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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 1 minute ago, Chiphigh said:

    A complete fabrication, but then you do reference CNN. 

    Typical leftist tactics, agree with the premise or you are a racist. 

    The SPLC targets anyone who disagree with their ideology as racist, in other words, the same leftist trope as every other leftist organization and politician. 


    People see through this and laugh at the virtue signaling blather. 

    Nope only the extreme right Trump's base refuse to see it as it is and they're an ever dwindling minority.

    • Haha 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    The United Arab Emirates is the number two exporter of oil in the Middle East. That alone makes them not "insignificant".



    Really? To Trump you're probably right. its all about the oil. 555


    Saudi Arabia the country responsible for 9/11 was the first country Trump cosied up to after his election - oil.


    Syria - Trump promised to withdraw US troups from there. They're still there guarding the oil fields which Trump has laid claim to.


    UAE Politically completely insignificant but as you say major oil exporter. 


    Its all about the oil, always has been always will be.



    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, olfu said:

    I dont support anything before looking at facts and fact is 19 Saudis blow Twin Towers in New York city.

    More than 19. A number of others ran the cells in the US and gave the orders. Fled back to Saudi days after the attack and the Saudi government have refused permission to extradite them or even interview them. Then there are the big boys in Saudi who provided the money.

  4. 1 hour ago, Thorgal said:


    Wahhabism was created in 17th century by Mohammad Ben Abdelwahhab in nowadays KSA.

    The creator of wahhabism was actually a son of Jewish merchant coming from Basrah, nowadays Iraq.


    Wahhabism can be compared with what Calvinism has been traditional Catholicism. An internal religious reformation.


    There's a huge difference between religious Islam and political Islam.


    Religious Islam created a negative byproduct called wahhabism.

    Political Islam promoted anti semitism after the creation of the Jewish state of Israel dominating the Palestinians.

    This anti semitism was adopted under the pan Arabism (a larger than national political movement).





    Tell me something I don't know. Osama Bin Laden and virtually all of those involved in the 9/11 attacks were Saudi Wahhabists.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

    It’s actually the Saudi royal dynasty that controls the holy cities of Islam nowadays.


    They’ve ousted the Jordanian guards out of Mekkah and Medina since the 3rd Kingdom of Al Saud. Historically, those Jordanian religious guards have protected religious cities like Jerusalem, Mekkah and Medina.

    Those Jordanian guards in Islam had the same religious status like the Swiss guards in Catholic Vatican.


    Royal Saudi family originates from tribes coming from norther region close to Kuwait and Qatar.


    US, Israel and KSA are nations created by illegal conquest.

    They should not dictate the Palestinians.

    The Saudi royal family swear allegiance to the Wahhabi. Always have, still do. Progenitors of 9/11. They swear to the destruction of Israel not subservience to it.

    • Thanks 1
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