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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 39 minutes ago, Chris Daley said:

    One of the worst thing about religious people is that they still get upset when their grandmother or when the cat dies.


    So let me get this right you think that dead people go to a place called heaven but you are upset about it?  You disagree with God's decision right?  This straight up means you don't believe in your god.  They have every fairytale, lucky charm and emotional prop going for them and they cry like a baby.


    If the premise of a heaven really was true none of us would be anxious, scared or cry.  We would all celebrate life.  But it's not true and the only heaven we have is on Earth as a tiny slither of light amongst infinite darkness.

    You can believe in god without being a god i.e. not perfect but human. We all breathe and have conflicting thoughts that may make god's will difficult to fathom even if we believe.

    Missing someone or something due to being separated is not necessarily disagreeing with God's will but acknowledging you will be sad to be separated for a time. 

    The premise of a heaven would only lead us not to be anxious if god laid it out in front of us. His will may be that he tells us through the bible and asks that we have faith and build strength and character through that faith. We may also be anxious or cry because of life now and in the foreseeable future rather than what might come after life.

    I am not a believer in christianity but I like to argue a point. 

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  2. Good point. I lived in an apartment for some time fairly close to the city but now live in a house with a big yard. Though apartment life in Thailand is somewhat appealing I do wonder what it will be like to hear neighbours again, even just footsteps and water on and off could get annoying, after years of hearing only cockatoos and kookaburras. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


    To be fair, I haven't. As I don't really have free time, expect one day a week


    But if I did have free time, I don't see what I'd do that wouldn't be better in the west.


    Like, okay, I'll hear you out.  What's more interesting about Thailand?


    I agree everything in Thailand is available in the west and often better.

    But if I think of say living in Pattaya or similar I could see an average day as being able to, with Thai girlfriend if appropraite, live in a nice apartment with a good gym and swimming pool, near a nice beach for walking if not swimming, baht bus or cheap taxis easy, not far from better beaches for swimming and lots of hotel options in say Koh Chang for a third of cost in Australia, near fun casual restaurants of many nationalities at a fair price, near markets with colour and fun, near a high quality shopping centre with food from around the world and hopefully fun things to do, near somewhere I can get a massage, near bars for a beer if I feel like it, probably with like minded expats nearby if I feel like company, thai culture still a bit exotic and new for an Australian.

    Compare that to home which has many upsides - established family and friends etc, clean, no pollution, a range of weather , good quality food and good wine and beer at a fair price, some fun things to do. But restaurants  expensive and not fun and casual in some way, shopping centres tend to be dull with stuff I don't want, 6 months cold and drizzly weather, everything spread out and a bit boring and not that ideal or fun for a guy approaching 60 who can feel invisible.

    Put it together and both places have stuff to offer but life in Thailand can seem more fun if only for 6 months a year. It can sound like some things are about money but it's more about the value for money that can help make life seem fun. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, bignok said:

    I'm not a bogan. I'm just a realist. 69 baht curry tastes as good as some <deleted> $100 dish anyway.

    It's good you like the simple things in life and a few 69 baht curries can hit the spot but after a few days you get sick of them and they normally laden with salt and MSG and and what not so you move to something better quality. Doesn't make you a <deleted> to have cheap medium and expensive from time to time. 

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  5. That's no good. I found glass in my food twice - once in Australia and once in New Zealand. That sucked. Both times the staff copped it and accepted responsibility. I would ponder it for a moment - if it was super gross I may politely tell the staff that, it is an understandable thing to happen, but would you mind replacing it please, but if it looked innocuous, I might not worry - it's been cooked and can easily be removed. . 

  6. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Why is it indulgent to ask someone to keep an eye on your bag why they for a swim ??...  


    Its not exactly an onerous task to allow someone to place their bag next to you while taking a dip... (frolicking in the water or otherwise).


    Of course, a perfectly valid reason not to, would be if you are about to leave soon, or may go for a swim yourself etc... 


    But, otherwise, telling someone 'no' in such a situation does highlight a degree of 'ayholeness'.... 


    (not you), however, its of no surprise me to read some of the 'nay' responses and reasons from some of the posters who repeatedly re-affirm they are antisocial misfits. 



    I think the beach is a bit different as it is a place you specifically go to relax and not have to think. Also when one is in close quarters with others one should respect others privacy.

    This guy is saying - please be careful, and take note if my bag is there, so I can frolic and be care free.

    I admit this is a trivial issue and likely I would say yes if someone asked but I do think it is a strange request given the reality of mainly quiet beaches, from what I see on the youtubes, and why he would trust me I am not sure.  In my minds eye they left the bag nearby rather than actually with me which made it worse as I need to regularly look up where the bag is .. spoiling my day horrendously. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    It is getting there don't you think? 

    To be honest I've been around Thailand a lot but been to Pattaya for a total of 3 days.. hoping what I see on Youtube etc is somewhat  correct.. For what it's worth I'll likely book 2 or 3 months in 2024 and go to a few places for a month each and see what works.. if it is a shocker like some say then go somewhere else... 

