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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 30 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I gave up thinking any of them would be different after Obama let everyone down.

    When he had the senate for the first two years I think he was focused on the economic recovery. He did that well. Then he lost the senate and was thwarted by  Mitch McConnell and friends. So he did underperform a bit. Still did Obamacare which was a big deal. 

    It's a pity sometimes the president doesn't just have free rein to have their policies for four years and if they muck it up chuck 'em out.  

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  2. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Candidates are chosen by the wealthy elite .......... not by the electorate.

    Elections are a sham competition between two elitist sock puppets (same hands running them), in an attempt to placate the proletariat.


    For all the fault's of Trump  it's hard to say he was at first  brought in by the establishment. The Republicans fought hard to get rid of him in the primaries and it was his rampant supporters that got him in.

    Same with Biden. He was on the outer and it was really some black democrats that got him back on track in the southern states.

    But once in power, the establishment got behind Trump, and he has filled up the swamp to breaking point. 

    Hope Biden will be different. His tax and other policies indicate he is. 



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  3. 41 minutes ago, riclag said:

    That moron biden just loss his PA  win by  flip flopping on oil imop

    I concur.. not with Biden being a moron but that that really stood out at the rally and he explained it poorly. Not smart for attracting the working class white men.  Something for Trump to get his teeth into. They say Pennsylvania is two big cities, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and the rest is like Alabama.

    I give Trump some kudos for his energy but he is mainly preaching to the converted and most people have seen through his nonsense.


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  4. 1 hour ago, PatrickC said:


    NZ is highly subjective and depends how you measure success. 


    I heard today that Andrews is extending lockdown. Lucky you. Like a dog chasing its tail, Victoria's lockdown might never end.


    I guess you are also in a white collar job and are working from home, so you can support the lockdown easily.


    It is usually middle class work from home types who support lockdowns, since they're not losing their jobs. Just let the working classes suffer.

    I agreed with the lockdown but I agree they are now taking it too far. Having 6 cases in the northern suburbs and shutting down the whole of Melbourne's 5 million population is now over the top.  

    I do have a government job working from home so it's fine for me.

    My thai ex has a business and has not been able to work for weeks.

    750 cases a day means a lockdown is smart but for 6 it's getting ridiculous. The state of New South Wales is open with similar cases. 

    Before we all get too excited though he is just talking about delaying it for a couple of days until a large amount of test results come back. My guess is he'll announce in a few days that retail and other businesses open next Monday.

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  5. 3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    Sorry to say but most Aussies don't realise that most Brits don't give a flying F about you, what you do or even the royal family. This is an old statement and QE2 is your head of state. Vote her out or get over it but PLEASE stop whining on England and put your own fires out.

    I think the feeling is returned. Most Australians don't care about the UK. There are few royalists and  the mainly female magazine readers who love all the royal family stuff. 

    I think few feel passionate about keeping the queen, and the majority would prefer she was gone,  but I think the Australian  nature is to be suspicious of change.

    Malcolm Turnbull, who ran the Republic program,  was a bit arrogant and unpopular  back then, and there were disputes about what shape it should take. 

    I just think many people don't care but I bet if it was put to a vote today it would get up.

    If the queen goes it will happen.

    I don't want to get all politically correct but if you think about what the Commonwealth represents, and the subjugation of so many people over time, and the patheticness of the royal family, they really should go. I'm starting to feel fired up. 

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  6. It is  a good time to buy in Australia. With a bad economy, and with China playing games with iron, cotton, and now wine imports, you can get a half decent wine in Australia, as Odysseus said,  for around $10 and a really decent wine from $20 up. Some nice wineries around here. 

    China are saying that Australia is dumping wine or getting subsidies and sending general bad messages to the Chinese public about Australia.

    I haven't eaten reptiles but when I was in Komodo I saw a big reptile eat a goat. 



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  7. 12 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    How was Hillary Vs Trump before the election?

    I was watching a story how a lot of the polling companies accepted they made methodology  mistakes last time and have adjusted there polling methods to take this into account. Therefore the poll results should be  much more accurate.

