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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. Homes in a developing country should not be used as investments or a place for foreigners to hide money. If you price Thai's out of homes, then you are setting of a course of problems that has massive problems with the workings of the country. The current governments schemes of opening up immigration to the whole world, and allowing people from China to stay long term is going to cause massive problems.
  2. Met another grumpy Brit who was whinging about foreigners about foreigners coming to the UK, taking all the jobs at the same time also claiming all the money benefits (it made sense to him). I then asked him what he was up to this weekend for the fireworks, he tells he's going to Manila as he's registered his address there. Shocking. Nothing but scamming the system. Anyone caught doing this should have their pensions shut down.
  3. How is this going to help Thailand ? They already get millions more cheap tourists than these other countries. It can only benefit these other countries, as people take days away from Thailand to head to these other countries. ODD thailand would push for this.
  4. Thailand has just sleep walked into being a colony of China. They've removed all restrictions for most Chinese to enter and essentially live here. They've built bullet trains into Thailand from China, which is solely to flood Thailand with cheap materials from China. Practically all neighbouring countries have had the same thing done. It's diluted local culture too.
  5. Unfortunately you should have noticed the small chip on the screen. It's your responsibility in these regions. I literally film everythign in Ultra 4K HD in these regions. They will flinch you for everything.
  6. A complete enviromental disgrace. This whole 'we have to reach pre pandemic levels' and meet an arbitary figure is insane. Quality over quantity matters. Not mass tourism.
  7. I think we all know why you have a problem. It's nothing to do with finance. You just have certain 'issues'. Take care and enjoy Pattaya.
  8. So let me get this straight. You've emigrated yourself to Thailand to have a better life. But you resent anyone else wanting to do the exact same thing. You cite finance as the reason you do not want immigration into the UK - despite the governments own papers saying there is a massive pro economic positive from immigration. You cite other factors like 'foreigners don't intergrate' .... you say this without a hint of irony that the British foreigners in Thailand (or Spain etc) make very little effort to intergrate themselves. I've seen Brits here in Thailand who've never bothered to learn a word of Thai, get involved in any of the culture, etc ... other than to get drunk and pay for sex. You get good and bad immigrants everywhere. Show me the related article you base your assumption that immigration is a burden financially? Because if you are saying the GOVERNMENTS own official numbers are wrong, and some research company is more correct then i'd love to see this. One thing i am pretty certain with the UK, is there stats and figures are usually correct. More than likely you just made it up.
  9. So what's the problem? As long as they work, pay their taxes and contribute. If the official stats say immigration is a net benefit to the country, and we need immigration for vital work like doctors, carers, low paid labour etc, What's your issue? Believe it or not, you see those big high rise buildings in Bangkok, they're built majority by labour from Myanmar. USA, Dubai, Australia all have high immigration numbers. Hell Thailand has let nearly 40 million tourists in this year.
  10. The governments own statisitcs in the UK show immigrants bring more in, than take out. Do you have issues with xenophobia? Because the monetry intellectual argument is a fallacy. And yaah Thailand really loves the cheap Brit tourists who flock here. The Brit who loves a british breakfast, goes searching the sun newspaper, sits in a bar on Soi Bukaho all day, and then pay for sex. Ooooooh love that sort of immigrant.
  11. Irony being you are an immigrant in Thailand. You ever thought maybe Thai's hate this mass immigration that's been hoist upon them too? The Brits (especially the drunken, cheap charlies you find in Pattaya) are hardly the beacon of immigrants either. They make no effort to learn the language, don't mix into local culture, love their british breakfasts, pay for sex, and sole topic of conversation is immigration and a love for Nigel Farage.
  12. Cheap and hard labour practises. They attempted to shift to India, but the workforce are lazy. But if China went into a trade war with America, or there was a collapse in the west - China would suffer too, as the are their customers. It's all linked up isn't it. Hence it won't happen.
  13. How are China in the axis of evil? What they done?
  14. Who are they broke too? If they were as you say 'broke' and lost everything, the whole system would collapse .. including the Chinese economy which is dependent on the western countries buying their horse manure.
  15. Nato resources with the US are infinite. This was not worth it for Russia.
  16. Funny now all these Philippine flights make sense. I used to sit their and wonder, why are all these cheap sods heading off to Phillipiines at least once a year. What's going on, it must be paradise out there. When i went there it was complete crap, not worth the hassle. Scammers the lot of them.
  17. There you go .... Brit doing his usual 'i can con the British tax payer because immigrants are doing it' routine. which is beyond parody now. That's the sole argument they ever have. Most of these guys in Pattaya didn't even pay any national insurance contributions, so don't give me that one either. The contributions are just a tax branded into some fancy name to make it appear like it's yours. The sooner these freebies are stopped from everyone leaving the UK the better. Once you leave the UK, it should be just that - not entitled to any more freebies, no more dual citizenship nonsense, etc
  18. Not everyone would have paid any national insurance contributions. And secondly it's just a generic tax that is also used to fund the NHS, and other benefits. It's just a tax with a glossy name. It should just be pushed into the normal taxation. Thirdly, once you leave the country why should you be entitled to anything? I have relatives that live in Canada for nearly 40 years, claim pensions, come to the UK for all their free dentistry and hospital appointments on the NHS. And they give the same clap trap of having paid some national insurance contributions for a few years. Give me a break. They are fleecing the system. It also now makes sense why a few pensioners in Pattaya always doing the odd flight out to the Phillippines now and again.
  19. Scroungers. If you don't live in the UK, there is no way the government should be giving you any money. I see far too many old British guys out here in Thailand, Brexit loving, always whinging about immigration in the UK (irony lost on them they are not the most desirable immigrants themselves in Thailand). They contribute nothing to the UK, so why we paying them a pension? If they have a private pension then it's their business.
  20. Who'd have known opening up to the world with these easy visas, allowing long term stay so easily would allow foreigners to come in and attempt to work with the 'thai front'. Who could have predicted that would happen? I for one am really really really shocked.
  21. They are an utter disgrace. No chance of diversifying the economy. Obsession with tourism is insane.
  22. TOURISM TOURISM TOURISM Why not just have 365 days holidays .... won't someone think of the tourism.
  23. Economy had green shots. He was going for a business first approach, low taxes. Pragamatist. Everything he predicted about Labour was rite too.
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