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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

    Get a life people, It's a commercial.

    I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

    They forgot the whistles and "BOIIIIING" noises, so that's why people thought it was real.

  2. Nothing to suggest the sister did not act in self defense!!........let's not speculate/interpret

    You must be new here. You should know by now that that's what members do here. They speculate and interpret, usually between beers.

    Usually after many beers.

    If not for beer, I'd never post here. What sane person would?

  3. Come on chaps! A lass untouched by anyone and with a few quid too.....a TV member's dream. The complete reverse of the ongoing 'Harold and the Porn Star'.

    The 'my missus was a respectable lass, different from the others'' gang (when we all know different) could actually back up their claims here with a 40 foot billboard......

    You reckon she is Thai Chinese as well ?....TV members should be frothing at the bit to reach her door as they will have "made it" in Thailand and finally acquired some class, and they they could truly say "mines different"...

    I suspect many on here have lasses who know a thing or two about backs involving more than 40....rolleyes.gif

    I say no thanks to the pasty Chinese girls.

    Give me a dusky Issan redneck girl any day.

  4. "racy nightlife"?... Bars forced to close at 12pm, no alcohol if it's a birthday or Buddha day, police storming bars to check that tourists have passports on them, being forced to pee in a cup in the street, bars/clubs with the most disgusting toilets, hussled by skanks "where you come from handsome man", ladyboys mugging tourists, bouncers killing tourists...... pretty racy stuff... High end tourists will love it

    I once rolled in from 8 months in Sandland & COULD NOT WAIT to get sleezy.

    I grabbed 20,000 baht from an ATM and blew it in an afternoon....ON PURPOSE.

    Had me a good old time!

    Miami has cleaner beaches, but they don't have soapies nor Lolita's nor Nana nor Cowboy.

  5. Such a conservative and hypocritical society. How about girls who work in bars and such places all over Thailand? You could make a long list of places where pretties dress proactively.

    The difference is that those are private establishments and children are, in theory, not allowed entry. The Motor Show is a public event and children attend it.

    Personally, I go to see the cars and don't want pretties in the way when I'm taking photos (of the cars), thank you.

    Agreed. The "pretties" there are usually made of silicone & 18 layers makeup at those shows.

    FAR, FAR, better natural "pretties" all over Thailand.

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