    I am so sorry that you and others will be disappointed but you have till January to see him retweet  dodgy conspiracy theories and be a general tool. 

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  8. A concern is that Biden's comments on the oil and gas industry shutting down could be another Hillary 'Shut The Coal Mines' moment. His fracking comment didn't go so well either.  Trump's good at getting people fired up about stuff like that.

    I think the election is likely to be lost for Trump with all the voting so far but it could effect the senate.

    Biden needs to get the message out that he is talking longer term and not short term without upsetting his left supporters who want real action on climate change. 

    • Haha 1
  9. 17 hours ago, PatrickC said:

    If lockdowns worked so well, why has covid spread so far and wide globally?

    Even in China, it keeps popping up. NZ and Vietnam it has popped back up as well. And Thailand - no real proof that it went away as no mass testing. 


    I'm sorry but we're all over lockdowns. No more - we're done with them. Time to move on and give up on trying something that is just a waste of time and ruins the economy.


    You're really extremely fixed on your views. That is clear. And you've the right to be. However we've also the right to oppose them, and it doesn't make up "grannie killers", "fascists" or whatever other accusations you want to sling at us. Throwing names at people with different opinions achieves nothing. Give it up.

    New Zealand has had a highly successful lockdown. They have had a little flare up of 25 cases today which they should be able to target through tracing and get the numbers back down. If they had no lockdown who knows where they'd be. Likely a lot worse than 27 deaths. 

    New Zealand is an island country,  with low population compared to crowded European cities etc, and most people supported a tough lockdown so it worked.

    There's more evidence of masks being effective too. Czechia brought in masks early and got the cases down quickly but, since they stopped wearing them, cases have gone out of control.

    I take your point that lockdowns have a huge cost. I am in Melbourne and from this Sunday we should be able to do most things with around 5 cases per day. It has worked but at a big cost. I personally think it's worth it.

    Better to be in Melbourne than in Prague or in many European and US cities that are out of control. If Trump had've just gone all in 6 months ago, and made certain behaviour mandatory for a time e.g. masks,  instead of playing politics, they could've done a lot better, in my opinion.



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  10. 36 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    People put off by Obama are already voting for Trump.


    The battle has always been the middle ground and decency.

    I take your point. I just think there's that working class white men vote who, for right or wrong, saw Obama and Hillary as a bit dismissive of them. They felt that, despite the nice words, 8 years of Obama didn't do much for them.  Maybe there's even a bit of racism there. They are both attracted to, and repelled by, Trump and Biden gives them a decent option.

    Obama gives a great speech but I think Biden is good at coming across as the 'everyman'. Even Biden's struggle  to get the message across sometimes can be seen as likeable and relatable.

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  11. 16 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Slowing the spread slows down the number of infection and slows down the time it takes for the deaths to occur rather than reducing the number is what I understood the experts were saying.I've heard it said that all pandemics eventually end with or without vaccines which have only been around for a relatively short time historically speaking so I disagree that vaccines are the "only" realistic means of eradicating the virus.I don't disagree that vaccines can be very effective in helping to eradicating the virus.Mankind's immune systems are apparently still quite mysterious and not so well understood so we don't really get the full picture of what is happening in regards to immunity to this virus and is still a work in progress.It's sad what is happening and people are trying to do the best they can to deal with it but deal with it we shall even if some of the things we do are considered mistakes if we can identify the mistakes the we should be able to learn from them.


    In terms of the numbers of dead without a vaccine I think it depends on the location. If people are relatively spread out, and you have strong borders , and you have a government that can get most people to cooperate, like New Zealand and Australia, masks and lockdowns can pretty much kill off the disease with relatively few deaths without a vaccine. New Zealand and Australia have now opened borders and as long as little flare ups can be knocked on the head it's all good from here.

    New Zealand is the gold standard; a bit over 600 cases and 12 deaths.

    In other places though, as you say, it seems the aim at first is just to slow it down so hospitals aren't overwhelmed. But then if they can get their act together they can be like Australia and New Zealand.


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