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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. I am in Australia and I have got my pile of Jetstar vouchers ready for when they open up. Doubt it will be before March .. and then the issue is if I can get the vaccine which will probably be required. Or maybe I'll bring my girlfriend here. In the mean time it's the joys of talking on the Line app.

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  2. I have had some good and bad som tams. If they don't overcharge then they can come out with a really small amount of papaya, or way too much salty sauce, or no chilis for tourists.  The good ones though are worth it and if they have  fried chicken and a beer to go with it all the better.  

  3. On 11/29/2020 at 9:38 PM, Swiss1960 said:

    Ping 71ms would be VERY high. It should be less than 3ms. Ping is when your computer "calls" your next server and how long until the answer comes back. Kind of like phone answer time.


    Upload and download numbers are incredibly good (assume Mbps?), you probably have a 300/300 contract? No need to change that.


    Ads have nothing to do with your internet provider, they come with websites/ apps you visit / use. Thaivisa is one prime example of showing more and more ads to make money,  ignoring user experience completely. 

    I have a work computer so I have to be careful what software I put on it. I am finding Thai Visa close to unusable in the last couple of months - it takes forever to load. Is there a way I can make it faster. I have Microsoft Edge as a browser. Thanks.

  4. It's funny. My girlfriend loves her brown rice as I do and she says it's more expensive in Thailand than Australia. Yet the farmers get a small amount. How does that work.

    On the war stories topic they had a free day on an ancestry site for war records so I looked up my grandfather. I had heard he had got in some sort of trouble in the the first World War for running off with a friend and some ladies in Singapore. The records showed he'd been in New Guinea and then on through Asia and then he left abruptly. Not sure if the story is true or why he was in New Guinea and Asia in World War I. Training I suppose or on the way somewhere. The interesting part was that the records showed that 30 odd years later he had changed his date of birth so he could join World War II and he had some years in Europe..this time he left with his honour intact. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Keith5588 said:

    Thanks huangnon and Peterw42 for your helpful information.

    I will ask the hotel and have a look around after arriving. If I see a rental place very close to a large hotel I think they would not scam customers, also if renting via the hotel recommendation it would probably be good.


     I have have a look on the internet and see that in 2018 it was decided to have a road going completely around Kho Chang, does anyone know if it is possible to go across to the East side from the South West of Koh Chang?




    No.  Kacha's  in the middle so you can ride one way one day and the other on the other day but not all the way around. The roads are pretty good as long as you don't mind the odd hilly bits with tight turns. 

    Hiring a bike shouldn't be difficult.

    Can recommend Kacha too.  It has a good breakfast on the beach. Two nice pools. Nice food market outside at night. The Hillside rooms are good if you don't want to pay top dollar but ask for one on a higher floor facing the pool away from the road.  I do and they have given it to us . 



    2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    How can you see the division as one sided? 

    This division regarding the election isn't between Democrats and Republicans but between Trump and reality. The election result has been accepted by most but Republicans are staying quiet because of Trump's power over the Republican masses.  

    The only division about the result  is coming from Trump tweets and Rudy Guiliani and his cohorts going into conspiracy after conspiracy. It even has Tucker Carlson backing off. When he backs off you know you are in super crazy territory.

    I get why you might have liked him at one point but surely it's obvious by his behaviour that he's an appalling loser in every way. Get off the Trump train and join the Biden express.


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  7. 4 hours ago, ExpatOK said:

    Relax. On Jan 20th we will know who the president is. 

    You like to say that. Just like you seem to think the covid figures are a media and democrat conspiracy.

    The point is that if Trump was just quietly being intransigent that's one thing. But if his incendiary tweets about fraud and stolen elections  don't result in violence it will just be good luck rather than for a different reason.

    So far though the protesters seem pretty relaxed. Maybe they know deep down it's all just a bit of silliness.




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  8. So you can feel relaxed, and given your earnings,  I would recommend paying your way.  He'll probably get the gist of how you are feeling.

    If he feels strongly about paying you could let him pay on the  first date.  Then you can push to pay your way, or for both, after that. 

    He can pay for the odd cheaper date e.g. movies  but you could help with more expensive nights at nice restaurants etc. Depends on his ego and his confidence.

    Sometimes I think paying for everything becomes a bore and it would be nice to have the tables turned from time to time. He might feel the same.  

  9. 32 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Bias Rating of RT, FoxNews and CNN from https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/.   















    The comments at the bottom are pretty good but the overall rating is not accurate in my opinion.

    Both Fox and CNN have two categories - news and opinion.

    For opinion I would say Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham etc are MUCH more likely to distort, mislead, lie, and exaggerate wildly than Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon, who rarely tell lies. I have seen the latter correct there mistakes if they did so.  But all four have an agenda based on their point of view. 

    Similarly the news on Fox is, in my opinion, much more likely to exaggerate wildly to promote their agenda.  The violence in the streets bit is a good example. It was a small thing but they exaggerated it as though everyone in the suburbs was at risk and it was all the left's fault. Some may say CNN did the same thing with coronavirus. But that was a thing.

    Some Fox news is OK. Chris Wallace is good. 

    CNN's is more likely overall to be factual, but it clearly has a left slant, and may omit positive Trump news.

    So both are biased but to say they are on the same level, being mixed, is generous to Fox and not in my opinion correct.  

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  10. Boy. If Fox News is too leftie then you are pretty far to the right in my opinion. Surely Hannity and Carlson can hit the spot for you.

    I get that CNN is against Trump but it's hard to be otherwise given the man he is. I  doubt you'll find lies on CNN but they wont tell good news Trump stories on the economy etc. CNN is slanted whereas Fox News is much more biased or they tell straight out lies. 

    The Drudge Report is interesting because it seemed to have a more right wing slant to it before but now is more balanced or even anti Trump in the news it promotes. I like it.

    RT is clever in it's bias because it does some good journalism here and there but then has subtle and not so subtle jabs at democracy, and the left, and of course is pro Putin.



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  11. 1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Not good enough. The poster above claimed the 6,000 vote "mistake" was a myth. Didn't happen. Called it an "Alledged" incident.


     Yet here you claim it's already been investigated. But to whose satisfaction? and were there full investigations of every other country countrywide that used the same software? Why did I not read full reports into the investigation on CNN, MSNBC, Reuters, AP? How are posters still able to dub the incident a fallacy?


     You can see the difference of opinion between two democrat supporters(6,000 vote switcheroo didn't happen at all vs happened but was fixed and all cool now), right? For the last time. Without exhaustive investigations into the fraud which Trump speaks of, Biden will never be legitimate. 


    FTR seeing the reaction to these issues, I want to see a full audit for each and every vote. Regardless of the media rage and how long it takes.

    In every election there are  issues that arise. In 2004 John Kerry could have won if he flipped Ohio. He lost it by just 2 per cent. He saw a few irregularities  but he had the sense to see they wouldn't amount to much, and that he could look into them in any case, and he conceded. For the good of the democracy.

    In this case multiple major things would have to happen for Trump to win. There is no evidence at this stage for fraud. For the best interests of the country he could look at the bigger picture and concede.

    If suddenly, some unlikely fraud or mistakes in multiple states is unearthed, conceding doesn't stop the possibility of the decision being reversed.

    It's just about looking at reality and about doing the right thing. 

    But let him do his thing. It just confirms the sort of man we all thought he was. 

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