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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 12 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:


    Long may your blissful union run.


    Does she have Thai female friends where you live? That seems to be the common denominator for relationship longevity. Poss harder for her to find on an island.

    Thanks.  One of the secrets of a long relationship, as they say, is that we've spent at least half of it apart. She does have a good friend when in Australia - my thai ex wife. Wasn't always that way though. 

    To add to your comment above - with the interweb and gyms at resorts and lots of restaurants etc  it somewhat gives you a place to be other than the beach. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Prubangboy said:


    Perhaps the trickiest, thorniest life style enhancer to line up.


    My long ago time on Ko Chang often had a guy move into the hut next to me with a girlfriend du jour. I'd ask to move or check out.


    That lady wants to be back with her friends, not trapped with horny, bored Farang Curuso and nothing to do. Loud fighting ensuing no later than the morning of day 2.

    I was referring to my lovely girlfriend of 10 years so we wouldn't be noisy or unpleasant to be next to. Though every now and again she can go off the beam with her temper so there is that. 

  3. Just now, scubascuba3 said:

    i see guys by my condo pool every day cooking themselves like chickens on one of those rotisseries, crazy thing to do

    I am not a sunbather as such. But I like swimming and the beach nearby and since my possible retirement starts in May the few months would be at the start of the wet season which is my favourite time to go - big empty beaches, some intermittent rain but lots of time to swim with cloudy weather and some sunshine  - could stay at a nice hotel too for a good price. Could be that when I have no limits on time as I did in the past it seems less fun. See what happens. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Sheryl said:


    Depends on your age and your diet


    Dietary protein needs increase in old age at the same time that people are often taking less in

    That's interesting. Maybe I have it back to front. Feel like powders and stuff make you feel a bit heavy and not healthy but at 58 maybe it's worth it. 

  5. I was skinny as hell as a teenager and took a thing called Body Bulk. Made me bigger and fatter. Then moved to protein powder. It did seem to make a difference. Someone at the time said it was a waste because I was getting sufficient protein from my meat eating diet.

    I do a lot of gym now but no powder. I think as you get older such things are not good for you even if it means a bit less bulky muscle. This is subjective though - haven't looked into it. As your metabolism isn't the same as a teenager don't think supplements are good for your organs..

    • Agree 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

    I think these are very subjective and personal questions. Why should I expect science to answer them for me? What can science tell me about my own dreams? What does science know about my childhood trauma and what is needed to resolve it? Does it have a magic pill to make it all go away? Where has this pill been for the past 30 years?
    The hard sciences don't concern themselves with these intangible questions. The soft sciences (psychology, sociology...) try to tackle them with mixed results. 

    But why stop at these 2, when there are other sources that have explored these questions from the beginning of time, have been verified and peer tested throughout history and are as valid today as they were thousands of years ago? Why? Because our science doesn't quite know how to handle them? Because they don't fit in the accepted dogma of what is possible/real and what isn't?
    Is that a good enough reason to just ignore all that wealth of knowledge? 

    Fair point. But science is not the concern but the difficulty of finding the answer in scientific terms. So I suppose we might say - this works really well for me and fits what I have experienced, and this life time is short, so I'll believe these ancient ideas rather than wait for a stronger verification in scientific terms. At the same time I totally respect the tenets of science and understand that I would prefer there was a scientific answer but it is what it is. 

    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

    Absolutely, so true.


    Coincidentally, I woke up this morning with a small leftover from a dream, so I tossed it around a little in my head until it sort of came to a logical conclusion. 

    In the dream I was teaching my nephew about an ice cream cup. I said that most people only see the most evident attributes of this cup. Is it full with ice cream or empty. They see the color and the shape. Their action will be based and therefore limited on only those bits of information. 

    But there are many other attributes that are not so evident, like...what is it made of? Is the material recyclable? Is it rare and valuable? Is it soft and malleable or hard and fragile? Is it hot or cold? How does it smell? Is it a throwaway cup or is it a family heirloom? Where and how was it made?

