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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. To comment on some of the above. Australia is a good place to live. No pollution. Best beaches and forests and outdoors. Long winter where I am but not like the UK and lots of options for better weather. Australians generally fun and friendly and believe in the fair go. Lot's of opportunities to succeed right now. Heaps of good paying jobs. It is expensive but wages are high. Property is over priced, drooping now, but that's good for many older Australians who worked through their lives. If you were unlucky or lazy don't blame Australia. Covid rules gave Australia a bad name. The tough rules did have some excellent outcomes such as low death rates, and not so excellent outcomes, for some individuals. The Australia as nanny state thing though is over the top. Yes there is oversight of business and government, but this has the outcome of little corruption, and little likelihood of Mountain B night club type situations, and fair treatment of workers in general and fair pay. Covid payments paid to businesses who didn't need it was bad. Not corruption as such. I put it down to ineptitude, a pro government business, and a big concern of recession at the time. Think back to March 2020. The government wanted money out there fast, so for the first payments they said 'If you think sales are going to drop then you can get it'. Of course everyone said they thought sales would drop and got the payment. Should have had stricter criteria. Second payments were better controlled. Other government handouts like for the NDIS have been plagued by abuse too. The downside of Australia is also an upside - the people are pretty similar 1000's of kilometres apart. Can make it seem a bit boring for older people - shopping malls, pubs, pokies etc. But you have freedom of speech and freedom to live how you want.
  2. The expression is normally knickers in a twist but never mind. It could be that he does bad things and the heroes in the story are those that take him on. Biden. The January 6 committee. Those who made this happen.
  3. CNN had an interesting point noting that Trump has the warrant used. The warrant provides some detail on why they did what they did and it is interesting that Trump hasn't released it. Turned on Fox News for the first time in months just to see Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham have a hissy fit and they didn't disappoint. Or they did disappoint. Hannity compared Trump's treatment to the treatment of such luminaries as General Flynn and Paul Manafort. He was interviewing the latter though I had had enough by then.
  4. T You and I don't know whether has committed a crime. What you read into what has happened is up to you. Logic would suggest the FBI have a serious reason to do this and would have been aware of the short and long term ramifications of doing so. Be open to the possibility that law is being followed appropriately. See what happens.
  5. The FBI wouldn't do this lightly of course. They would have had to justify such a decision to the highest levels. Be interesting, to say the least, as to what they find.
  6. *Deleted post edited out* and yet .. he's the president of the United States.. this is a big win ..
  7. I went to Ko Chang in June and made the mistake of going on a public holiday. Miles long lines to get to the boat and then for Thais returning they got the same thing on the Sunday. For thais 3 day holiday with 2 days stuck in car. Note to Bob: Don't go to Koh Chang on a public holiday.
  8. Many work long days too. Thais I know work 10 or 12 hour days sometimes.
  9. It definitely works. Audit staff normally pay their way and much more by the money they bring. Surely more staff, and bringing in more expert staff at a fair pay to compete with private enterprise, is a good thing. There's nothing inevitable but Republicans being happy with a hobbled tax office and the status quo regarding drug costs. Now need Democrats to sell it.
  10. I do feel for people in general in this inflationary environment. In Australia gas and electricity prices are going through the roof. I got a bit of a shock with a 2 month bill given for 3 weeks I was in Thailand. There's stories of pensioners and others just being cold and covering with a blanket through what has been a cold winter. Not good enough given we have sufficient gas which is being shipped overseas for larger profits. Hope it's not too off topic but these are tough times for those on a low income who have a home let alone the homeless.
  11. Shares are nice an easy and many Australian shares have a nice dividend. As long as you can cop rises and falls.
  12. I don't get the reference to Australia. We just had a free and fair election.
  13. Some of the more extreme left ideas can be too extreme. San Francisco, for example, went too soft on crimes such as shoplifting. But were such policies supported by national Democratic leaders or were they a local phenomenon. I think it's clear that the untenable and illogical extremes on the right are much closer to the power base of Trump, Cruz etc etc than the more extreme left policies are to Biden. You could ask if what you consider extreme on the left , in your opinion, are either 1. of little actual consequence to you or most peoples lives and just give people freedom to be who they want to be e.g. trans rights, or 2. are not part of mainstream Democratic policy . Whereas on the right except for a few exceptions it's hard to differentiate between the looney right and the actual leaders. I don't see an extreme left wing CPAC style conference supported by Democratic leadership.
