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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 26 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    That is the problem, people blindly following a flag.  Republicans good, everybody else bad.  Doesn't matter who the moron is leading them, they cannot distinguish.


    No wonder the country is so screwed up!

    I have no problem distinguishing. Biden would make a blabbering puppet for the left. The guy can’t even remember which lie he needs to tell from one moment to the next. ????????????

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  2. 16 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    More false arguments... More whites are killed because there are VASTLY more white people in the population than blacks.  When adjusted for their relatives presence in the population, blacks are far more likely to be killed by police than whites. Stop trotting out the same old false Trump arguments.



    It’s funny that you are so willing to omit a key factor in that blacks commit far greater amount of crimes proportionately than do whites. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

    Black Americans represent 13% of the population, white Americans are at least 60.4% and up to 72% depending on how you classify hispanics.  But let's say 60% to 13% you'd expect if all things were equal to see 4.6x more whites shot by police than blacks if all things were equal. That's not what you see:

    Year on Year Number of Whites vs. Blacks killed ratio:

    2017: 2.04x
    2018: 1.9x
    2019: 1.57x
    2020: 1.96x
    Average: 1.87x more whites are killed by police than blacks.
    Expected ratio: 4.6x more.

    That means that blacks by population are shot 247% more often than whites. And it's not just in shootings. You can see similar numbers across the board in the justice system. 

    From what I saw while living in Chicago, blacks commit about 247% more crimes than whites, so...for that city your numbers make sense????????????

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Heppinger said:

    Facts are tantamount to heresy when concerning cultural marxists.  Hysterical they will get when their emotions are not celebrated. 

    ...”the rate of fatal police shootingsamong Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 31 fatal shootings per million of the population as of August 2020.” That’s pretty much in line with the disproportionately greater amount of crimes committed by blacks. 

    • Sad 2
  5. 23 hours ago, Sambotte said:

    Will the dirty farangs be under the same law ?

    Considering the very bad quality of what you (not me hm ????) find everywhere in Thailand, the bad compressed full of chemicals...

    It would be a great news to be able to grow your (no no, not me i swear ????) own product, you would have access to a clean product that way (and only that way, no pharmaceutical extract, this millenaire plant has many components acting in synergy, not just THC or CDB).


    For "those" talking about addiction, well let's start with booze and sleeping-anxiety pills... All legal. Most of all very addictive. Wikipedia has a good page about that, including social dangerosity.

    That said i am not one to critic those who need booze or pills. I just know ganja is WAY less dangerous and much better for health. Looks like medecine finally has agreed after so many year of prohibition (still existing), thanks to the USA.

    Wow man! Like, far out man! What a great move that’s going to enhance the mental capacity of mankind and might even lower the number of deaths on our highways. And all those dead-heads with the munchies will offset the huge losses we’re seeing in the tourism industry. BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!! 
    ps - Dave’s not here man!

  6. 5 hours ago, scorecard said:

    In my uni in Bkk we had many MBA students from various African countries, the vast majority very good and diligent students polite, worked well in small teams, good contributions to class room discussions, always helpful, good grades, and they just ignored the regular negative comments from the 'white' guys. 

    Okay, of course there are good People from those countries, but a disproportionately large number of bad ones also - who enjoy screwing whitey over.

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  7. 6 hours ago, saminoz said:

    Name three!!

    I think Richard's point is that they do seem to have a very prominent position in the online scams that are reported and, of course, Nigeria is the home of the renowned 419 scam.

    You can go ahead and call me racist, which would be stupid as I have worked and lived over 25 years across Africa (so, at least I know what I am talking about), but when you think about it, I am just a realist and call a spade a spade.

    ps  Was the "tarred" reference a racist jibe?!!

    Shame on you!


    Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, etc. These places have a culture of fraud. Racist is a term used by people who feel they’re entitled to rip off others and commit other crimes while claiming to be the victim themselves. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 9 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    No it won't totally collapse, same as airlines, the planes will be just bought by companies that know how to run a business.


    Some will benefit from this "cleanup". Time to reposition yourself if you work in tourism. 

    The worst is yet to come. You can’t expect things to be normal when 1.4 trillion baht of tourism revenue is virtually wiped out - just from international tourism alone (2019 international tourism revenue was 1.9 trillion). We’re sitting at about 30% of target for domestic tourism revenue. 2019 revenue was 1.3 trillion for domestic tourism, so that means around 400 billion baht. 


    These factors alone make your claim about the tourism industry not collapsing ludicrous at best.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, poloshirt said:

    Imagine the police knew about your missus jewelry and cash hidden at home the police then rent out his gun to the bad guy who comes to your house. Is that good or bad?


    It depends on whose gun is bigger, the criminals or the homeowners

  10. On the one hand people should be able to speak somewhat freely. On the other hand it’s easy to understand how some Thais feel about Westerners, especially when so many of us come off as rude, arrogant and demanding, with a lack of understanding what it’s like to grow up poor. That doesn’t fit too well with Thai culture or any culture for that matter. 

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