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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 7 hours ago, Credo said:

    Europeans have the greatest mix of Neanderthal genes.  As you move Eastward from Europe the amount decreases and the mix is with another extinct human species.   


    Africans have been largely spared considering the horrible, crowded conditions in many sub-Saharan countries.   African-Americans are seldom purely African and many, if not most, have a fair amount of mixed heritage with Europeans.   


    All that said, the risk factors are the risk factors and all this tells us that some people are genetically more or less likely to get the virus.   


    If you remember SARS, it was found that Asians were significantly more likely to catch it than Westerners.  


    in sweden, a very disproportionate amount of african immigrants

    died from cv19

  2. i dont believe in this hypothesis tbh,

    africans and native americans are even much less tolerant

    to cv19, or any other virus for that matter,

    yet has no neanderthal genes at all.


    rather i think its inherited from generations exposed to all sort of <deleted> from china for over one millenia, with asians being most resistant

    and then in a falling scale india/europeans/arabs

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, yeahbutif said:

    I glad I have been here all the time to date since the virus started rather them being anywhere else in the world.


    I have Not come across any low income Thaïs complaining as they seem happy to stay safe.


    but as we see no dead bodies on the streets

    i otoh would rather be in sweden, in spite of the temperature advantage thailand has.


    i come across thais that are suffering every day from this brain dead shut down of their livelihood


    no nation has dead bodies in the streets from covid,

    but thailand do have a fair share of dead bodies from the traffic here, and its not those dying of age either, but young people

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, webfact said:

    Climate change causing rising sea levels is adding to the long-standing fears.

    fear not






    The Global sea level is presently changing at rates ranging from ±0.0 mm/yr (in the Maldives, Goa India, Bangladesh, Fiji, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, northeast South America, Venice, etc) to a rise of 1.0 ±0.1 mm/yr (the North Sea, Kattegatt, the Baltic, northeast USA, etc) [1-5]. This poses not threats for low-lying coasts and islands. There are no signs of any acceleration. By 2100 sea level is likely to rise only in the order of 5 cm ±15 cm.
    • Thanks 2
  5. 49 minutes ago, Puzzler said:

    I walked along that street once. It was a disgusting that denigrated the working men and women and displayed some of the most disgraceful aspects of Thai "acceptance".  I sincerely hope that red-light areas like this are permanently shut down and transformed into more family friendly areas. Not only that, I wish any foreigners who think such places are "good" just return to their own countries and face the music when they get arrested for the sex offences they are probably hiding from... That walking street was disgusting. I hope I never see it again.

    you just need to get drunk to get over that hurdle,

    within a couple of months its not going to bother you in the slightest.

    you can do it

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