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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. FYI, the Elite people do the criminal check as part of the approval process. I like the idea of a criminal check for O's though. I also like the idea of limiting O applications to one per year. Eliminating the use of agents is going to be a bigger problem. It is a system that was not created by the applicants.
  2. And how is that different from the Russian mobsters, Indian touts or British hooligans? Making generalities is a slippery cliff. Maybe it is time for the BIB to be processing the overstay lists from immigration for all nationalities. Maybe it is time to limit O visas to one per year?
  3. Sometimes whiskey and ice do not mix.
  4. Paragraphs help. Your text is a disorganized mess. Is there a question in there? Koh Chang is boring and isolated, the boy would probably prefer Hua Hin where he could be a little more independent, For beaches, the Phuket/Krabi area wins easily. Plenty of beach villas south of Patong. For euro-feel Koh Samui also has many small villas available but the food is bland.
  5. I have never been physically threatened by working girls. It is bad for business. Look to the tourists to have an attack of gay panic.
  6. It worked out pretty well for the Vatican.
  7. Shouldn't that be the Brown Shirts From Bangkok?
  8. Check your deposits. If you have been bringing in 40k a month, you can get a marriage extension for a year.
  9. What you need is a recirculation pipe and diverter valve. Just closing the discharge valve will just drive the pressure up on the pump side. Half the flow needs to go back to the tank. Closing the suction side is much worse as it will cause cavitation and ruin the pump. All of your options are energy inefficient. It would be better in the long run to buy a properly sized pump.
  10. They are finally going after the Agent visas. Long overdue.
  11. Try renaming at the command prompt with admin.
  12. It is long past time for Cheeto baby to shut up and go away. Hopefully to a prison in New York, DC, Georgia, Florida or Arizona.
  13. I made a model for our current build and the district engineer charged us about 10k to convert it to Auto-CAD construction drawings. It is going pretty well.
  14. Never took more than one business day for me online. In person, 10 minutes.
  15. While I an generally unimpressed with her claim, I am less impressed with the safety layouts for road repairs. It is a real hazard for the workers. No cones, lights or warning signs in use. It is time someone addressed the issue.
  16. The problem with reviews like this is that many are petty and vindictive by over entitled falangs. That was certainly the case in the famous Koh Chang incident a few years ago. I have never had an issue with bad reviews, mostly because I usually try to make them constructive. Recognize underlying issues and efforts made. Usually service and hotels in Thailand are above their price point. In these cases, how do they collect overseas? No Aussie court is going to enforce this.
  17. Statins are largely interchangeable but they are not all the same dosage. If you are living here, go to the local government hospital and get on whatever the local choice is. It will be easier and much cheaper.
  18. Easy for those of us that live here to criticize the falang tourists but it makes sense to me. We have the support to go everywhere either on our own or with Thai family. The outer trips are for later visits but it is expensive to visit frequently. I would happily take a holiday in Samui, even though the food is pretty lame, Are the Russians in Phuket more annoying than the Indians in Pattaya or the Nigerians in Bangkok? The Thai touts and Tuk-Tuk scammers are a bigger problem everywhere.
  19. What you are talking about is called visa fraud. It is illegal. Conspiracy to commit visa fraud is also illegal and this page should not be supporting it.
  20. So what are the widebodies going to be? A350s? 777s?
  21. Admins: Can you trash everything that does not refer to transgender access to heath care please? This thread has been hijacked by off topic nonsense.
  22. Everyone said that about Cary Grant and Rock Hudson.
  23. But you know the meaning of CD, DVD. SIM Card, SD-card, computer, streaming, Zoom, Skype and a host of other words that did not exist at the time. Selective ignorance cannot be used to justify bigotry.
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