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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. I think you might like say a 45 or 50 year old government worker who, though they may not be the most intelligent, might appreciate a more sensitive self deprecating fun guy who can make THEM feel intelligent rather than what they’ve been used to from Thai men. And you can feel your musings and ideas are appreciated, even if not fully understood, and have someone to take care. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Thanks, yes I agree and it's good to get other opinions so as to be on the same page.


    Deeming as far as I read says that regardless if you make more than the % they charge you on the value of your shares/money in bank, e.g. 0.25% on the 1st $60,400 and then 2.25% thereafter, they won't charge you more, i.e. it's more or less a fixed rate which offsets things.


    Not sure I understand what you mean about other non financial assets pushing me over the "assets test", I anticipate having less than the assets test threshold for a non home owner on the single pension, i.e. $543,750, e.g. taking into consideration what it is going to cost me to continue living here till I get there and start receiving the single pension in about 4 years.

    Good one. 
    I added the comment about how the assets test could eventually come into play as a theoretical but likely the income test would be the one to have an effect. 

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  3. Keep in mind deeming applies of course to financial assets only eg not cars, furniture etc.

    The way I read you are deemed to have income of 64000 x 0.0025 = $377.50 if you have $64000.

    If you have $543750 in financial assets that would give you a deemed income of $377.50 plus $479750 x 0.0225= $11171. You are allowed if treated as a single person to earn $204 a fortnight or $5304 per year and then it starts cutting your pension by 50 cents in the dollar. So if you had $543750 in financial assets that would result in excessive income of $11171 - $5304 = $5867 resulting in a cut of $5687/2 = $2843 a year or $54 a week.  You would likely earn a lot more than this from your financial assets of course. If you had this much financial assets they may get you on the assets test as you would have other non financial assets pushing you over that limit. I may be a bit off but others may know better. 

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  4. 54 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

     Science has nothing to do with spirituality.


    Better to say I don’t think scientific method has tools to sense god and spirituality at this stage rather than say spirituality is on some pedestal above the need for scientific method, not requiring any evidence, your feelings being enough. 

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  5. Used the shoestring one Thailand and Burma. Good tip of turning up at Rangoon airport with duty free scotch and selling in the car park for Burmese currency.  Used the Indonesia one. Gili isles were basic and tips helped and  some tips for places like north Lombok and south Flores were like call so and so and you can stay in the school or with the local town official.

    By the early nineties the Gili isles changed a lot as did everywhere else of course and it seemed more fun to risk a crappy hotel than follow the so called ‘Banana pancake trail ‘ set down by Lonely planet. 

  6. 1 hour ago, LaosLover said:

    I saw them New Years Eve '77. They were at their Devo-ist.


    If you liked Devo, you must like the other great D-band, The Divynals. At some point, we'll have to get into Nick Cave's baffling religiosity to get back on track.

    Devo in 77. Impressed. Hardcore volume 1 and 2 are worth a listen if not heard before. 

    To me being an Australian the Divinyls are a different kettle of fish. Some good songs though. 

    Brother went to same Anglican school as Nick Cave. Not a strongly religious school but maybe an influence. It is hard to understand how some fall into faith. Prince too. 

  7. 1 hour ago, save the frogs said:

    So by that logic, you like to eat plain broccoli.

    Got it.

    Keep torturing yourself with bland and/or bitter and/or awful-tasting foods and drink in their unadulterated forms. 


    Combinations and personal taste. At home I have broccoli steamed with nothing added. My post was about sugar and in my opinion adding it to things often dulls the taste. Yoghurt, bread, tea, breakfast cereal, wine, pancake mix, Thai food, are often or always not improved by the addition of sugar in my humble opinion. Same often with salt.
     I eat a lot of chocolate with a bit of sugar. Good combination. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, save the frogs said:

    Sorry, I'm calling BS on this.


    A highly bitter leafy green beverage is no match for an Indian Chai, which contains milk, sugar, and spices. In other words, everything nices. 

    (And there are sugar substitutes which exist)


    Anyone who prefers a bitter and bland tasting green tea has probably brainwashed themelves to like it and there is some snobbery involved because you're following age old traditions.


    To summarize, plain green tea tastes like crap compared to Indian Chai. 

    And should only be drank if nothing else is available, as far as I'm concerned.


    Or even better, never. 



    Can’t disagree more. I can’t imagine adding milk or sugar to tea. Too many things now add sugar and other things to take away from the essence of what the thing is. 

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  9. Bit off topic but I liked Devo’s take on religion when they would play as Dove the Band of Love. They would chastise Devo for their devil music. Excellent version of Serve Somebody by Booji boy and there own song I saw Jesus. They would play as a separate band before their own gigs. Get paid as two separate bands. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, bignok said:

    You won't know unless you pay in baht and compare with $quote.


    Banks use mastercard or visa rate.


    I saved $2.50 on a $67 booking the other day.  Times 100x is $250. A significant savings. Cost of 10 nights in a room.


    On a $300 booking the saving will be $12 to $15.


