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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 33 minutes ago, riclag said:

    Dem run cities,sad!



    All we've seen so far is Texan Trump supporters hassling Biden's bus, Trump supporters in New Jersey taking over a bridge, Trump supporters in New York take over a bridge, and lots of rhetoric from your favourite President - supporting the Texas incident above,  saying a decision to count ballots in the normal way in Pennsylvania is dangerous and may induce violence, and that he won't accept the result of the election if he loses. There's more but who really cares what he says ...

    RicLag is this super spreader really someone you support...THAT'S sad..

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  2. I concur that health professionals should have put a higher priority on getting people to take personal responsibility with their health - to save lives from covid, and in general, there could be govt advertising getting people to lose weight, get fit, eat better. 

    I  disagree with the argument that because passing on disease is part of life that the same personal responsibility applies when there is a pandemic. If you have an awareness that there are steps you can take to save lives, and disregard them, and this leads to death then you should feel somewhat responsible because you are. Pretty obvious I would have thought. 

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    I think if you look at subsets of Trump supporters, and get down to those who attend the rallies, I am guessing the percentage of those that believe in conspiracy theories such as QANON, skyrockets.

    That is why it is so irresponsible for Trump to bring the most easily influenced together and risk their lives in this way.

    I am not saying all attendees are dumb*sses - just that a higher percentage than the general population are vulnerable to powerful, dominating, almost cult like influences of a Trump type person.



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  4. I think we all get both sides of the argument and there is potentially some valid points on each. But if you were the actual decision maker you have to look at the facts and decide.

    I can't see any reason, or conspiracy theory, as to why my Government in Australia, New Zealand or the French govt etc would lock down except that they've done the maths and worked out that the best overall outcome to save lives is to wear masks, social distance and to have some form of lockdown in major breakouts.

    It's easy to be cynical of governments, but I am not an expert on this topic, and sometimes you have to accept that, and let others who are, decide. If someone can show me why a government would find a lockdown desirable, without resorting to unproven conspiracy theories, please let me know. 

    A lockdown in extreme circumstances  is harsh but it is effective.

    If simply separating the vulnerable would work they would do that. 

    To just say that I want to be free to live my life, lets call it a Trump approach,  sounds nice but evidence suggests it leads to bad outcomes. Not sure if being free means that you are happy to wear masks and social distance.

    Look at the Unites States today. Is this the outcome that is satisfactory to you. There are less deaths now, due to doctors learning how to deal with it, but still 1000 per day and rising. The above average deaths for 2020 are higher than the toll suggesting the figures are underreported. Then there are many with lingering side effects.

    The vaccine is objectively not far away. Chill. Keep people safe and if cases get way out of hand lockdown for a while.


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  5. 7 hours ago, PatrickC said:


    I am selfish for wanting to protect cancer patients who are being denied care because of covid obsession?


    Ok then, if you say so.


    We are ruining so many lives with this covid obsession. So many unemployed. So much domestic violence. So many undiagnosed cancers. So many vulnerable people being locked at home.


    But hey, let's forget about them, because you want to save your grannie, and her life is more important than anyone else. 


    Pro lockdown folks only care about themselves and are the ones who are really selfish.


    Go and speak to people who have been made unemployed by lockdowns, to women who have been beaten by abusive husbands, by people with mental health problems who are suffering, or to people who have had out of control cancers spread while in lockdown. Go and speak to them and tell them your grannie is more important than them.

    Not sure about other places, but in Melbourne there were many messages about getting checks for any signs of other illnesses. The lockdown did not stop you getting health checks and there was wide access to telehealth services.

    There was also an awareness of possible domestic violence related issues and new services were put in place to deal with it.

    I just think you are underestimating the amount of deaths, and the pressure on the hospitals, if your approach was taken. I think generalisations about pro lock down people too don't help.

    That is not to say that there will not be long term negative affects of the lockdown for youth, the unemployed, maybe other health issues as you say. 

    It is nice now in Melbourne to be free to live my life to some degree and the whole of Australia and New Zealand have few cases. The future looks bright as compared to other places such as the United States and parts of Europe.

    It could be strongly argued that the Melbourne lockdown when a bit too long. 


    It may be that if people just took social distancing and masks seriously a full lockdown may have not been required. But, people being people, many don't follow the rules and this leads to harsh lockdowns.

    Neither path is perfect but on balance I think sometimes lockdowns are an appropriate tool.


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  6. In Australia always fast.. maybe 15 minutes if you go at the peak.

    One reason is that the US states run by GOP Governers', and some state courts, are using a range of tricks to potentially limit votes e.g. limits on mail in voting times, photo ID laws, shut down polling places etc.  

    The  Texas Supreme court just upheld a decision to limit ballot drop off locations to one per  county even though a county can be 1000's of square miles. I think the theory is that certain people, such as African Americans, are considered less likely to vote if it's difficult. 

    It's making big news in Texas and may help inspire the people to vote and possibly turn Texas Democrat though that is not likely. 

    It is hard to believe when you see people waiting in line all day to vote. Outrageous. 


    People say this is a big victory for Trump. You could argue otherwise as :

    Trump has no personal stake except to win the election. You think he really believes in the ideas of a fundamentalist right wing Christian who believes the opposite of Trump. He probably believes in nothing except himself; and

    Trump may win a few votes amongst conservatives  but he  may have energised a part of the populace who, though they may think she is nice, sincere and intelligent in a certain way, don't want to live by 19th or 10th century rules and standards and ideas  in the 21st century.







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