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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 5 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    I've seen this quite often recently. Pickup (usually lowered and with oversized tyres) accelerating away and leaving a cloud of black smoke.


    These cars are not old bangers, but look as if the owner has gone to some expense to customize them.


    Is it possible that the smoke cloud is a deliberate effect, not a lack of maintenance?

    yes, diesel trucks can be heavily tuned,

    but it also goes the other way with diesel engines

    being totally environmentally friendly


  2. 11 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    Was the crowd protesting at the McCloskey's, or just passing by on their way to protest somewhere else.?

    If so it seems a bit extreme to come out with a gun.

    what is known is that the gate had a sign stating 'private property'

    it can be inferred that the mob didnt respect private property as they broke through that very gate,

    relying on numerical superiority in case someone would contest their 'right' of entering private property

  3. oppo a9 2020 is flawless, 5000 mAh battery means i can charge just 2 times/week and 8 GB RAM ensures it doesnt go into

    a state of brain dead zoombie freeze trying to compute

    with insufficient free memory, not now and not in the life time of the phone.

    it also comes with 128 GB ROM so you wont be able to fill it

    no matter how many selfies & apps you throw at it.

    its rather big but that just makes it more user friendly imo.

    only a phone with even bigger battery could persuade me to switch

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Well I've digested all of these largely good suggestions and I think I'll try something a little different.


    I don't like the idea of using laxatives to clear out and I don't like the idea of eating a no fiber diet the day before. 


    Yesterday I had three meals and woke up naturally very early with quite satisfactory results even before coffee.


    So my admittedly risky idea is to eat the same or similar three meals including my usual 2 prunes with dinner. 


    Then hope for a repeat the next morning. 


    Plus take one immodium after that.

    the fitne tea doesnt give diarrhea, it just force a complete

    emptying, i feel like i got vacuum in my tummy after,

    its very dependable but a discomfort in the small hours before its flush time

    • Thanks 1
  5. 37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes I've heard of that stuff. Supposedly for weight loss but I think its probably toxic long term.

    Interesting idea though. 

    Unsure about the timing though.

    Plan the big event for exactly when relative to the day where I want no pooping?

    well normal is 8 hours after the cup of tea, i just added a safety margin for you, 8 hour +/- 2 hour and i dont think i can be caught lying on that statement.

    the thing is the effect is that you wont be able to take a dump in the following 3 days lest you take another cup, so you can take it the day before

    after dinner and can rest assured you are going to have to get up before you were supposed to and before sun gets up

  6. 1 hour ago, Stuart said:

    Many thanks for your help. I have been told they are now insisting you renew prior to expiry. Good to hear otherwise! 

    nah... my dl was 3 months overdue due to various <deleted>,


    the med cert need to be within a month,

    so when i got there to get an appointment it was OK,

    but she told me i was going to have to make a new med cert

    before the actual appointment because it would then

    have expired by 4 days.


    the app for appointment dont work for foreigners at least,

    so you will first have to go there and get an appointment, and then come back around a month later to get the license.


    on both occasions i got it done below 3.5 hours,

    which is an improvement.


    on a side note, there has been a lot of road

    construction so i couldnt find it these days

    and paid 1k for someone to drive me there, wait,

    and drive me back to south pattaya.

    later on i figured i probably paid too much,

    given that its 1k to bkk,

    so how much would an appropriate pay be for someone taking me there and back in 4 hours ?

  7. 3 minutes ago, rickudon said:

    'Worlds premier authority' - By himself. He also doesn't believe in global warming, but does believe in dowsing - for water and other dubious electromagnetic fields - but will not take part in scientific tests of it ...... Just another nutjob.

    by ipcc for instance, but they had a change of heart when they found out he wouldnt support their inane gibberish

  8. 1 hour ago, rickudon said:

    Researchgate is not really a reliable site - practically anybody can upload their so called research without any peer review. As for a sea level rise of only 5-15 cm, it has risen by 7.5 cm in the last 25 years - and is accelerating. 

    Sea level does not rise uniformly - you can always find some sites with zero or even negative change over a short period. He just has some crackpot theory that the planets control sea levels on a cyclical basis. Note - all his references are to his own articles!

    he is considered the worlds premier authority on sea level,

    he was in fact selected as the head of that group by ipcc

    at its formation, but when he wouldnt parrot their drivel

    thy had a fallout. and no, it isnt accelerating, that is pure propaganda

    like almost everything else

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