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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 40 minutes ago, alien365 said:

    I know Yinn won POTY but many were calling Yinn out before that point saying that it wasn't a Thai female. After winning POTY Yinn suddenly disappeared further adding to the fire. (too much hassle keeping up the charade). I gave Yinn the benefit of doubt to start with but also found it quite surreal how gullible many were protecting a poster that was probably a westerner with nothing better to do. 

    There was a post of Yinn's manifesto for Poster of the Year, a page back, but it was deleted. It showed exactly why she, he, it in my opinion was head and shoulders above most posters in terms of cleverness and getting what this site is all about. But I shan't continue discussing her, him, them or it will upset some on this site. She disappeared as she was banned it seems. 

    • Agree 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Prubangboy said:


    Most def. 100%.


    I was in sales. Interrupting someone's pitch is a grave sin.


    Do you c-block Jehovah's Witnesses when they're door-stepping and start yelling that there is no Jesus too?

    Next you'll be saying it's ok for poor people from the subcontinent to call old people in the states and get them to buy gift cards to pay their fake tax bill.

    A bit here and there is fine, one could argue that high taxi fares in Phuket are due to a form of unionisation,  but out and out scams where tourists find themselves in uncomfortable situations at a dodgy gemstone factory, that they never wanted to go to, should be stopped. Does not do Thailand's reputation any favours. Stand up and be counted. 

    • Like 1
  3. 48 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    I sort of get it.


    That doesn't mean I like it.


    This type of thing all began with Boy Bands in the US, like New Kids on the Block. It was aimed at Teeny Boppers who had access to Mom's purse.


    Japan took it one step forward, using cutesy girls instead of boys. Pink Lady was a start. Decades later Morning Musume followed. J-Pop had two targets: Teeny Boppers and middle aged men who fantasized about schtupping schoolgirls. The music was all flash...the girls made to be sexually stimulating, their voices corrected in the studio to something less than cat-in-heat screams, and a fancy technical production.


    Korea copied Japan and went after the same two target markets: Teeny Boppers and middle aged perverts. None of the women can sing worth a lick, and that doesn't matter. Can they be cute? Can clever editing make it look like they can actually dance? (Cyd Charisse they ain't) Can they be sexually stimulating to the older target market?


    It all comes with a price. The "artists" actually think they are talented, but as soon as their cutesy-ness morphs into adulthood, they are tossed aside and new pubescent girls are promoted as the next best thing. So many of these K-Pop singers and actors end up taking their own life by their late 20s.


    As for the music itself, the whole idea is to have a catch and then work it to death in the studio to make the voices a meaningless part of the whole. In the age of TikTok, where those without talent produce content for those without taste, it's a recipe for success, as the bar is set quite low. Cutesy is good enough. More power to them. Lisa Blackpink's recent $37 million contract says there is appeal, at least for now. Ideally she will survive her 20s and end up Mayor of Buriram.

    Some truth in there but much of what you describe has happened since the Monkees and before, in all pop markets, though they do take it to a new level. Many of them are clever and talented. I doubt a large part of the market in terms of $ is older people and I certainly take umbrage if it is suggested older people who have a bit of fun with KPop have to include an element of perversion to enjoy it. 

  4. Just now, scubascuba3 said:

    See you're boring everyone about it again, start a thread called Yinn and you obsessives can comment all you , without it touching many threads 

    Boring you maybe - fine - the point if you missed it was it was used as an example of how there could be robust discussion without much toxicity or negativity. You brought her up. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, bignok said:

    It's trolling. That's what the topic is about and you are Trump trolling. Plus you are an Aussie and can't vote. Ozimoron was the worst Trump troll and also an Aussie. He disappeared.

    I wondered what happened to him but he has disappeared and then reappeared before. I have a memory for that sort of thing. I do find a slight irony that many posters act like they care for the average joe but when one of their fellow posters disappears care factor seems to be zero. Maybe they make contact behind the scenes. Reminds you not to take posts too seriously. Anyone disappears and the conversation continues. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Are you sensitive about weight? 

    For what it's worth my silly username came to me seconds before I joined. Not sure why. Fine to discuss girls being overweight in the general. But not looking at actual real people and making comment on their weight or otherwise. We all make comments off the cuff so I'll give the user the benefit of the doubt or maybe the site is going in a new direction. 

  7. 18 hours ago, george said:

    Show us the video, we want to inspect them too. :partytime2:

    I hope this isn't the direction of this site. Advocating posting pictures of girls to judge whether they are overweight. The site can have some fun, banter, and titillation but needs to maintain some dignity too. Personal opinion. Happy to be told I am at the wrong site for me. 

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  8. I think Pence was an inspired choice in 2016 for Trump for the obvious reason that there were a lot of people who wanted change, but they could hedge their bets, knowing the no. 2 is a nice normal conservative politician.

    What I've seen of Ramaswamy, he seems fairly quick and agile, but too hard line and unlikeable. I think 1 + 1 rabble rouser politicians is not likely lead to success as the hollowness of their words, and what they stand for, will become fairly clearly apparent. Need Ying and Yang not too Yangs. Though a smaller hard core group would love it. 


    Haley seems the best so far though too mainstream for the modern Republican. Women seem to still find it hard to get across the line too. Christie in 2023 is pretty good but anyone in the past who helped and supported Trump strongly like he did, at time when there was no doubt about Trump's shortcomings, has to have limited morals and or courage and or brains in my opinion.  But in 2023 alone he is pretty good, and is up front about seeing the writing on the wall for Trump's future based on his legal woes, ready for when he falls by the wayside. 


    Come on Joe, you've done a good job, I worry your wife is convincing you that you have 5 more years as a politician in you but please see that the time is right to plan the next chapter of your life and let a new Democrat generation take control. 

    • Haha 1
  9. The picture you showed is at least 20 years ago. Could be that the equivalent of that type of person in 2023 listens to GANGSTA rap or something like the Australian Hill Top Hoods, calls each other Bro, and drinks scotch and coke mixers or something stronger. Not much flannels and beer amongst the young. 

  10. Just now, bignok said:

    Those rich bogans are only 25% bogan

    I think a bogan isn't simply say an unemployed dope smoker or whatever. I associate bogans as being active, fun, cars skillful with hands. Many of those are doing well. I don't see many old time bogans but maybe less in Melbourne. 

  11. It has to be noted that is an 80's or 90's bogan - different kettle of fish now as noted in a different thread. Many have lots of money, best cars and renovated houses, and are less distinctive or different from others now. A coffee shop where the so called cool people went used to be a rarity - now they are on every corner and bogans and everyone else are the customers. Except me - don't like coffee. 

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