    If you know all these bits of information, your actions will be much more precise and effective. 

    Knowledge is power, right?


    While thinking about this dream, I made the connection to our lives. Most people see themselves as a separate biological machine and accept this as a fact and the only truth. However, how many more bits of information would come to light if only we could scrutinise ourselves a bit more. Why do we act the way we act? What triggers that negative emotion? Which memory feels painful and why? What is that dream trying to tell me? 

    As with the example of the ice cream cup, increased knowledge will allow us to fine tune our behaviour, making it more effective and beneficial. 


    This principle then should be applied to all parts of our existence, to religious dogma, to scientific dogma, and I would say most importantly, to ourselves. 


    We say "This is my personality, my identity". But they are just objects here. Who or what is that which has a personality? Who is that subject that experiences this identity? 


    Here is the problem with the limiting belief of the biological machine theory. It doesn't allow for further scrutiny since everything that is not measurable can not be included in the fact-finding process. It is automatically excluded because it doesn't fit in the given paradigm. 

    But imagine how much information is lost due to this close mindedness?!

     Said it before but why is something not measurable? Even if it is ether, or spirit stuff, or something that hasn't been discovered yet. Your dispute isn't with science but with dogmatic scientists or with the worth some put to answering your questions.

    Those questions you ask are all scientific questions:

    Why do we act the way we act?

    What triggers that negative emotion?

    Which memory feels painful and why?

    What is that dream trying to tell me? 

    There are many scientists who don't wish to look to answer these, as they probably see it is too difficult to find productive answers, and there may not be productive answers. Or they can't make a living from it.

    But such questions are definitely not issues excluded by science. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

    Regarding the ability to not give a $hit......old age can do that for you. In the words of Ramana Maharshi :- There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny nor free will, neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth.

    Not sure how there can be no free will and no destiny. I suppose a third option is that we are automatons programmed in a certain way and reacting to a random environment in predictable ways. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, bignok said:

    I went there. Stayed 1 night and left. Looked like a rubbish dump.

    Funny. In my 3 days I was sort of pleasantly surprised in some ways in that it seemed like a normal city. Not much for a tourist who wants palm trees and a beach but lots of infrastructure and shops and whatever. Kind of nice in parts though a lot of traffic. Don't remember piles of rubbish or stuff like that. 

    • Like 2
  10. 20 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

    I might eventually have to agree.


    This next smoke season is said to be running March to June due to El Niño -so a little worse than last year. A place I love is def less lovable if I have to rearrange my life 25% of the time.


    We've re-signed for another year (no rent raise). If Smoke Season '25 looks dire, we're gone. 


    In which case, The  Dark Side of Pattaya starts to make sense (not into the beach partic) for having the mix of whitie pleasures and services; not to mention other whities. Close to Bangkok one way, lots of lovely towns like Chantaburi the other way.


    Nonthaburi BKK is another option. I'm going to look in on Phuket this year for the first time since '99.


    I wouldn't have thought you'd want the Dark side as I had assumed everything is spread out unless you want a house. Nothing like I picture Nimman though I am taking both based on youtube so could be completely wrong.

    I thought Pratumnak or  Wongamat or maybe a quiet offstreet in the main centres but walking distance to the shops might be more your cup of tea. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, bignok said:

    I did. Please wake up. It's a silly list. There's many silly lists out there. Written by clueless people.


    Expats don't have to live in tourist ghettos. 

    That's the thing. I would never go there for a holiday though I did for 3 days on the way to Koh Chang once. But it seems a reasonable place to live.. as discussed in a different post. I wouldn't want to live in Ubon or whatever but there you've got lots of stuff to do too. 

    • Like 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, bignok said:

    Americans like to talk. Aussies just do stuff.

