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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 1 hour ago, Irrumator said:

    Ah poor 'ickums.  Suck it up - you seem about as thin skinned as the average Thais.  
    And I haven't seen anything on this thread about the OP having problems with  drinking or getting along with people.

    You seem to be like so many others posters on here - either incapable of reading and comprehending, making things up in what passes for your brain in a desperate attempt to justify yourself, or just plain trolling.

    I suggest you find a nice simple hobby, preferably not too taxing and not on the internet.


    Not sure what 'ickums is. Google couldn't help. 

    I don't recognise your username so you may not have the read the many, sometimes entertaining, Bob posts on said topics that I raised.  I am getting a bit sick of his schtick. So keep in mind you may not have the context and your comments are a bit off the mark. 

    As for your attempted insults .. people tend to write that sort of stuff when they have nothing to say. No offence taken. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Irrumator said:

    Idiot.  What a fatuous post.  

    Well when someone posts daily about their problems getting along with people in fairly simple situations and their problems with drinking you can put two and two together. Never had such a rude reply so that might say something about you and how you deal with things my good man. 

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  3. You have good intentions, and good to put a bit aside, but it might be making you serious and cheap and less fun to be around so I would go back to your normal spend for you and your wife, with a bit extra here and there, so you can all have good memories of having a bit of fun in your later years while they will appreciate the bit left behind too. 

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  4. Somehow though .. for the average spud .. life gets better and easier than ever before.. and though it is awful seeing the things going on in the world.. the mainstream media .. which so many here vilify .. get to shine a light on what's going on and make it less bad than it might have been .. think of the effect the media had in Vietnam .. Life is pretty good for most .. even for curmudgeons on this site... 

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  5. 9 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    8+8=16 times ????  Free speech/expression is not free.


    probably just a coincidence, critical emails & audits.   Funny how didn't happen under any other administrations.

    Maybe you have a different definition of audit but I do find it hard to believe that in Year 1 you had to provide documents and proof of your tax return, were found compliant, new audit in Year 2, same thing happened with same outcome, and then for a further 14 years same thing. By year 3 I think if you had have put in a complaint it would have been noticed and stopped as that is surely clear harassment.

    If it did happen it sounds like some computer program was on some loop error rather than both Republicans and Democrats caring enough about a few letters to involve multiple departments and 100's of bureaucrats in some vendetta over some harsh words. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    im getting on a plane next week so can update your list...sorry to disappoint the haters...

    Sounds like you have an interesting and challenging life in the states. Your posts are amusing too. Why not have a thread about life in America while away from Thailand. Could be fun and better than many of the daily trivial topics on this site. 

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  7. 38 minutes ago, mancub said:

    If you pay by card, you are offered the choice of which currency you want the booking to be charged in.

    In my case I book and pay in Australian dollars and if I pay there and then I'll pay the same amount in AUD.

    If I choose the pay later option they convert the amount due into a different currency e.g. USD at time of booking. When the date for payment comes they charge me by converting the USD amount back to AUD at the exchange rate at that time. So I am still charged in AUD but the amount can differ if the exchange rate to USD has changed. That's all fine. The part I don't like is they add 5 per cent to that without making it clear at the time of booking. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, pomchop said:

    I have used agoda for many years and have booked dozens of hotels via them.  Never had a hint of a problem and always found their prices and payment/cancellation policies clearly stated and most often cheapest of various sites. 


    I have had friends complain when they DID NOT READ the terms and then got hit with a cancellation fee because they booked a non refundable room.....and then of course they scream they got ripped off.

    There is one slight rip off with Agoda. If you pay now you'll pay the exact price as expected. But if you choose pay later they will charge you in a currency that they choose to use, sometimes USD some times Yuan or whatever, AND add 5 per cent. I don't mind the currency fluctuation, but the additional 5 per cent is not made clear and hidden somewhere deep in the terms and conditions which, forgive me for not reading top to bottom. 

  9. Used to be a fan of hotels.com because you got one night free for 10 booked and they price match so you can get cheap price and a further 1/11th off price.  But Agoda is now consistently significantly cheaper and never have add ons to price at final stage.

    Tip I have given before is start with a comparison site and then Agoda have a cheaper price rather than going direct. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Celsius said:

    I am not from UK, I have nothing to do with UK and I am definitely not going back to UK



    Canada isn't it. Cold one day. Freezing the next. Nice country but maybe you'll end up here half the time like I plan to do with Australia .. 180 days is enough in either country

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  11. On the rudeness on public  transport totally agree but since lockdowns, and people including me mainly working from home, 3 days a week, trains are rarely full on the other 2 to be a concern.

    On plane issue I am tall and I had a guy in front of me putting his seat back as far as possible recently and seemingly purposefully pushing back and moving in his seat to the detriment of my knees. I politely made him aware but he gave zero <deleted> so forgive me if I did knee his back a couple of times not on purpose or maybe on purpose. He said he had a bad back and I said sure but I am tall and you having your seat back makes it impossible for my knees not to go in your back a bit. Made me think if the seats with space are booked I might upgrade on longer flights as not fun. 

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  12. Not like you to have a whinge.

    One reason they might care a bit about money is that for many this is a first or second generation of having money. They work hard and they want to show something for it.

    My ex wifes father was dirt poor as a child and he bought a small rubber tree farm and built it up .. kids bought up simply but all doing well but not without really hard work.

    On the other hand, myself, and possibly many other posters, had it a bit easy growing up, and though we may work hard, we haven't known that struggle to move from child hood poverty to grown up success. So they want to show it with some nice wine, jewelry, etc and are more aware and conscious of it than we may be. Fair enough I say. 

  13. 30 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    The biggest risk to men in the west is a woman making a claim against you.

    There's almost no defense, you're guilty and will at the very least lose your employment forever.

    In some places in the UK, talking to a woman in the street was an arrestable offense (2 years jail).


    I agree there are specific situations where the rights of a particular subset of people get out of hand. Often where they have had real difficulties and unfairness in the past but the pendulum swings a bit far.  But I think it naturally swings back.


    Internet posters or news outlets though can scour world news to find one example in a little town somewhere that fits their agenda and they can sell to the world and suggest that is the new norm and we all need to be worried. 


    Call me old fashioned, but for such issues to make one irredeemably lose faith in humanity, as compared to horrible massacres or a tyrant attempting to bully a particular nation into submission, is a bit crazy.  

  14. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The sooner I'm off the better. I don't like anything about the brave new world being inflicted on me by horrid people with their woke agenda.

    I find it bizarre that with the horrible things going on in the world the part that makes you happy to leave this mortal coil is people caring about climate change or some bloke somewhere saying he feels like he's a woman. 

  15. Biden still maybe has a small window of opportunity to be the hero after winning in 2020 and doing an ok job and announce he will not run and let the party find a successor or to attempt to anoint someone who he likes. The electorate has no appetite for 4 more years. Hopefully he can see the writing on the wall and do what he needs to do. 

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