Government.. Both a good reason not to give their votes... All other about democracy and the future of the country is brainwashing and lead to nowhere. Move Forward won the elections, and are being passed because 250 senators don't want civilians. This Tuesday you will see that the same will happen with Pheu Thai. 10K, new constitution, doubts about Srettha, etc etc and the senators will again take care that he will not be the next PM. They only vote for Prawith and maybe Anutin, or even Prayuth as he still has 2 years to go as PM.. Pheu Thai will have nothing..
  20. Of course not... different PM candidates means different rules. They should question Settha about many things
  21. So they start to do something at last?? But they don't what first make a committee... How about black smoke cars, polluting industry, promotion of electric motorcycles and cars, better garbage handling, education not to use a motorcycle for a few hundred meters further shop. etc etc.. Probably a new minister to fill his pockets as there are so many parties and all want to have a minister post
  22. TAT members are being stressed... They need new calculators, as the ones they have now will not work as they wanted...
  23. to count the money of course.. small bills to prevent that they can be traced ????
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