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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. I do have a theory that the most active here maybe the shyest and weirdest in real life. Because of the importance it seems to take. Many who post time to time seem the most normal. But who knows. 

    I liked Yinn. It seemed like she was a she though the broken english did seem staged and didn't improve. Rumak said he met HER. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Bassosa said:

    And they certainly don't become a civil servant. That's like giving up on life.

    You may deal with the dodgy side of the public service but as a career public servant I can confirm it can be an interesting, productive, and satisfying career. In my cases saving millions of dollars. Stopping illegal acts. 

    Good work life balance, generous retirement superannuation, helping the good people of Australia.

    Sure many Thais the same.

    Not everyone wants to spend long hours selling something or other. Good for those who do. Public servants do have a life thanks. 

  3. Could be because in the morning you are hassled by the weight of expectations. From yourself and others. To many choices and decisions can make you lazy.

    What to do to feel productive as well as have fun.

    You noted you like being on a train. At night, or on a train, there's nothing much else to do but be and that can feel better. Excitement can come from freedom from expectations. 

  4. 7 hours ago, LaosLover said:

    Yeah, quite.


    The layabout pretend-lawyer only came up with the scheme when he saw I had one foot out the door.


    His prior gambit was asking for a "propah gap yeahr abroad". I told him: That couch sitting year, that was your gap yeahr.  That's why they call it a gap yeahr, as in singular.  If you wanted to pretend to save orangatungs like your loser Guardianista friends, that ship has sailed. Now it's time for the first of many work-yeahrs.


    He eventually got a do-nothing job with the town council. He still lives with his Mum.


    His gap yeahr money turned into my sushi fund money. Sadly, the sensitive huffy guy looks gone from this thread for good. My sordid cheapskate tale is beneath him commenting on, am I right?



    How long were you with her and presumably her kids if you don't mind me asking. It's hard to get the context otherwise. 

  5. My hesitation to use stuff like this is the same as my hesitation to get map directions when driving. If I drive I like to work out where I am going and get there without being told step by step. You hear the stories of British tax drivers having a better or different developed brain than others. So long cut short I don't want to use too many helpers rather than my brain as it might limit the powers of the brain. It might take me to step 3 of a thought process i.e. save time but it might be better but slower to get there myself by thinking. 

  6. My ex thai wife likes Richie and Maybelle in Phuket. Fairly down to earth. Run a cafe. Not my cup of tea but nice couple. She also really liked this christian western lady with a thai husband with cute kids. Stayed in Koh Samui a lot I think. Nice hotels all the time. Talked about helping others. Set up a successful clothing business or something. Lots of views. 

    Based on these two there are two ways to consider:

    Down to earth and simple and honest with a bit of humour.

    Or aspirational giving people something they wish they had and gives them an escape.


  7. There's that couple that did videos. Holistic trainer. My ex wife calls them Beavis and Butthead. Aussie guy and Thai girl. She started all normal and shy but seemed to become popular and dressed all sexy. A bit over the top and inappropriate for the situation e.g. going to breakfast at the hotel but dressed for a nightclub. But good luck to her as she got popular. So if your girlfriend is really a hotty 9 out of 10 look out for a lot of attention. Most videos were dull content though. Going to the same places. Staying in hotel and getting excited over stock standard food. 

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  8. 4 minutes ago, bignok said:

    I had no idea in the beginning what would happen. But I had a vision of dating a farm girl so I went down that path. That 3 days was after 6 months of dating.


    I like the village but food options are limited. CM kills it for food.


    I tried finding a gf in Phuket but there were either busy working in their job, massage girls or bargirls. So I went bush and found bush.

    So you had 6 months staying in a farm area wooing the girl. Or was part of it by line. She was no doubt impressed by your persistence

  9. My 2 cents following from previous topic is:

    That resort on White Sand Beach is still basic but probably best section of beach on the island. KC Grande close. Kacha good too as noted. As low as 50 bucks AUD for Kacha on beach side room and breakfast on beach.

    Best beach for sports as wide and long of course.

    Nice resorts on Khlong Prou include at one end Paradise Resort and the new section on the other side of the road called Paradise Hill which has good facilities for kids and is a bit cheaper but you can use the facilities of the beach side resort. A strip of a few half decent restaurants but not much else. 

    Santhiya Tree in the middle of Khlong Prou has beautiful new rooms.  10 minute walk from shops but regular shuttles. Near a waterfall too. 100 bucks. Room with pool and breakfast on beach. 

    At the other end there is Dewa and Centara. Nice and not too expensive. If you want more basic and a bit fun Blue Lagoon is good near these resorts and seconds from the beach.  

    Kai Bae probably has the best food options. As noted in previous topic Sylvan near Kai Bae is nice. 75 bucks AUD full sea outlook and breakfast with panoramic outlook. Beach has a few rocks but bits are clear. 

    This and Santhiya Tree are good for impressing the ladies and are dirt cheap in low season. 


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  10. If you want places that aren't amazing but are something: there's a beautiful waterfall near Pakse in Laos not far from Ubon, much bigger than ones I have seen in Thailand,  as well as beautiful coffee plantations, even though I don't drink coffee, and a beautiful temple built into a hill not far away where my girlfriend and I had a big fight. 

    In Uthai Thani there is my girlfriends main temple which inside has mirrors everywhere which is unusual like something out of Lost In Space and a temple on a big hill looking over the countryside. 

  11. Just now, EVENKEEL said:

    I was there a few months ago and stayed at Kacha. The night market consisted of a few stands along the road.

    I 'm staying there in a few weeks for a week. I have only been to Koh Chang once since covid and like you say it was pretty poor then too. There is a lady there who made a good som tam and sticky rice and fried chicken and soup my girlfriend likes. Hope she's there but low season seems to hit Koh Chang pretty bad now. 

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