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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 7 hours ago, DrJack54 said:


    Even if OP goes thru an agent now and pays 25,000, I doubt they will have time to complete the transaction. My wife and I have in process a retirement visa from Sep 4 and while I received back my passport last week, she still has not. I have friends who’ve gone thru the process with an agent who got their passports back in 2+ weeks - sadly this has not been my experience. While I’m sure the OP is hopeful and many here are offering their less than stellar advice, I think it will be impossible for him/her to complete the transaction before 9/26. 

  2. I’m a little late to the party. Did anyone really think because of Songkran things were going to magically return to tourism levels of 2019 in Thailand with borders still closed - for all intents and purposes? If so, maybe one of you genius’s here can explain how it is possible to flush more than 2 trillion baht in tourism dollars (a conservative estimate) and still get back to normal - without having significant opening of borders? I can’t, and I doubt opening the floodgates is a recipe for success at the moment either. It’s clear a vast majority of folks on this thread don’t have a clue and are not capable of considering the most fundamental economic principles regarding this topic. I certainly don’t have an answer, but I doubt anyone else here does either and being blindly optimistic isn’t going to solve anything. 

  3. 5 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    As we saw with the collapse of the various Communist regimes of eastern Europe in 1989-90, an announcement that nothing is happening is often the first sign that something is happening.

    Sorry, you may be correct, but I’m having difficulty connecting events of today to something that happened 30+ years ago. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    You seem to have conveniently ignored that of the two links I posted, it was the Chicago Sun-Times, a major and well-respected regional newspaper, that was the main source for the interaction between Rittenhouse and his white supremacist militia companion.


    The Southern Poverty Law Center article was mainly just background on the white supremacist militia guy himself. But nonetheless, the SPLC is credible enough to be an acceptable news source for posting on this forum and elsewhere.


    Neither of which are innuendo in the slightest.


    And then, of course, there was this - birds of a feather:




    The Sun-Times is a totally anti-Trump rag, I know as I’m from Chicago and I’m very familiar with it. In fact, I still read it, so I can know what our enemies are thinking and spewing. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Credo said:

    And you might want to consider that as long as there is no attempt to address the problem of system racism, the riots and damage will continue.   


    I have considered it and the first sentence of my post implies as much. That said, this is the last response I’m going to give for this “dead horse” topic. It’s been beat to death and there isn’t anymore to be said here that hasn’t already been said. Seriously, opinions on neither side have been changed and quite frankly I’d like to know what value the Admins think is being generated by keeping this topic alive - beyond the escalation of back and forth hatred being spewed. 

  6. 4 hours ago, DBath said:

    It was obvious to me what you meant. Not sure what game is being played here, but I know the definition of hyperbole and I don’t understand why one of the posters here is using that word. I feel like some are baiting to get others into a situation where they can be suspended. As far as this topic goes, I think it has been beat to no end and I’m no longer going to offer my opinion, because I think it is accomplishing nothing, much similarly to the opposing views being offered here. 

    Dear ChorpusChristie, none of what I wrote is a knock on you. I respect you and agree with pretty much everything you say here. 

    • Haha 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, riclag said:


    "A man carrying a skateboard and later identified as Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, then approached Rittenhouse as he was still on his back, prosecutors wrote. Huber reached for the gun as the skateboard hit Rittenhouse's shoulder before the alleged gunman fired one shot, and Huber staggered away and collapsed, prosecutors alleged.

    It’s called SELF DEFENSE

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  8. 3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    That's what Trump would like people to believe. But the reality is, the vast majority of protesters, whatever their color, are just ordinary people who are fed up with racism and racial injustice, particularly in the justice and law enforcement systems.


    The number of Antifa and others you mention are at best a tiny subset out of the entire protester universe.... Though, there certainly are some people who have been burning and looting and engaging in violence... and I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. But police in the various cities and the feds AFAIK have made no compelling case through arrests and prosecution of just who's engaging in or responsible for what.


    Yes, and those so-called ordinary people you refer to, I prefer to call them snowflakes, are right alongside the ones who are instigating the rioting, looting and violence. Not really that innocent. 

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  9. 42 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Actually one of the main reason for the divison is the hate-propaganda by the marxist BLM themselves:


    An FBI report released in 2017 found that attacks on police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Dallas, Texas were influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement, with 28 pe rcent of those who used deadly force against police officers motivated by a hatred of police. An unclassified FBI study following the Dallas cop-killing spree of 2016 that left 5 officers shot dead reported departments and individual officers increasingly taking the decision to stop proactive policing amid concerns that anti-police defiance fueled in part by movements like Black Lives Matter had become the “new norm.”





    BLM fanned the flames of race hatred in the US. They are the ones to blame.

    Don’t forget ANTIFA...

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