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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    It depends on the viral load, if you have a low viral load you will only pass on a low viral load, hence why hospital admissions are not rocketing. You really need to live in a bunker, the stats are quite clear now, you are highly unlikely to die of covid-19 unless you multiple underlying medical conditions.

    I don't need to live in a bunker, I live in Thailand, much safer than the UK.

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    You need to check your figures for under 25s dying, the only one's have had serious underlying conditions. I've been going to pubs since they reopened here and no one takes any notice of the social distancing guidelines, all age groups too, no spike in cases. 91% of the UK have had no cases for over a month, certain ethnicites in certain areas have had spikes and in food processing places.


    The chances of catching it is 44 out of 1 million, I would say those are pretty good odds, better than West Brom winning the PL for sure.

    The under 25s take it home with them and infect their parents/grandparents.

  3. 53 minutes ago, seancbk said:

    Isn't the 'Dark Side' the side with all the bars and sleaze?


    The OP seems to be referring to things the other way around.

    "The Darkside" is East Pattaya, mainly residential. Called "The Darkside" because many years ago there was very little street lighting.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, LiveKiss said:

    “Clusters of asymptomatic cases” = healthy people who can’t transmit any disease, but happen to have in them the genetic sequence that the test picks up.

    And let’s not forget that this genetic sequence is picked up from whole human tissue, not from any virus: therefore testing positive for covid does not mean having any kind of virus or even disease!

    Asymptomatic people do transmit the disease. Your second paragraph is just nonsense.

  5. Just now, tribalfusion001 said:

    Infected people don't have to have much in the way of symptoms, this is what is happening in Europe now. The clusters are mainly asymptomatic cases, Thailand doesn't test so doesn't find any clusters.

    The clue is in your use of the word "mainly". If there were asymptomatic cases tthere would be a smaller number of symptomatic cases and a yet smaller number of deaths. Smaller but still there.


    Figures from UK today: Cases 1508, steadily rising since the beginning of July (lockdown ending).


    Patients admitted to hospital 109. Steadily declining since April.


    Deaths 10. Steadily falling since April, a couple of weeks after lock down. 


    My assertion is that the rise in cases in the UK is due to young people going out, enjoying themselves and failing to observe the basic Covid rules. Many of them are asymptomatic but some still get sick and some still die. 



  6. 2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Hello Mr Polpott, here is your quote. "Rules is rules. If you want to live in the country you abide by the rules. not make them." Answer please.

    There's a difference between rules and laws. Also you have taken my quote completely out of context by not showing the post I replied to. You are now just trying to be offensive, don't expect any more replies to your nonsense.

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Surelynot said:

    That is what I have also read in the UK newspapers (not the Mail and Express...proper newspapers)

    The reason is that Thailand is on John Hopkins red list. Why? Because it reports every case of Covid found in quarantine which are then added to the figures. A nonsense.


    The British Embassy needs to make the British Government aware of this anomaly and allow British citizens to return to the UK without the need to quarantine on their return, as is the case for several European countries who have a far bigger problem with Covid than Thailand does.


    I won't hold my breath.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    But you have just said "I have no problems breaking laws." after you said something along the lines of people should always obey the law. So whose post is really nonsense?

    Please quote me where I said people should always obey the law. More nonsense from you.


    I even gave you an example of a law that I break every single day.....but it doesn't cause offence.



  9. 1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

    Well you had better be careful not to get involved in any accidents, can't be breaking any laws now, can we?

    Read my posts. I have no problems breaking laws. I do have a problem causing offence to people I live amongst. Not wearing underwear causes no offence as no one is aware of the fact. Everyone is aware if I go outside my property not wearing a shirt or a mask and some would take offence.

    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, Flying Saucage said:

    Yes Mike.


    But keep in mind that it is as likely that Thailand really has zero cases as it is in Turkmenistan and North Korea, which are the only 2 other countries of reasonable size, which self-claim to be virus free, and which have dictatorships in power with governments as honest and honorable as the Thai government.


    Mountains of evidence to back up Thailand's claim that it is virus free.

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