  8. 4 minutes ago, mstevens said:


    The nicer developed countries like Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy. The nicer parts of some developed countries like California, Florida etc. Just a few examples. There are many - but like I said, the proviso is that you are not on a tight budget.

    Good point. I live in Australia so I'll likely be spending 6 months in Australia so Thailand is a nice difference. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, mstevens said:

    Pattaya is a great place to retire if you are on a tight budget and / or wish to avail yourself of the services of the city's many thousands of hookers.


    If you have a decent budget and / or hookers aren't your thing, I really think there are a lot of much better places to retire.

    For people in the latter category what would you suggest as the best places to retire in Thailand.. or would you suggest elsewhere

  10. 15 minutes ago, bignok said:

    Not really if you are sitting 5m away and not moving.


    The OP was totally rude in the first place by not removing ear phones.


    It's pretty sad how selfish and self absorbed people are these days.


    The world is full of tossers.

    Be a bit cup half full. He may have been elsewhere, thinking, and by the time he became aware the moment had passed and the two had walked by. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people mean well I think.  

    I must admit I often feel like people are tossers when I'm travelling i.e. actually going place to place, especially on planes,  as you get in a lot of niggly situations. Meeting new people all the time. Maybe you have been moving around too much. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    If not Biden, then who?  That's the quandary.  We don't want/need someone who's more able-bodied, younger, smarter, blah blah blah.  We just can't have Trump.  I agree with Mitt Romney.  He'd support anyone--Democrat or Republican--so long as they're not named Trump or Vivek.

    A Klobuchar Haley race would be nice. I like what I saw of Dean Philipps but he's likely a bit too light weight when it get's serious.  Gavin Newsom has a good presidential chin and experience despite Californian baggage.

    I can't see Biden winning a second term - it feels like it scientifically and statistically doesn't make sense. 

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  12. 52 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Neither would I.... but thats not the question. 


    I've been asked to keep an eye on peoples bags (on the train / airport lounge etc when someone pops to the toilet etc).... no issues whatsoever....   The same on the beach, its really not a hardship to look out for others. 

    Bit different for a few moments while someone goes to the toilet at the airport. I would do that as it makes sense. As long as the bag is at a distance and can't be deemed my possession. . Asking someone to watch your bag while they frolic in the water is a bit indulgent. No I would not like to do that. 

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  13. I can recall famous skeptic James Randi on the Don Lane show explaining that Doris Stokes may be full of cobblers and Don Lane getting in a tizzy and walking out. Australian thing. Then there was South Park where John Edward was voted the Biggest douche of the Universe. If they could they would do it without the 'I see someone with a name that starts with an A' stuff. 

  14. I hope if I go to Pattaya after I stop working I can enjoy the nice accommodation with the pool and gym and nice promenades on the beach and the wide range of foods from around the world and the fun lifestyle and the ability to converse reasonably easily and nice people and not be turned off by the incessant heat and sometimes problematic pollution and traffic and unsavoury characters you hear so much about. Hopefully it will be fun. 

    • Haha 1
  15. 20 hours ago, Danderman123 said:



    you have an active fantasy life.


    21 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Polls are notoriously unreliable this far out.  Heck, even the GOP primary polls 60 days out may prove inaccurate.  It'd be funny as sht if DeSantis were to win Iowa and Haley or Christie wins New Hampshire.  Trump would be out of his mind. 

    True, and if against Trump he'll have a shot, but let's not pretend an 81 year old slurring his words is the same as Obama in 2011 or Clinton in 95. No way. Job well done Mr Biden now please step aside. 

  16. 6 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    It would be much simpler and better if people wouldn't troll by emoticon in the first place and instead, tried to articulate their thoughts rather than posting silly  childish faces! If this were a kindergarten and all the posters under age 8, I might see things differently. But one minute there are intelligent and in depth discussions about taxation, economics or politics and the next we're faced with a wall of sad emojis, posted by people who presumably don't understand the subject matter or can't be bothered to join in.

    If I was king of Asean Now I would ban emojis within text. A few use them constantly as though it adds gravitas or humour or substance to their post. Don't like them. 

  17. 48 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    that's boring.


    Being bored means someone is unsatisfied with life at that point, so change it

    It is a question of degree. If you are horribly bored all the time, and everything you think of doing fills you with disdain and boredom leaving a feeling of melancholy and unhappiness, there is a problem. However, if life is OK and you feel a bit bored sometimes, I think it's natural and you don't have to rush off to find stimulation and new challenges and excitement.

    Suppose it depends on your personality. I think if you are fit and have a simple life you'll feel boredom sometimes but don't particularly want to fill it with stuff.

    But as you say if Bignok is really bored with everything, including his pretty totally not imaginary young farm girl and with every new town and experience etc, then good to take action. 

    I think getting fit and keeping life simple is a best first step rather than looking for excitement - that can come later after you have your stuff together to make good decisions. 

  18. I can't speak for Thai cards but my Australian cards have excellent travel insurance. For example one card has a policy which is through Covermore - the latter confirmed it is pretty much identical to the policy if I bought it direct. That is one of the biggest travel insurers in Australia. The brochure for the bank clearly spells out what is covered. Thai banks might be different, and it's good to be cautious, but you can save a lot with such cards. 

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