  14. On things like the Pentagon I don't get why after 21 years it would be brought up when there's clear evidence of what happened. The broader thing though is how that could even be a thing. That the planes that hit New York were terrorists and then someone said hey we'll say they attacked the Pentagon too because..? Or the whole 9 11 was not terrorists but someone else because...? So spending time discussing it 21 years later can seem a bit nutty, as it is proven, and even if photo evidence was lacking what possible scenario could result in a broad group of people lying about it and wanting to lie about it.
  15. Some tailors are convinced they know best. I like a bit loose fitting. Not tight. Cotton. Told them. Gave them a shirt as a sample. They gave me tight. Seriously tight under the arms and around the chest and in the shoulders. They seemed to do it in Indian or Nepalese style or fashion or whatever. I had to tell them. Not tight. Loose fitting. Came back. Slightly better. NOT TIGHT. LIKE THE ONE I GAVE YOU. GOING HOME TOMORROW. One time I gave up and once they got it right.
  16. They might come in contact with raw meat in the storage or preparation process. It had been found in other meat coming into Australia from Indonesia the week before in viral fragments which isn't dangerous but a close call. A big fine is appropriate. Think $1874 might be a bit much for a such an error though in my opinion.
  17. To be fair I didn't say it was beef. Noted that there is a specific high extremely risk of beef from Bali as others pointed out. It looks like foot and mouth disease comes from pigs too so ham may possibly be a risk. The products may be stored next to or cooked along side beef burgers and staff may touch both products. As I say, people travelling should and would know from the card handed to all passengers and the video that all meat should be declared. After years of watching the Border Security Australia TV show, which you can watch on youtube, most fines tend to be lower, e.g. from one to a few hundred, and they'll often be lenient to first time travellers or old people etc. That fine appears not to be the norm and had been brought in due to the current situation. I agree it's a bit nasty.
  18. Fair enough. I wasn't suggesting it was his mistake. I had seen a number of posts seem to talk about the evil left MSN - maybe they were all saying MSM - no worries.
  19. Very harsh on Australian Public servants of which I am one. Not that agency. You maybe had one having a bad day, so make all sorts of judgements on a range of staff, doing a good and important job. Never had a problem going through the airport. Everyone friendly. There is a video on the plane telling you to be careful. High alert for beef now. I agree the high dollar amount is pretty harsh but if people just think about the form they are completing it shouldn't be so hard and no drama will ensue. The potential downside is massive for the Australian economy.
  20. I googled it and it appears you might mean mainstream news, MSM news, in general. Not MSN. Maybe that acronym is not common here. Problem solved.
  21. Let's say it's a bit more than silly. Do you really think people who vote for Biden all look at a young black lesbian and say 'Wow. Right on. She's cool and current. I care about her.' No. It seems any strong support she might have because of her identity by a fraction of the left, is strongly outweighed by the repulsion and nastiness, at a girl making a mistake, by the right. As an aside I never quite understand when people talk about the huge influence of the leftish MSN news. In Australia most media is controlled by the Murdoch right, or the government, or other media such as Nine Entertainment. MSN has a link to it but by no means controls it. I am not sure it's so different elsewhere. MSNBC is owned by NBC and is not massively huge compared to other media in any case. Just don't get the reference to it as some all powerful source of media but it may be I am missing something.
  22. There's a lot of posts here that seem to take a lot of pleasure in this. Don't know the history but it seems nasty. She made a stupid mistake that involved a tiny amount of drugs. I guess some of the posters here never did something silly. Never didn't think things through.
  23. Looking a bit better now for Biden. Lots of jobs. Legislation for climate change, cheaper drugs paid for by big business, seems set to go through. Signs that women and men may take Roe v Wade seriously when voting such as in Kansas. Republican silliness continues unabated. Look at CPAC in Dallas. People seeing signs of potential justice relating to January 6. Even defamation trials for Alex Jones helps give people heart that common sense can prevail over some distorted right wing view of freedom of speech. Mid terms may not be so bad.
  24. I agree that if after say two years into a marriage, a woman says she wants no more sex, you should be able to split and in many cases not give here a cracker. I just think that many woman don't have an intention to go that way and it is a combination of time, children, and other things that make her not want sex, and it is no point the man trying to force a contract, or decide she is malicious or a bad person. Just move on to greener pastures like Thailand and it's all good.
  25. I think being a bit tired of being with someone, anyone, and having doubts from time to time is absolutely normal. Having doubts doesn't mean they are all pervasive or a sign of failure - doubts are just human nature. Even those who have a perfect life of 100 per cent pure love can benefit from some time apart.
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