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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. MASS CHEAP TOURISM FROM INDIA AND CHINA is the problem. Strettha and his cronies celebrating niavely that they are set to reach 40million plus tourists, despite revenue from tourism being down, shows a clear lack of experience at the top level. You flood the country with mass cheap tourists from China and India and you lose alot of European, American high spending tourists who won't come to a destination that is packed out. The sad facts are Thailand, anyone with some experience in Thai politics could have told you that many governements learn to late that they need to attract more quality tourists, and they promise this - but ultimately they end up leaving office, and a new set of leaders just redo the same mistakes. Stretha has been absolutely useLESS as PM. His policies of opening up the borders to India and China for a free for all is going to destroy Thai tourism to high spending tourists. Indians especially, having an economy per gdp far lower than Thailand, are very low spenders in malls or restaurants.
  2. Who is the orange man in Australia? Who is the orange man in the UK ? Who is the orange man in Norway? it's a complete mockery. Furthermore, the only solution they appear to have for the economy is to let in mass tourism on a level that is never been seen anywhere else in the world, at a huge enviromental cost.
  3. He's embarassing Thailand. Everyone is well aware he is a sort of presidential leader. Just pathetic.
  4. They have 40 million visitors a year. The vast majority are annoying Indian and Chinese tourists. Bless them for putting up with the probably two worst types of tourists any country could entertain. I've seen a hotel receptionist almost reduced tears and pulling her hair out at some of the worst annoying Indian tourists checking in, no grasp of queuing, demanding upgrades, shouting, screaming. I've seen Chinese tourists empty a buffet in 10 seconds, to the complete horror of the food staff trying to accomodate everyone.
  5. Nah this was the worst guy. Does Tommy talk about him much ?
  6. Disgusting mass cheap tourism. Revenue is down per person too. Which clearly indicates they are getting more cheaper tourists. What happened to quality tourism ?
  7. Tommy doesn't talk about this lot that much
  8. Thailand is addicted to mass cheap tourism. Till it can lumber it's way out of that, and diversify the economy it's always going to be doomed.
  9. Language. They all speak an americanised English.
  10. Patong beach next year : This is what they want. They don't care for any experience, any infrustructure, the effect on local Thai's suffering - just squash them in and let them have a miserable weeks holiday. Utter lunacy. Tourism numbers up, but revenue down. An addiction to CHEAP MASS TOURISM.
  11. Strettha and his cohorts have made no attemps (at least succesful) to diversify Thailand's economy, the way Vietnam, Malaysia are succesfully doing. Instead he has pushed Thailand into a spiral of addiction into cheap mass tourism. However, this time the visitor numbers will be on steroids and it will be cheaper tourists. An utterly ridiculous leadership decision.
  12. Here comes cheap mass tourism. Thailand is about to get very ugly. Srettha is utterly useless. Nomad = backpacker with a laptop.
  13. Can anyone point to a single achievement from Srettha? Absolutely usless. More of a tourist minister. And even with that ... no nuance, cleaning up the industry to attract a better clientel - NOPE. JUST OPEN THE DOORS TO MASS TOURISM was his solution and the problems that will face Thailand because of this utter nonsense.
  14. This gives far more clarity to the whole incident. The two lads were totally out of control. Absolute vile. They've also harmed race relationships within the community with those who have genuine issues- with their attempts to be portrayed as victims, although i believe some around them might have jumped on the bandwagon having seen the edited video of the stamping. However, the fact remains the officer stamping and kick to the head was still out of control. But it does give a clear motive why he did that, and does give an explanation.
  15. The officers hold guns. They are heavily trained to deal with their emotions. Controlling their temper is their job. What an utterly idiotic thing to say.
  16. It's quite clear both camps may well be at fault here, with the 'victims' i doubt truly blameless. However, the officers actions are definately shocking. Seems to be two camps here : 1) Most look at the video and see no reason for the police officer (who had a gun so would be highly trained to control his emotions) to stamp on the guys head and then kick it He was on the floor, tasered, and showing no threat at that point. Then he seemed to be using pepper spray quite liberally too. He may well have lost control of his emotions and took it too far, but he should be trained not to do that. Again, we would need to see what happened in the videos not shown to see what level of violence the 'victims' may have dished out themselves. 2) Most agree the officers actions were wrong, but are racist so don't want to say anything negative towards the officer. The point being they don't mind the violence now, until they are innocently standing someplace and get attacked by those who are meant to protect us.
  17. Disgusting, more mass miserable tourism
  18. India Thailand Sri Lanka Cambodia South Korea
  19. Thai's on the ground love his right wing views. He was the only Thai minister who dared speak out against foreigners not wearing mask and flouting rules during covid. If he takes on an anti immigrant rant he will be loved by Thais.
  20. Does that mean the red black smoking pumping diesel polluting busses are here to stay ?
  21. China took over Thailand ages ago. It's a part of the United States of China now. Srettha removing all visa restrictions for them was the final hurdle.
  22. He is the worst PM Thailand has ever had. - Done nothing of note other than licking the edges of the horrendous pollution problem that Thailand has - a problem that leaves many cities like Chiang Mai as a national embarassment as being the most polluted city on the planet for a few months. It will be the same again next year. - Opening up the borders to mass tourism is an ecological disaster. He is going to ruin the beautiful Thai experience with his horrific plan to let in every man and his dog. Despite tourism numbers up revenue is down - a direct result of him wanting cheap mass tourism, as opposed to cleaning up the industry and attracting quality. An enviromental disaster that will see local Thai's face many of the problems that Europeans and Japanese are facing with mass tourism. - Not putting any safe guards to protect local Thais from his horrific plan to allow people to essentially now live in Thailand with his new visas. - No foreign policy of note. Nothing to tackle the growing trade deficit with China. Appeasing war monger Putin by letting draft dodging Russians live and hide in Thailand. - An economy doing poorly. No attempt to diversify the economy like Vietnam and the Phillpines has. It is addicted to mass Cheap tourism. - Emabarassing claims he can make Thailand a hub of this and that. Still waiting for a single hub. He wanted F1, he's getting F3 which no one watches. - Tackling inequality in Thai society? Nothing. Education? Nothing. He should be the minister of tourism. Not a PM. He's been a complete disgrace.
  23. The era of mass tourism with wall to wall tourists squashed together is here. Well done Srettha.
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