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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I don't approve the behavior of the teacher. There are other ways to punish, but this is Thailand and believe me in a overcrowded class and sometimes uneducated kids, they can drive the teacher mad. It happened to me several times that the class was uncontrollable and that I just left the class very angry. I strongly believe that parents don't educate their kids in normal behaviour and that overcrowded classes with 50 kids or more are triggering bad behaviour. But alas... Thailand
  2. Yesterday on a market there were e cigarettes to buy in several stalls.. and the police was just walking by without doing anything... Just to make feel good news I suppose
  3. just leave it... and tell them that you don't pay overpriced prices as a citizen of Thailand
  4. A swiss can't operate a bar as he needs the help of Thais and the RTP... More in this story than is written and of course again "look how bad foreigners are for our country", while in the meantime they scream to come for a holiday
  5. this slow decision making country, that wants to be the best of the world.... Something is wrong
  6. The reliability of the EC and Government... weeks they shout elections 7 May, Prayuth going to dissolve the parliament for elections on 7 May.. and suddenly they change it to 14th May.. They want to keep in power as long as possible, instead helping the country to go forward, instead of holding it back constantly
  7. A bit of feel good story I think.... First of all a foreign owned bar??? In Thailand almost impossible unless you have the " cooperation" of Thai nationals and RTP. A 100 million loss because of this raid??? How come??? I have more questions, but no answers..
  8. Thais and nuclear power doesn't match as they are not aware of the danger of it.. This is an example, after 10 days it was announced that the cylinder was missing, and those who had it were not careful, probably by not knowing. How much damage is been done already???
  9. If the police were there to enforce the law with heavy fines, the blocks were not needed..but the article write it.... entering the road against rules and regulations.... so who has to enforce the rules???
  10. Thailand is not a world player....not even democratic enough and surely an unreliable partner... Laws should be reviewed to enter the 21st century first
  11. I have build a home outside the city to enjoy the quietness of the countryside. But in the 15 years I live here in my house now I never sat outside because of the surrounded noises...Complained a lot, but with no results
  12. just get used to it... In my neighbourhood there is a rice soup shop with a girl that screams the whole day so I can hear everything she says. And at the other end there is a car wash 300 m away that plays so loud music every day that I have to increase the volume of the tv if I want to hear anything. And than cars with a bass that make your glasses dance on the tables are driving during day and night... Indeed hours same song is terrible, there are laws but no one is willing to enforce them.. and in Thaland sound torture is normal.. Especially when in restaurants and parties where you have to listen to people and music that can't play and sing
  13. I hope it will be Move Forward... Pheu Thai is always connected to Thaksin and family, and they have their part already enough
  14. If I read the story it doesn't seems a big difference with the locals here.... But foreigners are not allowed to do what Thais can do too.. and than Unknown how these foreigners could enter the country... Maybe brown envelopes or help from?????????
  15. If the legalization takes as long as the Gay Marriage, Civil Union Bill it will take another decade before these people are protected.... Besides as we can read many times.. There are no sex workers in THailand. A few weeks back in Pattaya, the RTP did not find any
  16. all these extra classes should be forbidden.. Kids are going to school already too much, there is no time for them to relax
  17. scary... implemented without details.. It means it is a carte blanche for the immigration.. They can make their own rules again for everybody... Corruption in inevitable...
  18. Childish... do something wrong and when you get caught start crying and telling you did not do anything wrong.......Thailand the land of the unknown, except how to fill their pockets
  19. Typical TAT.. they started to celebrate already on 15th March, but publish now.... and they like storytelling as low carbon and sustainability....With the current air pollution surely a drive for getting a Tourist Award
  20. In short...they just follow the money.. where they can get they will join, where it more difficult or hopeless. they leave....
  21. I hope the dissolution will take place, but as it is a Government party the chances are zero
  22. What I hear in my neighbourhood from Thai people that they are very bored of Mr Prayuth and hope he will disappear as soon as possible..And I can't agree more with them, but I am not allowed to vote
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