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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Boy. If Fox News is too leftie then you are pretty far to the right in my opinion. Surely Hannity and Carlson can hit the spot for you.

    I get that CNN is against Trump but it's hard to be otherwise given the man he is. I  doubt you'll find lies on CNN but they wont tell good news Trump stories on the economy etc. CNN is slanted whereas Fox News is much more biased or they tell straight out lies. 

    The Drudge Report is interesting because it seemed to have a more right wing slant to it before but now is more balanced or even anti Trump in the news it promotes. I like it.

    RT is clever in it's bias because it does some good journalism here and there but then has subtle and not so subtle jabs at democracy, and the left, and of course is pro Putin.



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  2. 1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Not good enough. The poster above claimed the 6,000 vote "mistake" was a myth. Didn't happen. Called it an "Alledged" incident.


     Yet here you claim it's already been investigated. But to whose satisfaction? and were there full investigations of every other country countrywide that used the same software? Why did I not read full reports into the investigation on CNN, MSNBC, Reuters, AP? How are posters still able to dub the incident a fallacy?


     You can see the difference of opinion between two democrat supporters(6,000 vote switcheroo didn't happen at all vs happened but was fixed and all cool now), right? For the last time. Without exhaustive investigations into the fraud which Trump speaks of, Biden will never be legitimate. 


    FTR seeing the reaction to these issues, I want to see a full audit for each and every vote. Regardless of the media rage and how long it takes.

    In every election there are  issues that arise. In 2004 John Kerry could have won if he flipped Ohio. He lost it by just 2 per cent. He saw a few irregularities  but he had the sense to see they wouldn't amount to much, and that he could look into them in any case, and he conceded. For the good of the democracy.

    In this case multiple major things would have to happen for Trump to win. There is no evidence at this stage for fraud. For the best interests of the country he could look at the bigger picture and concede.

    If suddenly, some unlikely fraud or mistakes in multiple states is unearthed, conceding doesn't stop the possibility of the decision being reversed.

    It's just about looking at reality and about doing the right thing. 

    But let him do his thing. It just confirms the sort of man we all thought he was. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Again, not sure why you think I would need to be for Trump when I speak about Biden. You guys' eyes of the world are shut. It is not black or white. 


    Yes, as I said, you are fine with a president who plagiarized multiple times at professional levels. He made the "mistake" multiple times, and did not seem to care to change. 


    You said it was ok because it was in 1988. I said, why are crimes from 1988 ok? Do you have an answer? Is everything I do ok, if it was 1988 or before? It is your logic, not mine. Defend it. 

    You seem fixated with this. I didn't say it was OK. I said people make mistakes. Some people learn from their mistakes. I believe Biden is a good man and if the worst thing he has done is this I don't see it as a major thing. Reading a speech from a similar left leaning leader and liking it's tone and using it is a mistake but really do you think it should stop someone moving on with their life.  

    On the day of his acceptance speech if this is your biggest concern then that's fine.



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  4. 6 minutes ago, sucit said:

    What on earth does "1988" have to do with anything? He was a professional politician. He was not in 5th grade. Would rape be ok if it was in 1988. Stop rationalizing. Just accept that the president is a complete wreck. 


    He is here because he is a bought candidate. You seem to confuse being bought with being a fighter. 

    Who is he bought by? Where's you proof? Sorry Sucit I am not sure what you are referring to.


  5. 39 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

    If either of the two sides is happiest with the result, then I'd be tempted to say it's the Republicans even if they lose the WH.



    I take your point that aspects of the outcome were disappointing for Democrats. But to say that the Republicans will be happier than the Democrats with getting Biden into the White House, the House remaining with the Democrats and the Democrats still having a  shot at the Senate,   is drawing a long bow.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, polpott said:



    A ham fisted attempt that failed at the first hurdle. Although the majority of the dead people were registered Democrats that isn't evidence that the intention was to vote for the Democrat candidate.


    Antifa is not mentioned.

    Corpus Christie was making a joke about the nefarious ways Antifa could get fake votes - grannies etc. I was taking the joke a step further suggesting Antifa were behind registering dead people and how done enough times it could have led to a Biden win. A joke. 

    • Thanks 2
  7. On the first night after the election I thought the Lincoln Project had been all for naught. They must have been extremely disappointed with some of the house and senate results. Lindsay Graham. Oh my god.

    Some of their adds just seemed to be preaching to the converted.

    Now though with a pretty much certain Biden win, and the 2 senates seats in Georgia up for runoff, the Lincoln Project might have been the difference or at least been a help.


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