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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 3 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Again, not sure why you think I would need to be for Trump when I speak about Biden. You guys' eyes of the world are shut. It is not black or white. 


    Yes, as I said, you are fine with a president who plagiarized multiple times at professional levels. He made the "mistake" multiple times, and did not seem to care to change. 


    You said it was ok because it was in 1988. I said, why are crimes from 1988 ok? Do you have an answer? Is everything I do ok, if it was 1988 or before? It is your logic, not mine. Defend it. 

    You seem fixated with this. I didn't say it was OK. I said people make mistakes. Some people learn from their mistakes. I believe Biden is a good man and if the worst thing he has done is this I don't see it as a major thing. Reading a speech from a similar left leaning leader and liking it's tone and using it is a mistake but really do you think it should stop someone moving on with their life.  

    On the day of his acceptance speech if this is your biggest concern then that's fine.



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  2. 6 minutes ago, sucit said:

    What on earth does "1988" have to do with anything? He was a professional politician. He was not in 5th grade. Would rape be ok if it was in 1988. Stop rationalizing. Just accept that the president is a complete wreck. 


    He is here because he is a bought candidate. You seem to confuse being bought with being a fighter. 

    Who is he bought by? Where's you proof? Sorry Sucit I am not sure what you are referring to.


  3. 39 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

    If either of the two sides is happiest with the result, then I'd be tempted to say it's the Republicans even if they lose the WH.



    I take your point that aspects of the outcome were disappointing for Democrats. But to say that the Republicans will be happier than the Democrats with getting Biden into the White House, the House remaining with the Democrats and the Democrats still having a  shot at the Senate,   is drawing a long bow.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, polpott said:



    A ham fisted attempt that failed at the first hurdle. Although the majority of the dead people were registered Democrats that isn't evidence that the intention was to vote for the Democrat candidate.


    Antifa is not mentioned.

    Corpus Christie was making a joke about the nefarious ways Antifa could get fake votes - grannies etc. I was taking the joke a step further suggesting Antifa were behind registering dead people and how done enough times it could have led to a Biden win. A joke. 

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  5. On the first night after the election I thought the Lincoln Project had been all for naught. They must have been extremely disappointed with some of the house and senate results. Lindsay Graham. Oh my god.

    Some of their adds just seemed to be preaching to the converted.

    Now though with a pretty much certain Biden win, and the 2 senates seats in Georgia up for runoff, the Lincoln Project might have been the difference or at least been a help.


  6. 1 minute ago, JonnyF said:


    I don't see them hiding. They just don't feel the need to shout from the rooftops about how awesome and kind and virtuous and smart they are because they vote the way they do (like the left do, both sides of the pond).

    I think that for many if you believe in something you don't mind speaking up about it. Polling isn't about shouting from the roof tops - just answering a few questions about your opinion. For some reason polling companies struggle to get the full picture with Trump. Either Trump voters are shy or maybe the polling companies are asking the wrong people.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Why don't you ask yourself why polls have been very accurate for decades and all the sudden they are way off involving two elections with Trump.


    Go figure that out, and btw it is not "hiding Trump voters", and get back to us with some better informed comments. 

    I guess you have a better answer so please share it. If it involves widespread subterfuge by polling companies please provide some evidence. Polling companies succeed based on there success. Credible polling companies make money from being correct. I am interested in what your theory is.

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  8. 1 minute ago, mr mr said:

    ok if trump wins.........


    tough to see how it happened the first time. the 2nd time ? 


    fool me once shame on.....shame on you. fool me.... you can't get fooled again.

    The pollsters said they  adjusted for the mistakes last time. Fivethirtyeight.com apparently got it right many elections in a row...until Trump. What is it? Hillbillies hiding under rocks.  

    I should say Biden is still some chance.

    I wonder if anyone regrets there vote when they see how Trump carried on tonight. No..I guess it was nothing new.



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