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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

    Thai economy will contract 7.8% this year due to the disastrous effect of the coronavirus pandemic. 

    no, Thai economy will contract 7.8% this year due to the disastrous effect of the governments knee jerk reaction to shut down economy.

    if anything, a few less retirees to feed

    would be a positive in the bank balance

  2. 2 hours ago, Tagged said:

    I use BKK hospital primary when I have something I need to check, and never dissapointed, except the stupid prices on medication. 


    However it is your choice, and as Sheryl told you, and she should know best. 


    Why did you get turned off? 

    well, i went for numbness in my legs and wanted something

    toxic to get things rolling, but the doctor never gave me anything,

    instead i got antibiotic shots for some scratches i never ordered,

    it wasnt until the 3rd injection i realized i wasnt getting the shots i ordered, i called it off but still had to pay the 3rd injection, and then they suggested i go back to the quacksalver hoping for better luck this time

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    Where you live, and what is your options? Government or privat? 

    i live in pattaya, it doesnt really matter where i go but i

    really wish i didnt have to queue,

    which is unavoidable if going to a hospital.

    i got turned off bangkok pattaya hospital last time so its not going to be that place

    • Like 1
  4. a month ago one eye got foggy like if it was really dirty,

    i figured it was from me blowing my breath directly into my eyes because of the mask.

    i ditched the cover of nose to relieve my eyes but the fog remain no matter how i flush.

    do i have to go to hospital or can they check whats up at an optician/ eye glass seller ?

    • Sad 2
  5. 1 hour ago, kingofthemountain said:

    an interesting comparison

    imo if the USA wants to start a fight, it's now or never

    in 20 or 30 years, maybe sooner. the China military power will be superior to the USA



    it diverge from the issue imo,

    a war between the two would not ever be a land war,

    the US can and will choke chinese trade to a standstill

    with no effort at all, and china can not do anything about it.

    they also wont be able to change that fact for at least the next 50 years, unless USA manages to kill them self by the endless budget deficits.

    maybe, if they act lightning fast, they might be able to overrun taiwan before US can muster counter action,

    and use those specifically developed carrier killer ballistic missiles to keep US navy out of effective reach, but for that system to be effective they would need to first set up a sound system similar to SOSUS up to 500 miles, that can be used for targeting

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  6. 47 minutes ago, GeorgeCross said:

    yeah, now they've killed off 5 times as many of their citizens as their neighbours! plus for extra points did just as much damage to their economy. 


    meanwhile in other news.. here's the latest from their murderer in chief:




    if i remember well, the average death of those in sweden were about age 80, which incidentally is the average age of death

    with or without covid.

    so no, nobody murdered them beside age,

    the usual culprit


    The underlying health problem is age. Out of all people who have died in Sweden and simultaneously been diagnosed as having Covid-19, in total 89 per cent are above 70 years.




    sweden covid death by age.jpg

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  7. 35 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    you don't have to sell your body to support yourself.

    that is true even in thailand, but many opt to do it,

    for starters the pay is greater then their education

    and energy is called for, and there is not much of a stigma around to counter as negative, the stigma and practicality

    of being poor simply count more, here in thailand.

    it is also peculiar that they seem to fear covid 19 virus but not the endless STD transmittable viruses around.

    i just recalled i met a girl who had worked in a bar, but she had changed profession due to

    health concerns, no, not STD's, but from passive smoking

  8. 31 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Yes, I do. In Thailand, as in any other country, you can get work, even if untrained. I'm guessing that you are for the profession? And also maybe for the overpopulation based on sexual immorality? Millions of fatherless children because they leave, and millions of motherless children because they leave to make money to support those fatherless children, and only seeing their kids twice a year? I'm guessing you've never had an STD? Or raised a child as a single mother prostitute, showing them that it's okay, as long as you make money? Comments here show the disturbed thinking of some, and the intelligence and morality of others. But keep them coming, as it's fun to watch you implode and show your true colors.

    im not for the profession, just accepting it is around

    and think corruption will go down if its legalized.

    overpopulation is not my problem and if the land can support

    the weight then there is no overpopulation.

    yes i had std and thats just another reason to not have anything to do with woman, i still think it should be legalized to reduce corruption.

    no i have never raised a child, let alone as a prostitute,

    i maintain i want it legalized though, for the purpose of reducing the rampant corruption in thailand.

    implode ? wut m8 ?

    coming back to your delusion that

    traffickers sent them to work as a prostitute,

    you are dead wrong about that as far as thailand is concerned, they do it from economic reasons alone, those reasons may vary but its all down to economic reasons


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