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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Trumps only hope is he recovers quickly and get's a last minute surge. Can't see the sympathy vote happening much. 

    I think the overriding thing is that Trump will lose his Teflon Don image and his whole bluster over covid will now fall in a hole. Hopefully that wins Biden a few swing voters. Biden's already well ahead in a number of the key states.

    Never overestimate voters though. I still feel the pain of 2016.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

    Nope, that's just you choosing to inform yourself by CNN.  If Yu actually listen to what he says instead of a 20 second sound bite, you opinion would not be so terribly incorrect.

    Take the media out of the picture and just look at the words of Biden and the words and tweets of Trump. If you can say that Biden is the hater out of those two then good for you. Come on man. 

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  3. Polls initially said Biden won the debate around 60 to 40. I saw an interesting discussion that often people's view changes in the following few days. They said in 76 the Ford Carter debate was a draw but when people thought about it, and with the media picking up on some of Fords mistakes, Carter went ahead.


    I think this could happen this time. People are initially bamboozled by the noise and chaos but they are now left with remembering that:

    • Biden attempted to give direct answers to the people and was reasonably strong; and
    • Trump had been a noisy jerk, who says he wouldn't accept a losing election result, and who was reluctant to distance himself from white supremiscists.

    So in that sense maybe these debates are good. 

    • Like 2
  4. 57 minutes ago, NotJoeMama said:

    I stayed there in June of this year.  The first customers there upon reopening. 


    Agoda has it listed as a 5 star.  The only thing 5 star about it is the view.  The beach is only decent at high tide and only in a certain area or else you’re walking on rocks and shells.  Two swimming pools.  One is very nice and the other mediocre.  Unless you get the golf cart,  you’re walking up VERY STEEP hills,  especially from the top pool to the top (above it) rooms where we were staying.  No safety measures working in the cable car when it broke on us.  We had to scream for someone to hear us to send help.  Breakfast is very poor.  Nothing around so without a car,  you’re not going anywhere.  I wouldn’t go back,  no matter what the price.  We got it for a deal at 100 bucks US a night and I don't think it was worth that.  They deserve bad reviews,  but probably not what this guy did.  I purposely didn't post a review as I know,  as seen here,  what can happen.

    I'll sound like an apologist for the hotel but would like to give a counterpoint to this opinion.

    You are right the hotel has an amazing outlook. There is a full sea outlook from all rooms in the hotel unless you are on the ground floor in the cheapest rooms.

    The cheapest rooms are about 3 1/2 star but I think priced accordingly.  Huge rooms with that stunning beach outlook and many are seconds from the beach.  The top rooms are expensive but they are 5 star. 

    The beach does have some rocks at some parts but you work out where to swim and it is pretty and sandy. 

    I think both pools are stunning with the sea outlooks so I am not sure which you didn't like. 


    The breakfast when I have stayed was close to the best I had at any hotel and the best in Koh Chang. Salads and other vegetables on site. Maybe the buffet's now gone because of covid.

    I was in the cable car when it stopped once and had to call security on the phone and they got it going. Maybe the phone didn't work when you were there.

    You mention the steep hills, but there is the cable car, and they are happy to take you up in a mini car, and  there are winding paths that are not that steep in beautiful forest with birds, flowers, monkeys and butterflies. It is actually built into the forest thus the old huge trees. A  large waterfall in low season. It is surely the best garden in Koh Chang. 

    You can get a taxi for 50 baht easily to the nearest big town, they come in a few minutes,  and you can walk there in 5 to 10 minutes along the beach at low tide. They have a few free transfers as well.

    Has an amazing spa and gym.

    Not saying your opinion is wrong. Let the readers decide. 

    • Like 2
  5. 15 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    I am a Trump supporter, and I am not happy with the moderator more then anything else. Wallace has a real knack for asking questions with an implication embedded inside the question which is not true, therefore he put Donald Trump in the position with having to argue the merits of the question itself, before answering the question. This in itself is a dirty trick.


    As for Donald Trumps performance, I am never happy with the lack of precision in his language, but think he did OK. I think he should have gone after Biden a lot more on the entire Russia gate conspiracy spitting out the most current information. I was pleased he put out information on Hunter Biden as this can now go to the fact checkers.


    I think Biden did well in the debate, better then expected. I do not think there is a single undecided voter in the United States despite claims to the contrary. I mean seriously? An undecided voter? There may be some who decide to stay home and not vote based on a lack of enthusiasm for Biden.


    Getting out the vote. That is what matters here.

    I know its hard to imagine someone not having made a decision either way on Trump after 4 years. I suppose there are many people who just live there lives working tough jobs and aren't into politics like the likes of us.

  6. 14 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:

    I preface the following remarks with stating, I am not a citizen of the United States.

    I also preface the below remarks by saying, they apply wherever, not just and uniquely to the United States and it's upcoming election for the Presidency.


    I detest those who harp on about 'fair share'. I detest those who call it 'gaming the system'. Presumably, the tax authorities were satisfied that the correct tax was paid at the time. 


    Granted that perhaps the system needs review and possibly changing, but it is the system, not the person. 


    Get a life.


    There are a few issues in addition to paying your fair share.

    To address your point when you lodge a tax return it is self assessment i.e. not checked at the time but possibly audited later. He is now being audited. So no one was satisfied as such at the time he lodged.  

    There is in fact the likelihood that he has not declared income and deductions appropriately and could have a huge tax bill. 

    There is the separate fact that a big part of the reason he paid no tax was because he is not a successful businessman.

    There is the fact that he is loaded with debt and that has huge national security and other implications.

    So it is not just the issue of paying your fair share.  


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  7. This case is strange. No one comes out looking good.

    The guest seems to have had bad manners and was a tad vindictive but surely had the right to post as he saw things.  The slavery term is a bit over the top but he might have seen it that way. The issue is did he go to these lengths because he was embarrassed over the corkage issue or just because this was his opinion. Hard to prove either way.

    Stayed there a number of times. Mention this because it is hard to believe he couldn't find some nice things to say.

    I don't tend to give hotels less than 3 stars,  especially over staff issues, as it is hard to run a business like this and they may be just having a bad day. Just don't stay there in future.


    The hotel had a right to attempt to get the posts removed . Maybe they had a right to take it further when he didn't cooperate. You would hope they didn't intend for such a draconian outcome.


    Thailand laws come out looking over the top and a bit scary for locals and tourists. 

    Hopefully this will result in a modernisation of  Thai laws.


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