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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. The Lenovo has a screen that you can flip. One side is eink and the other is a standard LCD. That would actually mean that you could use the eink screen for your work and still watch movies on the other screen. I've also seen an eink Android tablet that has an hdmi input so you can use it as a second display for your current laptop and use that for writing work. A device like this might be a good way to test the water; if it turns out that eink just really isn't suitable for work, then at least you still have a tablet that you can use as an e-reader or for web browsing etc.
  2. Indeed. Don't they understand that the closer to the equator you get, the more formal you should dress. Anybody who sits at a food stall in anything short of a full dinner-suit and tie is just plain making a fool of themselves.
  3. Yes it sounds to me like you didn't have a TM30, so this was done prior to the 30 day extension. Hence the additional paperwork.
  4. The answer to the first question is buried deep within the OP. Paragraph 2, to be precise. As for how to stop it happening? It's a tricky one. How exactly do you educate a global population to not click on dodgy adds or respond to phone calls and messages then input their login details to scam sites? My UK bank has big warnings every time you transfer money, advising people to think again if they've been asked to make this transfer by a 3rd party. I'm guessing that the impact this message has is negligible; scammers are very skillful at playing the human psyche.
  5. If you know you're going to want that many entries you would save yourself a lot of hassle if you were to obtain a METV (assuming that you're eligible)
  6. If it's itchy then get it checked out by a doctor before taking any alternative action.
  7. And which type of test and where must it be taken? I have a feeling this is a "you need to test yourself and seek help off your own back if found positive" kind of things because I don't see them setting up quarantine centres again.
  8. She panicked! Of course when reading it in the comfort of your own room, or on a bar stool or whatever, it seems like an extremely stupid decision. But people don't work well under pressure, and when something is coming towards you the natural reaction is to run away from it. I'm sure if there had been more time before the impact she would have figured out fairly quickly that she needed to run to the side. These decisions take place in a matter of seconds. Poor lady.
  9. I strongly imagine that the percentage of meters that are actually broken is such a small number as to be statistically irrelevant.
  10. No it's not. And using the subject for some kind of political stunt would be a horrific.
  11. There are several theories in this thread already...
  12. Yes this is a perfectly normal action for somebody who genuinely wants to end their life...
  13. That's not a source; that's a statement. The way I look at it is this: The immigration department have to issue the visas but I doubt they get any kind of compensation for doing so. It makes sense, therefore, for the them to reject Elite Visa applications from people who clearly know about, and have demonstrated a willingness to use, one of the visas that they do get a kick back from. Souce: pure conjecture ????
  14. I am aware of that. But if the medication is available over the counter, then when there is a pharmacy on duty, there should be no problem obtaining tramadol from them.
  15. Trading blocks and most democratic institutions are not vindictive. They don't have emotions and they don't "vote with their heart". If it is mutually beneficial to the EU to work out a better relationship with the UK when they decide to realign (and it still is and still will be for a few decades yet) then a better relationship will be had.
  16. Nope. The failure to recover gets blamed on Brexit.
  17. You want to tell a ladyboy to "f*** off". Good luck with that! Both of those phrases can aggressive enough to p*** somebody off to the point of escalation. Just use a firm ไม่เป็นไรครับ. If that doesn't work then try following up with ไม่เป็นไรจริงๆ. But your best bet is to just not engage at all. When they grab you, keep on walking. If they talk to you don't answer. Any kind of acknowledgment is only going to prolong the situation.
  18. I want to try boots to test the "It's available over the counter" claim.
  19. I don't think it's fair or productive to call people who voted to leave as "idiots". There were huge amounts of money involved in the propaganda campaign. People were tricked. And if the UK is going to eventually align itself back with the EU it's important for people to understand that they were tricked in the first place. It's never an easy thing for one to admit that they were wrong, especially when considering the gravity of the consequences of the leave decision. The last thing they need to be reading is that people regard them as "idiots". I have nothing but respect for people who can say "I made a mistake, we made a mistake, and it needs to be rectified". Obviously there will always be the most ardent "Brexit at any cost" people. But they aren't, and never were, significant in numbers. Unfortunately the voting system we have means that this tiny minority have managed to take over the conservative party and therefore have control of the country. That won't be for much longer, thankfully.
  20. Now that the media are unable to ignore what's happening, 2023 will be the year that the Brexit lies really start to unravel. I wonder what shape this will take but one thing is for certain, it's not going to be pretty. ????
  21. They suspected he was armed and then were surprised that they were right??
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