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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Well done fellow Melbourne guys. American women always seem to want to articulate everything and often have so called big personalities or have big problems to talk about or something so the possibility that they are interesting soon becomes unlikely. Prefer my women to have a bit of mystery and subtlety. This is based on a small pool of American women and what I see on the inter web so may be totally wrong. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, PeterA said:

    Eucalyptus trees. They kill most of the grass around them, and grow  a few meters a year.  Ours are 5 years old, and at least 4 or 5 stories tall. The root systems are huge,

    so no worries of falling over in strong winds. When you grow tired of  the trees, cut them and sell them for making charcoal or building material.

    Have to disagree a bit as they are not the most stable trees and can fall over in strong winds. Have many where I live and they fall from time to time in the area. They drop branches too. They were contemplating using them by roadsides in Melbourne back in the 19th century because they were suited to the conditions but stopped due to their propensity to drop the branches. 

  3. 3 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    There are Western comforts outside of Disneyland... living in Thailand is fascinating if you want to learn about a new culture, language and way of living... though I think trashing people different from you will not be respected. 

    Fair point. I see Pattaya not as Disneyland but a pretty normal place in many parts but everything is close by. Would consider alternatives if I can think of them. Maybe I am talking about the broader area rather than central Pattaya.

    I like Thai people, you'll never find me trashing them hopefully, as I get older I am a bit less likely to become totally immersed into a new culture, enjoying it from a bit of distance living a bit of a western life, six month here and six months there. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, LaosLover said:

    I just spent 12 years at the top of a very attractive mountain in the Blue Ridges. It was so quiet in winter that you could hear the snow hitting the ground. I had an old growth forest 50 steps behind my house.


    Too much of a good thing. I doubt I'll ever live at that level of remoteness again.


    I'm right now ordering in from Ging Gri, the best Thai place in Nimman. An incredible feast will be here in 20 minutes. When I got to Appalachia, I asked my wife where we went to eat, she said, "the kitchen" - a room which I had previously used mostly to store vodka and hot sauce.


    No, I'm not living anywhere that doesn't offer B+ sushi within a 10 minute walk. Ever again.

    What makes a man into fancy sushi and art house cinema and theatre and bands and culture etc spend 12 years in the middle of nowhere albeit a pretty middle of nowhere. Interesting. 

    When I first planned to retire in Thailand I had a picture of fruit trees and forest with my girlfriend near Chanthaburi or something but the closer I get I think I want western comforts such as in Pattaya or Phuket. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. There have also been reports in News Corp alleging that Erin's ex husband Simon Patterson had told a friend he believed he had been poisoned by Erin in the past.
    In a social media post from June 2022 Simon said he almost died last year from gut problems that left him in intensive care.
    News.com.au can be biased for politics but ok for news reporting like this in my opinion. Even politics is not too bad on this site compared to other Murdoch sites such as The Australian, and state based papers such as Daily Telegraph, and Sky News. 
    Big story in Australia along with women's world cup.
    • Thanks 1
  6. The percentage of suitable farangs who you can talk to will rise if you keep off topics involving right and left politics, gender, climate change etc where perfectly nice seeming people can take off and become over the top boring. 

    In Australia it's easy as I have established boundaries between me and who I want to see and who I don't. If moving to Thailand on your own I imagine it takes time to work out what to do, who to talk to, and how to set up new boundaries if appropriate. 

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  7. Good memories going to the Valhalla theatre in Melbourne. They would put out a poster each three months and student houses would have it on the wall. The 80's. 

    The usual foreign films like Belle du Jour, Breathless, La Dolce Vita.

    Fun movies like John Waters Polyester, with a scratch and sniff card so you could watch in Odorama,  and David Lynch's Eraserhead,   and the Russ Myers movies such as Beyond the Valley of the Dolls were fun. 

    Then there would be the worst movies of all time like Plan 9 from Outer Space. 

    The 80's.

    Here is a cool Melbourne cinema. Different colours but here's pink. A good Melbourne citizen returns: The Capitol | ArchitectureAU


    I lived around the corner from a nice art house cinema for 15 years till I met my Thai wife and we moved to the hills. Nicer than the picture. 



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