    I think that's a good point. Wouldn't get on a site like this and wax lyrical about sexual proclivities or whatever. Not due to being squeamish or hung up. Seems a bit crass that's all. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

    Tell us more about this paralyzing creepiness you suffer from that seems to flick on and off like a light switch.


    Is it a physical sensation, or just a temporary malaise that attention has briefly shifted away from you?


    Your creep-aversion is wholly made up and completely unbelievable -unless you can articulate it.


    But like your planned physical confrontations with people here, that's likewise never going to happen.

    In defence of Bignok: If someone talks about sexual conquests in general terms, or about other vices e.g. drugs - this is not creepy - can be fun, silly, whatever.

    But if someone asks others to describe there sexual activity, or asks deeply personal questions, it can raise the question as to why this is of interest. Two alternative answers - it is people healthily talking about say, the state of their health and sexuality in a particular situation in a productive way, or it can be a bit creepy where posters ask for and provide too many details. I accept one man's creepy, is another mans normal, but it is not about swooning at the mere mention of sex, but simply that even a site like this can have a certain standard, and decorum. 

    A third category that can trigger my good self is where people may talk about a situation that can be construed by me as abuse as a norm or form of entertainment e.g. treatment of others be it friend, spouse, or lady of the night. In my opinion there is  behaviour that needs to be called out even in an anonymous forum.  

  14. On 11/30/2023 at 10:09 PM, SAFETY FIRST said:

    About 20 years ago me and a couple of my Pommy mates went drinking one afternoon in Nevada gogo bar, soi Post office.


    We were in there drinking for several hours, when we came out it was dark. Earlier we had parked the car in Royal Garden, so we walking along the frontage and there were about 10 girls sitting in front of what now is Sizzlers.

    My mate pointed at this pretty young girl, he said you come with me, she jumped up and came along. We all jumped in the car, my mate drove while me and my other mate and the girl sat in the back seat.



    My mate drove around Bali High, pulled up at the lighthouse 


    My mate (the driver) was in the back seat, myself and other mate waited outside the car, he had the girls clothes in his hands and we both laughed.

    She was still in the back seat, while she was in the back of the car we walked off and hid her clothes in a speed boat, back then the speed boats parked there. Anyway, after a while my mate drove past and pulled up with this naked girl, sat in the front seat, she did not seemed fussed, just asked if we'd seen her clothes.

    I felt bad so I went back to get her clothes that I'd hidden in one of the speed boats, I was so drunk I forgot which boat. After a while found her clothes, she got dressed and we dropped her off at her apartment (after paying her). 

    Her apartment was bottom of Theppraya, what a good sport she was, sadly you don't find those type anymore. 😔

    The good old days, you could drink and drive, cops would go home at midnight. 😎


    I thought I would let you know your post has been edited after I reported it. First time I have reported a post and they did remove the worst parts but left the sense that you humiliated this poor girl. The original post was the worst I have seen on this site and what is left is not flash. My feedback is that hopefully you can find a way to get your excitement through fun and kindness and not through humiliation of others and bad acts. 

    • Love It 2
  15. Devo had some thoughts that it may be better to have a low IQ to get by 
    I'm envious of your I.Q. of 37
    You, you're the one
    It's written all over your face
    You, you're the one
    I'd like to take your place
    I'm envious of your I.Q. of 37
    Your lack of brains just drives me crazy
    It's the only way to get by and be lazy
    You, you're the one
    It's written all over your face
    You, you're so dumb
    I'd like to take your place
    I'm envious of your I.Q. of 37
    From where I come it's the dumber the better
    No one likes a real go getter
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  16. It's a nice time of year to go. March is still fairly warm for the end of summer and May tends to be quite cold with some rain. Though it seems in recent years early May is still nice meaning April tends to be pleasant with the odd warm day, some cool to cold days, but general pleasant say low 20's. For accommodation it would be all the usual sites - don't know of cheaper options except maybe Airbnb.  

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