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Posts posted by DBath

  1. This whole thing smells worse than a Chinese fish market. What is up with WHO? This seems to me a lot more smoke and mirrors than they put out there in the beginning and has a strong odor of BS. China delayed WHO entry and access for weeks before this recent investigation, yet WHO continues to defend them? I wonder how much of this latest round is in collaboration with China? IMO, China and WHO crafted this story together and WHO is getting big bucks under the table for it. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    Ah, so you're implying Pattaya is a gay town? Well, it certainly has lots of gays (and other members of the LGBTQ community) but the majority are certainly straight.

    Why does it matter and do you honestly think shuffleboard screams red-blooded hetero?

    You’re being too analytical.  Some of us were born on the mean streets and are street smart as a result. Others have led a more sheltered life - let’s just leave it there. 

  3. 1 hour ago, J Town said:

    Fox/Newsmax/OAN are NOT your friends. They give you this misinformation because it presses your buttons and further divides the country (until they are sued for lying which happens all too often).


    President Biden has created a task force to look into the most humane way for legal immigration while signing 3 executive orders to reverse cruel and inhumane policies the previous administration enforced.


    "I'm not making new law, I'm eliminating bad policy," Biden said at the White House."


    Immigration: Biden to sign executive orders and establish task force to reunite separated families - CNNPolitics


    Turn away from the dark side, it's not helpful.

    I follow various news media, liberal as well as conservative. I also weigh the information presented before blindly deciding if I agree. For some reason, people like you (usually liberals) seem to have a problem with that approach. Ask me if I care. 

  4. 56 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Easy to see that you are a Trump supporter who bought in lock stock and barrel of his self serving anti immigrants populist policy. In a way, you part of the problem. Not meant to be demeaning but the fact that US need immigrants because of its critical aging demography. It’s about a continuation of US economic vibrancy and you need immigrants just like in the 19th century that gave the country its wealth and power today.


    For your information I immigrated to the US, LEGALLY. I also worked hard to make something of myself from nothing. I resent people trying to come into the country illegally just so they can claim asylum. It has nothing to do with being a Trump supporter but it is my opinion, which I have just as much a right to espouse as you do. 

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  5. On 2/3/2021 at 10:38 AM, NorthernRyland said:

    Those were Europeans though. Now we're talking about the underclass from various South American countries. Not even the middle class but people that are so desperate they need to enter illegally. This is a totally new class of immigrant in 2020 than in 1920. 

    Never mind the fact there is a pandemic going on. What kind of idiot, as President, would rush so foolishly to open the border to illegals from crime and poverty ridden countries like South America. Biden needs to use more thorough logic than to just take action because it’s the opposite of what Trump would do. I have no desire for my tax dollars to support these people and I sure don’t want them coming in while covid is running amuck. If people want to come legally, fine. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:


    I have said multiple times on this thread there are many individual factors involved. 

    I must say that your mention of discipline implies that you believe in the Calvinistic morality game of blaming failures on lack of will power. I think that's bunk. Failures are because what people are doing is simply not sustainable for the long term. Finding individual programs that both work and are sustainable is the trick. A very difficult trick. 

    Your program of planning to ‘upgrade’ to 1 meal per day fasting, 4/20 I think you call it, isn’t any more sustainable than my program of consuming 1600-1800 calories per day. Your analogy of Calvinism is both ridiculous and not applicable. 

  7. 22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Wrong. It's the way of failure. People can and do lose weight that way but over 99 percent regain the weight and more. Why is that? The metabolism is reset to burn fewer calories and it never recovers. Almost nobody can starve themselves for the rest of their lives.


    There are ways around this but they have nothing to do with calorie counting.

    Namely -- intermittent fasting. Nothing to do with calorie counting.

    That’s rubbish. What works for one doesn’t work for all. I’m 64 and have found the ONLY thing that works for me to lose weight is to set my calories to 1200 per day. I’ve lost 90 lbs in the last 7 months. I can level off at 1600-1800 calories per day if I want to maintain, depending on my physical activity level - that’s what works for me. I’ve tried intermittent fasting and everything else. It’s obvious the challenge is keeping the weight off, that’s where the discipline comes in. Your way is not the only way. 

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  8. 18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Phuket van driver pleas for police action over attempted murder

    By Eakkapop Thongtub



    Mr Itsada points to where he was shot at in the attack last year. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub


    PHUKET:-- A Phuket van driver is calling for police to make some progress in catching the two men who opened fire on him and two friends last year, with one of the bullets scraping his scalp, after the two suspects have been seen walking around in public.


    Cherng Talay resident Itsada Itsarawat, 40, called reporters to hear his plea for justice yesterday (Jan 20), and presented case documents and photos of the two men now wanted on an arrest warrant for attempted murder and the competing van driver who allegedly hired them.


    The attempt on his life followed an incident on Mar 16 last year when his boss ordered Mr Itsada to transfer a group of customers to a place, but he could not make it, so his boss punished him by not giving him any customers for five days, Mr Itsada explained.


    Full Story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-van-driver-pleas-for-police-action-over-attempted-murder-78734.php



    -- © Copyright Phuket News 2021-01-21

    Dear Mr. Itsada, it’s clear you’re on your own here. My advice to you is to arm yourself, so you can at least have a chance to protect yourself and your family. 

  9. 10 hours ago, George Aylesham said:

    I note that both evaluations were made by WHO and Johns H


    I see that both evaluations were made by WHO and Johns Hopkins - two respected and trustworthy bodies. To be honest I have far more faith in them than in the many ThaiVisa epidemiologists!

    Which WHO? The WHO that’s been bought by China? I’d hardly call any organization that supports China’s covid case number of 98k, “trustworthy”. Especially with China’s propensity to hide, deny, mis-report and/or not report at all, things going on in their country - and notwithstanding all of their recent lockdowns.

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