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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. I can put up with an imperfect government but the powers that be in Cambodia and Philippines and Laos are a step too far as a place to actually stay long term.
  2. Exactly. I just worked out I could take long service leave and annual leave and throw in some sick leave and retire middle of next year though actually not retire for a further two years. Since it's become a bit real Bali has popped in my head - closer and probably more familiar and more Australian stuff available but keep away from bogans and instagrammers. But Thailand still most likely - Bali is a bit small and the rest of Indonesia not really good for retirees. Thailand seems to be the best of most things.
  3. Presumably people lose card when outside of room. So what happens to your stuff.
  4. I assume the point is that that is a good thing. The upside of social media is they can't hide what's going on and stop people communicating. The downside can be that many small and bigger incidents are now on youtube and can exaggerate how bad things are in places like the UK - especially if social media targets a consumer as liking videos that confirm their worst concerns but not showing you the videos that show the good things going on in society.
  5. West has culture - especially Europe. Australia doesn't have a lot but compared to the past probably has more - cultures of the world in one place. If you like temples plenty in Australia. Not sure what you mean be selling your soul - what culture has been lost. Maybe a bit of Australian larrikinism and humour and a kind of innocence - which is a loss but there were a lot of yobbos and bogans back then too. The PC stuff is for universities and media - do you see it much in your actual life in Sydney. I am guessing not much. Bit here and there.
  6. Deluded is a bit strong considering I am stating a consideration rather than a strong opinion. As you know suggesting inflation may have peaked at say 7 or 8 per cent simply means prices will continue to rise at that rate and hopefully subsequently increase at a lesser rate - not that prices have stabilised. Thailand, and many other countries, have not been increasing their rates as much as Australia. There are different methods to achieve overall economic prosperity - hope the RBA know what they are doing.
  7. Sure the last rate rise was 0.25 instead of 0.5 but a lot of the fall in AUD to USD had been before this when rates were rising at expected rates. Sometimes limited rate rises are a good sign that inflation has peaked ie Australia has less inflation than the United States in the past 12 months. Not sure too if it is political to raise rates less given no upcoming election. Accept though that recent drop could be directly related to limited rise in rates. It’s difficult of course - raise rates too much and demand stalls and then you are guaranteed a recession. Off topic so delete if necessary. Not off topic for me as it affects the future options.
  8. Australian dollar down to 23 something. Seems like when things like stock market falls and economic problems happen in the US Australia seems to be more affected that the US itself.
  9. Not sure why you can’t have those things in Thailand. For many retirees having nice warm weather, a range of good food options, imperfect but nice beaches, good accommodation options, sports etc, friends and yes things like massage and fun and entertainment can seem more attractive. Some older people could sit in a boring cold Australian suburb in a million dollar house or come to Thailand and have fun. Depends on your ties to your home country but the modern era makes communication easy. In terms of fun there is more Western arts etc in the west but now you can enjoy many things online. Rural life in Thailand could be potentially more fun than living in rural Australia. Not sure why living in Thailand has to be like a homeless person living in a park. You could spell out the fun in your home country that is so much better or not available in Thailand.
  10. I think he still has support among many republicans as he appears so pliable with no particular standards that he’ll be a good bet to be loyal and do whatever he’s told by the republican hierarchy
  11. Do remember stuff. Don't you? Remember topics and the personality of posters a bit I suppose. Not hard really - there are certain posters whose personality comes through strongly and this is such a poster. I remember he lives in Sydney in a job he's sick of, is close to retirement, and has holidays in Pattaya and such and gets annoyed at giving tips. If you don't I suppose it's like Groundhog Day - seems like that on some topics, where the same posters have the same responses or complaints, weekly if not daily. Still get 30 likes and laughs for the same comment as before.
  12. Maybe the decimation of society. Looting and pillaging. People fighting over scraps of food. Gangs of thais searching out farangs to blame. The government falling giving way to full blown chaos. Or the beauty of empty city streets like during covid.
  13. Probably just that a little child can't communicate the pain as an adult can. Probably more sensitive. Probably the baby is thinking what the <deleted> is this. Leave the peen alone.
  14. Why is the mainstream media an anathema to some. The way they became mainstream is by gaining trust and building an audience so they didn't have to be some guy on a c r a p p y website. There is a lot of distortion, influences and noise, but surely you can get something out of government websites -BBC, ABC Australia, Al Jazeera Qatar, or left leaning sites that are clearly bound by high standards - New York Times, Washington Post or the Guardian, or right leaning sites such as Washington Examiner, a range of Murdoch press - some in my opinion dodgy as hell but a point of view - and a range of non political media in the middle or either side. Take you pick. Have a look around. Better than some guy pulling a point of view out of nowhere or a government spokesperson clearly just mimmicking the words of the leader.
  15. If it's not love then it's the bomb that will keep us together The Smiths 1987
  16. I can recall reading this graphic novel in the 80’s. Became a movie. Old retired English couple Jim and Hilda Bloggs deal with post apocalyptic life in the UK.
  17. Article in LA times. Shows news is getting around. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-10-06/forget-california-amsterdam-this-country-wants-to-become-king-of-weed
  18. I don't post in the marijuana pages as not my business. I had a bad experience with hash cookies in Thailand as it happens in 1985 on Koh Samui. My subsequent marijuana experiences not much better. So strong. Happy to accept it's just me and have no desire to impose my experience on others. It's a bit hard to fathom that something so strong, and I believe it has got significantly stronger, can be all a good thing. But legalisation in America hasn't lead to too many issues that I have seen so let people do their thing I suppose.
  19. Just invade, murder, and pillage in one country and people get upset. Just one country's people being killed and their lives turned upside down. Why all the hate? You know you can criticise America's different but past issues too. Surely you can do better than this. Off topic so delete if necessary.
  20. These Final Hours is a good 2013 Australian take on the final days. Some go for the big final party, some just freak out, some look to do some good as pointless as it may be. Netflix.
  21. There's comedy I liked as a kid that new generations would find funny and others that were of their time only. Monty Python has something about it that as a whole is still funny to new generations whereas I think the Goons were of their time. Probably new and exciting at the time, and an influence on others such as Monty Python, their stuff has always just sounded chaotic and silly and a bit childish to me with the odd funny bit. But individually Sellers and Milligan were so funny so I am not sure why that is the case.
  22. don't think too much good not to have things to worry about but don't want to be so simple as to be imbecilic Not understanding what is going on is not a sign of transcendence
  23. I do but that's because I use the loyalty card too. The supermarket computers send me emails giving me offers relating to past purchases, telling me what's on special and targeting it to things I use, the odd free product. It is possible they sell my information so the powers that be know I prefer Shredded Wheat to Weet Bix but I can live with that.
  24. Filmed in my city Melbourne Australia deemed to be one of the safest big cities in the event of the Northern hemisphere apocalypse as long as the clouds of radiation aren't big enough to kill life everywhere.
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