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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. Usually you can only apply for a METV from the consulate in your home country. As you're from the UK you could possibly apply online from anywhere in the world; though I don't know if your visa would be accepted in that case. I don't know the fee, I think around £100. You also need to show at least £5000 of funds in your bak account (I think it needs to have been there for the last 6 months). No the application isn't straightforward. Yes there will be uploads, but I don't know what the comprehensive list is (it should be available on the website). Once you have the visa, you should be able to enter by land. Unless they don't have the facilities to deal with e-Visas. Maybe @ubonjoe will know more about that. If they are able to process them then the 1 day in-out situation would be the same as when they deal with any other type of visa. As somebody with no experience of a zero-day bounce, I'll again need to defer to somebody more knowledgeable to fill in the blanks.
  2. With the Multi Entry tourist visa you can enter the country any time within the 6 month period for which it is valid. If you time your last entry just before the visa expires, you get a 60 day entry on arrival, which can be extended for 30 days. So you basically have the 6 months of your visa validity plus an extra 3 months from your final entry.
  3. I love the way people always try and rationalise (potential) suicide attempts. People who attempt suicide are not in any rational state of mind and these laws of logic simply don't usually apply. I agree, however, that there's nothing in the story to indicate a suicide attempt. Bottom left picture.
  4. This is far more likely to lead to an accident. Blind spots don't disappear just because you've stopped moving. And just how "clear" does the road have to be? When you do finally turn, you have to start from zero speed and slowly cross the entire road at slow speed.
  5. Not to mention that if not moved in the correct manner by a trained professional, further and lasting damage can be inflicted.
  6. Let's look at the options shall we?.. On the one hand there's a party with policies of wealth redistribution, green technologies, and electorial reform lead by a former public prosecutor who has been in charge of putting people away for engaging in corrupt behaviours. On the other hand, there's the current lot who have, over the last 12 years, crippled public services while protecting the highly wealthy. A party who bleed corruption out of their eyeballs. A party full of proven liars who are now trying to vilenise the same key workers who got us through the pandemic just because they have the nerve to ask for enough money to stand a chance of survival. There's not really even any point discussing the leader of the party because the MPs are so divided that he can't get any significant legislation through, and that would be the case regardless of who's in charge. I know people love to bang on about how Labor under Tony Blair weren't much better. Even if that was the case, it's irrelevant; because that's not who the party is today. At the end of the day the UK electorate will have a decision between sticking with the current government, who are demonstrably inadequate, or giving themselves a chance of change. To write off Labor as lousy or terrible (I'm not sure which label you're attributing to who) just because you've historically not liked them is pretty foolish. Luckily the electorate seems to have decided what they want. It's just a shame that the UK faces two more years of destruction under the current government before they have the chance to change it.
  7. That's a bit more like it lol! I can only imagine how tiring finishing off 1500 clips in one day would be ???? Still; I doubt that there's many bar girls regularly making 7,500bt per day! (edit... I didn't make this text bold; it was the AseanNow ghost!)
  8. I do not expect to be held accountable for the actions of "my" government, so I certainly won't be discriminating against anyone else purely based on the actions of their megalomaniac leader.
  9. I'm never lucky enough to get such interesting neighbours.
  10. You don't think the experience itself would be enough to learn this lesson?
  11. I'm not sure anything to do with ED is appropriate for people who need to perform
  12. If your figures are correct then I'm not sure the average FL in Pattaya is earning 2.2 million bt per day ????
  13. Lots of planes coming to Pattaya full of Russians, apparently. I wonder how many of them are full when returning...
  14. Sorry I know this is an old post, but how exactly is a lossless digital format a "step down from genuine high fidelity"?
  15. Why so cynical? The IO has nothing to gain from you taking a marriage extension. My understanding is that it's the same price as your 30 day extension anyway. It just seems to me that, on this particular occasion at least, the IO was simply trying to be helpful by telling you about ways you could stay longer if you wanted to.
  16. There's a difference between having an income, and having 600,000bt lying around...
  17. Seems to me your wife is the lucky one as she's not potentially facing charges. Just out of interest, just how badly would things have ended up worse for the guy if he had run into your wife? I mean, he's already dead... So what fate would your wife have imposed on him which is worse than that?
  18. That's assuming you want to leave Thailand more than twice every year, which is a pretty big assumption. Plus there's the fact that the 50,000bt is upfront as opposed to visa renewal costs on an annual basis and re-entry permits as and when required.
  19. I wonder if this will be based on plus codes (https://maps.google.com/pluscodes/) or if they'll be totally reinventing the wheel.
  20. That only works for places catering exclusively for retired expats and hardcore sexpat tourists. Holiday makers tend to have better things to do during the day than go out drinking; sightseeing, chilling at the beach, hiking, shopping malls. You know... Usual tourist stuff. Working expats of corse have to, you know, work, during the day. Then home, shower and dinner before going out.
  21. Go mid week and you should be fine. Midweek is busy but not usually packed.
  22. "the Transport Ministry certified the six mobile phone applications that had reasonable fares, informed commuters of fares in advance, guaranteed passengers’ privacy and also insured them as required by law. " It's right there in the OP what certified means...
  23. The difference is you can't keep backups of cash that you have in your home.
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