    It has ALWAYS been 4 to 5% cheaper in baht based on 20 bookings. It has never been cheaper to pay in $.


    Ok so $2.50 isnt much but do it many times it adds up.


    If you think Agoda want to lose 4 to 5% on conversions by not charging a fee so be it. Just common sense to charge a fee.









    You can update the currency at the top of the screen and compare. I note too that they have different deals and promotions depending where you are which can give a different price e.g I noted above that price from Australian site relatively cheaper than US site even though they ultimately want payment in USD. 
    But we can look at the hotel you booked and see the difference or not. 

  11. 1 minute ago, bignok said:

    False. The hotel in Thailand gets baht. Agoda charges you in AUD, pays them baht. They charge 4 to 5% to do this. Otherwise Agoda lose money via currency spread.


    I can only give you the facts. I can't make you use common sense to understand it.


    There is no such thing as 1 exchange rate. There is buy and sell rates. Agoda HAS TO CHARGE A FEE to cover the spread, otherwise they lose.


    Think about it.


    That’s all good so I tested your theory in my example and it was not borne out. If you went deep there may be a small difference but nowhere near 5 per cent based on my experience. As an Australian a discount would be offset by my bank charging in THB. Bankwest has a good card with no fee but there is a tiny difference same as Agoda. If you pick a hotel and look at the price in AUD and THB and show me a 5 per cent difference based on todays rates I will concur. But that’s not what I found. 

  12. 1 minute ago, bignok said:

    5% added now. All currency conversions. Hotels want baht not $.


    Ive tested this 20 times. Argue if want but I know it works. Been to 33 cities now



    The site says they add 5 per cent if ultimate charge is different to display currency. So in Australia my display currency is AUD and if I pay right away in AUD no 5 per cent. I don’t think Agoda  automatically charge 5 per cent if I buy a hotel in Thailand and pay AUD.  They didn’t in my example where exchange rate is around 22.5. If I pay later they change it to USD or other currency and add 5 per cent.  I see the logic of why what you are saying would make sense and am not arguing as happy to save a further 5 per cent if possible. Examples might help bear it out if you can provide them. 

  13. 30 minutes ago, bignok said:

    I'm sure have tested it. They charge 5% on conversions. Always select local money. Check price in $ then click baht, pay for it. Check statement. You just saved 5%.






    I did an experiment for a basic hotel I stay at sometimes near airport. 1140 baht on Agoda. 51 AUD. I think that works out the same. Then I went to TripAdvisor and put in same dates and picked Agoda. 890 baht or 40 AUD. I think AUD same as THB but see difference if book by TripAdvisor. The 5 per cent is added if pay later only I think. 

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  14. I think the trend is Thailand getting relatively wealthier, more south Asians Chinese and Russians, but it will remain cheaper than Australia and they’ll always be regions of Thailand that will be affordable.
    Surprised on this trip how cheap accommodation, food, etc is right now.


    Maybe more people like me, outsiders looking in, who spent covid etc watching Thai videos, reading this, coming up to retirement and finally gonna do it. 

    North America continent The Americas 2 continents America USA 

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  15. 11 hours ago, bignok said:

    You are losing 5% not paying in baht.

    Not sure. Paying in AUD in the first instance seems to often get you as good as price that is available. They may have special deals for some locations. Once I looked up from the US site and the price in USD was relatively a lot more. 
    I mentioned this before, but I find it is sometimes say 10 per cent cheaper to search a comparison site first, then  choose Agoda rather than going to Agoda first. Perceived competition, cookies, and location etc means the prices can change all the time. I have cancelled and rebooked at a lower price shortly after and Agoda don’t seem to care. 

  16. 9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I just read all the post in this topic until now.

    Are all most of you health freaks or impoverished?


    Personally breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I eat what I really like to eat.

    My rabbits eat the rabbit food.



    To be fair I did note lettuce in my post but I thought the fact they have 5 or 6 different types fresh on site was kind of cool. I have a whole range of stuff but some things you post aren’t my cup of tea. Often Thai sausages look good but are seriously poor quality. Fatty salty muck. Pancakes too so often look good but they have sugar in the batter and it’s too sweet if you add other stuff. Give me a crepe with proper batter please. Lettuce and other salad can be a good palate cleanser too and help you appreciate the other stuff. Some of your breakfasts look pretty good though. 

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  17. It will take a bit of time to feel the benefit. Even though I don’t drink much when I have none for a few days it can feel like you are missing out on your reward. For work or whatever. But then you feel an actual reward. A bit better feeling inside.
    Sometimes exercise might speed it up. Something that makes you sweat a bit. Not hard in Thailand. Don’t listen to the jokey naysayers. Nothing good from drinking throughout the day in my humble opinion. 

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  18. I might find fault with Australia here and there but it really is the lucky country. Free press. Free elections. Decent in terms of fairness. Thank you Australia because I would be in a different state of being without the benefits you bestowed upon me. Still likely happy to spend 50 per cent of retirement in Thailand but. 

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