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Everything posted by vinci

  1. alcohol is more addictive then weed, and more dangerous, Thaksin is getting to old losing his marble and delusional
  2. Jan 6 committee can't put anybody in jail, they are not jury, they do not vote if trump is guilty or not, they are there to investigate and give evident to the DOJ to do their job, doesn't matter 50/50 or not, it all run down to evident, they speak with people that they think was involved, mostly Trump goon, even Trump daughter has turn her back on him
  3. they will never charge Trump because they think it will look bad for America, they will find any excuses not to charge Trump, personally i would like to see Trump in prison
  4. am an atheist, so their whole cult seem strange to me, but hey you do you
  5. he's dead, one man crusade is his own, wife and kids logically have nothing to do with it, it's a big lost now suck it up
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